Tackling Business Complexity in a Microservice with DDD and CQRS Patterns (1)

Design a domain model for each microservice or Bounded Context that reflects understanding of the business domain.

This section focuses on more advanced microservices that you implement when you need to tackle complex subsystems, or microservices derived from the knowledge of domain experts with ever-changing business rules. The architecture patterns used in this section are based on domin-driven design (DDD) and Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) approaches, as illustrated in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1. External microservice architecture versus internal architecture patterns for each microservcie

However, most of the techniques for data driven microservices, such as how to implement an ASP.NET Core Web API service or how to expose Swagger metadata with Swashbuckle or NSwag, are also applicable to the more advanced microservices implemented internally with DDD patterns. This section is an extension of the previous sections, because most of the practices explained earlier also apply here or for any kind of microservice.

This section first provides details on the simplified CQRS patterns used in the eShopOnContainers reference application. Later, you will get an overview of the DDD techniques that enable you to find common patterns that you can reuse in your applications.

DDD is a large topic with a rich set of resources for learning. You can start with books like Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans and additional materials from Vaughn Vernon, Jimmy Nilsson, Greg Young, Udi Dahan, Jimmy Bogard, and many other DDD/CQRS experts. But most of all you need to try to learn how to apply DDD techniques from the conversations, whiteborading, and domain modeling sesseions with the experts in your concrete business domain.

Apply simplified CQRS and DDD patterns in a microservice

CQRS is an architectural pattern that separates the models for reading and writing data. The related term Command Query Separation (CQS) was originally defined by Bertrand Meyer in his book Object-Oriented Software Construction. The basic idea is that you can divide a system's operations into two sharply separated categories:

  • Queries. These queries return a result and don't change the state of the system, and they're free of side effects.
  • Commands. These commands change the state of a system.

CQS is a simple concept: it is about methods within the same object being either queries or commands. Each method either returns  state or mutates state, but not both. Even a single repository pattern object can comply with CQS. CQS can be considered a foundational principle for CQRS.

Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) was introduced by Greg Young and strongly promoted by Udi Dahan and others. It's based on the CQS principle, although it's more detailed. It can be considered a pattern based on commands and events plus optionally on asynchronous messages. In many cases, CQRS is related to more advanced scenarios, like having a different physical database for reads (queries) than for writes (updates). Moreover, a more evolved CQRS system might implement Event-Sourcing (ES) for your updates database, so you would only store events in the domain model instead of storing the current-state data. However, this approach is not used in this guide. This guide uses the simplest CQRS approach, which consists of just separating the queries from the commands.

The separation aspect of CQRS is achieved by grouping query operations in one layer and commands in another layer. Each layer has its own data model (note that we say model, not necessarily a different database) and is built using its own combination of patterns and technologies. More importantly, the two layers can be within the same tier or microservice, as in the example (ordering microservice) used for this guide. Or they could be implemented on different microservices or processes so they can be optimized and scaled out separately without affecting one another.

CQRS means having two objects for a read/write operation where in other contexts there's one. There are reasons to have a demormalized reads database, which you can learn about in more advanced CQRS literature. But we aren't using that approach here, where the goal is to have more flexibility in the queries instead of limiting the queries with constraints from DDD patterns like aggregates.

An example of this kind of service is the ordering microservice from the eShopOnContainers reference application. This service implements a microservice based on a simplified CQRS approach. It uses a single data source or database, but two logical models plus DDD patterns for the transactional domain, as shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2. Simplified CQRS- and DDD-based microservice

The Logical "Ordering" Microservice includes its Ordering database, which can be, but doesn't have to be, the same Docker host. Having the database in the same Docker host is good for development, but not for production.

The application layer can be the Web API itself. The important design aspect here is that the microservice has split the queries and ViewModels (data models especially created for the client applications) from the commands, domain model, and transactions following the CQRS pattern. This approach keeps the queries independent from restrictions and constraints coming from DDD patterns that only make sense for transactions and updates, as explained in later sections.

Apply CQRS and CQS approaches in a DDD microservice in eShopOnContainers

The design of the ordering microservice at the eShopOnContainers reference application is based on CQRS principles. However, it uses the simplest approach, which is just separating the queries from the commands and using the same database for both actions.

The essence of those patterns, and the important point here, is that queries are idempotent: no matter how many times you query a system, the state of that system won't change. In other words, queries are side-effect free.

Therefore, you could use a different "reads" data model than the transactional logic "writes" domain model, even though the ordering microservices are using the same database. Hence, this is a simplified CQRS approach.

On the other hand, commands, which trigger transactions and data updates, change state in the system. With commands, you need to be careful when dealing with complexity and ever-changing business rules. This is where you want to apply DDD techniques to have a better modeled system.

The DDD patterns presented in this guide should not be applied universally. They introduce constraints on your design. Those constraints provide benefits such as higher quality over time, especially in commands and other code that modifies system state. However, those constraints add complexity with fewer benefits for reading and querying data.

One such pattern is the Aggregate pattern, which we examine more in later sections. Briefly, in the Aggregate pattern, you treat many domain objects as a single unit as a result of their relationship in the domain. You might not always gain advantages from this pattern in queries; it can increase the complexity of query logic. For read-only queries, you do not get the advantages of treating multiple objects as a single Aggregate. You only get the complexity.

As shown in Figure 7-2 in the previous section, this guide suggests using DDD patterns only in the transactional/updates area of your microservice (that is, as triggered by commands). Queries can follow a simpler approach and should be separated from commands, following a CQRS approach.

For implementing the "queries side", you can choose between many approaches, from your full-blown ORM like EF Core, AutoMapper projections, stored procedures, views, materialized views or a micor ORM.

In this guide and in eShopOnContainers (specifically the ordering microservice) we chose to implement straight queries using a micro ORM like Dapper. This guide lets you implement any query based on SQL statements to get the best performance, thanks to a light framework with little overhead.

When you use this approach, any updates to your model that impact how entities are persisted to a SQL database also need separate updates to SQL queries used by Dapper or any other separate (non-EF) approaches to querying.

CQRS and DDD patterns are not top-level architectures

It's important to understand that CQRS and most DDD patterns (like DDD layers or a domain model with aggregates) are not architectural styles, but only architecture patterns. Microservices, SOA, and event-driven architecture (EDA) are examples of architectural styles. They describe a system of many components, such as many microservices. CQRS and DDD patterns describe something inside a single system or component; in this case, something inside a microservice.

Different Bounded Contexts (BCs) will employ different patterns. They have different responsibilities, and that leads to different solutions. It is worth emphasizing that forcing the same pattern everywhere leads to failure. Do not use CQRS and DDD patterns everywhere. Many subsystems, BCs, or microservices are simpler and can be implemented more easily using simple CRUD services or using another approach.

There is only one application architecture: the architecture of the system or end-to-end application you are designing (for example, the microservices architecture). However, the design of each Bounded Context or microservice within that application reflects its own tradeoffs and internal design decisions at  an architecture patterns level. Do not try to apply the same architectural patterns as CQRS or DDD everywhere.

Implement reads/queries in a CQRS microservice

For reads/queries, the ordering microservice from the eShopOnContainers reference application implements the queries independently from the DDD model and transactional area. This implementation was done primarily because the demands for queries and for transactions are drastically different. Writes execute transactions that must be compliant with the domain logic. Queries, on the other hand, are idempotent and can be segregated from the domain rules.

The approach is simple, as shown in Figure 7-3. The API interface is implemented by the Web API controllers using any infrastructure, such as a micro Object Relational Mapper (ORM) like Dapper, and returning dynamic ViewModels depending on the needs of the UI applications.

Figure 7-3. The simplest approach for queries in a CQRS microservice

The simplest approach for the queries-side in a simplified CQRS approach can be implemented by querying the database with a Micro-ORM like Dapper, returning dynamic ViewModels. The query definitions query the database and return a dynamic ViewModel built on the fly for each query. Since the queries are idempotent, they won't change the data no matter how many times you run a query. Therefore, you don't need to be restricted by any DDD pattern used in the transactional side, like aggregates and other patterns, and that is why queries are separated from the transactional area. You query the database for the data that the UI needs and return a dynamic ViewModel that does not need to be statically defined anywhere (no classes for the ViewModels) except in the SQL statements themselves.

Since this approach is simple, the code required for the queries side (such as code using a micro ORM like Dapper) can be implemented within the same Web API project. Figure 7-4 shows this approach. The queries are defined in the Ordering.API microservice project within the eShopOnContainers solution.

Figure 7-4. Queries in the Ordering microservice in eShopOnContainers

Use ViewModels specifically made for client apps, independent from domain model constraints

Since the queries are performed to obtain the data needed by the client applications, the returned type can be specifially made for the clients, based on the data. These models, or Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), are called ViewModels.

The returned data (ViewModel) can be the result of joining data from multiple entities or tables in the database, or even across multiple aggregates defined in the domain model for the transactional area. In this case, because you are creating queries independent of the domain model, the aggregates boundaries and constraints are ignored and you're free to query any table and column you might need. This approach provides great flexibility and productivity for the developers creating or updating queries.

The ViewModels can be static types defined in classes (as is implemented in the ordering microservice). Or they can be created dynamically based on the queries performed, which is agile for developers.

Use Dapper as a micro ORM to perform queries

You can use any micro ORM, Entity Framework Core, or even plain ADO.NET for querying. In the sample application, Dapper was selected for the ordering microservice in eShopOnContainers as a good example of a popular micro ORM. It can run plain SQL queries with great performance, because it's a light framework. Using Dapper, you can write a SQL query that can access and join multiple tables.

Dapper is an open-source project (original created by Sam Saffron), and is part of the building blocks used in Stack Overflow. To use Dapper, you just need to install it through the Dapper NuGet package, as shown in the following figure:

You also need to add a using directive so your code has access to the Dapper extension methods.

When you use Dapper in your code, you directly use the SqlConnection class available in the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient namespace. Through the QueryAsync method and other extension methods that extend the SqlConnection class, you can run queries in a straightforward and performant way.

Dynamic versus static ViewModels

When returning ViewModels from the server-side to client apps, you can think about those ViewModels as DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) that can be different to the internal domain entities of your entity model because the ViewModels hold the data the way the client app needs. Therefore, in many cases, you can aggregate data coming from multiple domain entities and compose the ViewModels precisely according to how the client app needs that data.

Those ViewModels or DTOs can be defined explicitly (as data holder classes), like the OrderSummary class shown in a later code snippet. Or, you could just return dynamic ViewModels or dynamic DTOs based on the attributes returned by your queries as a dynamic type.

ViewModel as dynamic type

As shown in the following code, a ViewModel can be directly returned by the queries by just returning a dynamic type that internally is based on the attributes returned by a query. That means that the subset of attributes to be returned is based on the query itself. Therefore, if you add a new column to the query or join, that data is dynamically added to the returned ViewModel.

using Dapper;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class OrderQueries : IOrderQueries
    public async Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> GetOrdersAsync()
        using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
            return await connection.QueryAsync<dynamic>(
                @"SELECT o.[Id] as ordernumber,
                o.[OrderDate] as [date],os.[Name] as [status],
                SUM(oi.units*oi.unitprice) as total
                FROM [ordering].[Orders] o
                LEFT JOIN[ordering].[orderitems] oi ON o.Id = oi.orderid
                LEFT JOIN[ordering].[orderstatus] os on o.OrderStatusId = os.Id
                GROUP BY o.[Id], o.[OrderDate], os.[Name]");

The important point is that by using a dynamic type, the returned collection of data is dynamically assembled as the ViewModel.

Pros: This approach reduces the need to modify static ViewModel classes whenever you update the SQL sentence of a query, making this design approach agile when coding, straightforward, and quick to evolve in regard to future changes.

Cons: In the long term, dynamic types can negatively impact the clarity and the compatibility of a service with client apps. In addition, middleware software like Swashbuckle cannot provide the same level of documentation on returned types if using dynamic types.

ViewModel as predefined DTO classes

Pros: Having static, predefined ViewModel classes, like "contracts" based on explicit DTO classes, is definitely better for public APIs but also for long-term microsrvices, even if they are only used by the same application.

If you want to specify response types for Swagger, you need to use explicit DTO classes as the return type. Therefore, predefined DTO classes allow you to offer richer information from Swagger. That improves the API documentation and compatibility when consuming an API.

Cons: As mentioned earlier, when updating the code, it takes some more steps to update the DTO classes.

Tip based on our experience: In the queries implemented at the Ordering microservice in eShopOnContainers, we started developing by using dynamic ViewModels as it was straightforward and agile on the early development stages. But, once the development was stabilized, we chose to refactor the APIs and use static or pre-defined DTOs for the ViewModels, because it is clearer for the microservice's consumers to know explicit DTO types, used as "contracts".

In the following example, you can see how the query is returning data by using an explicit ViewModel DTO class: the OrderSummary class:

using Dapper;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class OrderQueries : IOrderQueries
  public async Task<IEnumerable<OrderSummary>> GetOrdersAsync()
        using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
            return await connection.QueryAsync<OrderSummary>(
                  @"SELECT o.[Id] as ordernumber,
                  o.[OrderDate] as [date],os.[Name] as [status],
                  SUM(oi.units*oi.unitprice) as total
                  FROM [ordering].[Orders] o
                  LEFT JOIN[ordering].[orderitems] oi ON  o.Id = oi.orderid
                  LEFT JOIN[ordering].[orderstatus] os on o.OrderStatusId = os.Id
                  GROUP BY o.[Id], o.[OrderDate], os.[Name]
                  ORDER BY o.[Id]");
Describe response types of Web APIs

Developers consuming web APIs and microservices are most concerned with what is returned—specifically response types and error codes (if not standard). The response types are handled in the XML comments and data annotations.

Without proper documentation in the Swagger UI, the consumer lacks knowledge of what types are being returned or what HTTP codes can be returned. That problem is fixed by adding the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ProducesResponseTypeAttribute, so Swashbuckle can generate richer information about the API return model and values, as shown in the following code:

namespace Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Ordering.API.Controllers
    public class OrdersController : Controller
        //Additional code...
        public async Task<IActionResult> GetOrders()
            var userid = _identityService.GetUserIdentity();
            var orders = await _orderQueries
            return Ok(orders);

However, the ProducesResponseType attribute cannot use dynamic as a type but requires to use explicit types, like the OrderSummary ViewModel DTO, shown in the following example:

public class OrderSummary
    public int ordernumber { get; set; }
    public DateTime date { get; set; }
    public string status { get; set; }
    public double total { get; set; }
// or using C# 8 record types:
public record OrderSummary(int ordernumber, DateTime date, string status, double total);

This is another reason why explicit returned types are better than dynamic types, in the long term. When using the ProducesResponseType attribute, you can also specify what is the expected outcome regarding possible HTTP errors/codes, like 200, 400, etc.

In the following image, you can see how Swagger UI shows the ResponseType information.

Figure 7-5. Swagger UI showing response types and possible HTTP status codes from a Web API

The image shows some example values based on the ViewModel types and the possible HTTP status codes that canbe returned.

Design a DDD-oriented microservice

Domain-driven design (DDD) advocates modeling based on the reality of business as relevant to your use cases. In the context of building applications, DDD talks about problems as domains. It describes independent problem areas as Bounded Contexts (each Bounded Context correlates to a microservice), and emphasizes a common language to talk about these problems. It also suggests many technical concepts and patterns, like domain entities with rich models (no anemic-domain model), value objects, aggregates, and aggregate root (or root entity) rules to support the internal implementation. This section introduces the design and implementation of those internal patterns.

Sometimes these DDD technical rules and pattersn are perceived as obstacles that have a steep learning curve for implementing DDD approaches. But the important part is not the patterns themselves, but organizing the code so it is aligned to the business problems, and using the same business terms (ubiquitous language). In addition, DDD approaches should be applied only if you are implementing complex microservices with significant business rules. Simpler responsibilities, like a CRUD service, can be managed with simpler approaches.

Where to draw the boundaries is the key task when designing and defining a microservice. DDD patterns help you understand the complexity in the domain. For the domain model for each Bounded Context, you identify and define the entities, value objects, and aggregates that model your domain. You build and refine a domain model that is contained within a boundary that defines your context. And that is explicit in the form of a microservice. The components within those boundaries end up being your microservices, although in some cases a BC or business microservices can be composed of several physical services. DDD is about boundaries and so are microservices.

Keep the microservice context boundaries relatively small

Determining where to place boundaries between Bounded Contexts balances two competing goals. First, you want to initially create the smallest possible microservices, although that should not be the main driver; you should create a boundary around things that need cohesion. Second, you want to avoid chatty communications between microservices. These goals can contradict one another. You should balance them by decomposing the system into as many small microservices as you can until you see communication boundaries growing quickly with each additional attempt to separate a new Bounded Context. Cohesion is key within a single bounded context.

It is similar to the Inappropriate Initmacy code smell when implementing classes. If two microservices need to collaborate a lot with each other, they should probably be the same microservice.

Another way to look at this aspect is autonomy. If a microservice must rely on another service to directly service a request, it is not truly autonomous.

Layers in DDD microservices

Most enterprise applications with significant business and technical complexity are defined by multiple layers. The layers are a logical artifact, and are not related to the deployment of the service. They exist to help developers manage the complexity in the code. Different layers (like the domain model layer versus the presentation layer, etc.) might have different types, which mandate translations between those types.

For example, an entity could be loaded from the database. Then part of that information, or an aggregation of information including additional data from other entities, can be sent to the client UI through a REST Web API. The point here is that the domain entity is contained within the domain model layer and should not be propagated to other areas that it does not belong to, like to the presentation layer.

Additionally, you need to have always-valid entities (see the Designing validations in the domain model layer section) controlled by aggregate roots (root entities). Therefore, entities should not be bound to client views, because at the UI level some data might still not be validated. This reason is what the ViewModel is for. The ViewModel is a data model exclusively for presentation layer needs. The domain entities do not belong directly to the ViewModel. Instead, you need to translate between ViewModels and domain entities and vice versa.

When tackling complexity, it is important to have a domain model controlled by aggregate roots that make sure that all the invariants and rules related to that group of entities (aggregate) are performed through a single entry-point or gate, the aggregate root
Figure 7-5 shows how a layered design is implemented in the eShopOnContainers application.

Figure 7-5. DDD layers in the ordering microservice in eShopOnContainers

The three layers in a DDD microservice like Ordering. Each layer is a VS project:  Application layer is Ordering.API, Domain layer is Ordering.Domain and the infrastructure layer is Ordering.Infrastructure. You want to design the system so that each layer communicates only with certain other layers. That approach may be easier to enforce if layers are implemented as different class libraries, because you can clearly identify what dependencies are set between libraries. For instance, the domain model layer should not take a dependency on any other layer (the domain model classes should be Plain Old Class Objects, or POCO, classes). As shown in Figure 7-6, the Ordering.Domain layer library has dependencies only on the .NET libraries or NuGet packages, but not on any other custom library, such as data library or persistence library.

Figure 7-6. Layers implemented as libraries allow better control of dependencies between layers

The domain model layer

Eric Evans's excellent book Domain Driven Design says the following about the domain model layer and the application layer.

Domain Model Layer:  Responsible for representing concepts of the business, information about the business situation, and business rules. State that reflects the business situation is controlled and used here, even though the technical details of storing it are delegated to the infrastructure. This layer is the heart of business software.

The domain model layer is where the business is expressed. When you implment a microservice domain model layer in .NET, that layer is coded as a class library with the domain entities that capture data plus behavior (methods with logic).

Following the Persistence Ignorance and the Infrastructure Ignorance principles, this layer must completely ignore data persistence details. These persistence tasks should be performed by the infrastructure layer. Therefore, this layer should not take direct dependencies on the infrastructure, which means that an important rule is that your domain model entity classes should be POCOs.

Domain entities should not have any direct dependency (like deriving from a base class) on any data access infrastructure framework like Entity Framework or NHibernate. Ideally, your domain entities should not derive from or implement any type defined in any infrastructure framework.

Most modern ORM frameworks like Entity Framework Core allow this approach, so that your domain model classes are not coupled to the infrastructure. However, having POCO entities is not always possible when using certain NoSQL databases and frameworks, like Actors and Reliable Collections in Azure Service Fabric.

Even when it is important to follow the Persistence Ignorance principle for your Domain model, you should not ignore persistence concerns. It is still important to understand the physical data model and how it maps to your entity object model. Otherwise you can create impossible designs.

Also, this aspect does not mean you can take a model designed for a relational database and directly move it to a NoSQL or document-oriented database. In some entity models, the model might fit, but usually it does not. There are still constraints that your entity model must adhere to, based both on the storage technology and ORM technology.

The application layer

Moving on to the application layer, we can again cite Eric Evans's book Domain Driven Design:

Application Layer: Defines the jobs the software is supposed to do and directs the expressive domain objects to work out problems. The tasks this layer is responsible for are meaningful to the business or necessary for interaction with the application layers of other systems. This layer is kept thin. It does not contain business rules or knowledge, but only coordinates tasks and delegates work to collaborations of domain objects in the next layer down. It does not have state reflecting the business situation, but it can have state that reflects the progress of a task for the user or the program.

A microservice's application layer in .NET is commonly coded as an ASP.NET Core Web API project. The project implements the microservice's interaction, remote network access, and the external Web APIs used from the UI or client apps. It includes queries if using a CQRS approach, commands accepted by the microservice, and even the event-driven communication between microservices (integration events). The ASP.NET Core Web API that represents the application layer must not contain business rules or domain knowledge (especially domain rules for transactions or updates); these should be owned by the domain model class library. The application layer must only coordinate tasks and must not hold or define any domain state (domain model). It delegates the execution of business rules to the domain model classes themselves (aggregate roots and domain entities), which will ultimately update the data within those domain entities.

Basically, the application logic is where you implement all use cases that depend on a given front end. For example, the implementation related to a Web API service.

The goal is that the domain logic in the domain model layer, its invariants, the data model, and related business rules must be completely independent from the presentation and application layers. Most of all, the domain model layer must not directly depend on any infrastructure framework.

The infrastructure layer

The infrastructure layer is how the data that is initially held in domain entities (in memory) is persisted in databases or another persistent store. An example is using Entity Framework Core code to implement the Repository pattern classes that use a DBContext to persist data in a relational database.

In accordance with the previously mentioned Persistence Ignorance and Infrastructure Ignorance principles, the infrastructure layer must not "contaminate" the domain model layer. You must keep the domain model entity classes agnostic from the infrastructure that you use to persist data (EF or any other framework) by not taking hard dependencies on frameworks. Your domain model layer class library should have only your domain code, just POCO entity classes implementing the heart of your software and completely decoupled from infrastructure technologies.

Thus, your layers or class libraries and projects should ultimately depend on your domain model layer (library), not vice versa, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7. Dependencies between layers in DDD

Dependencies in a DDD Service, the Application layer depends on Domain and Infrastructure, and Infrastructure depends on Domain, but Domain doesn't  depend on any layer. This layer design should be independent for each microservice. As noted earlier, you can implement the most complex microservices following DDD patterns, while implementing simpler data-driven microservices (simple CRUD in a single layer) in a simpler way.

Design a microservice domain model

Define one rich domain model for each business microservice or Bounded Context.

Your goal is to create a single cohesive domain model for each business microservice or Bounded Context (BC). Keep in mind, however, that a BC or business microservice could sometimes be composed of several physical services that share a single domain model. The domain model must capture the rules, behavior, business languages, and constraints of the single Bounded Context or business microservice that it represents.

The Domain Entity pattern

Entities represent domain objects and are primarily defined by their identity, continuity, and persistence over time, and not only by the attributes that comprise them. As Eric Evans says, "an object primarily defined by its identity is called an Entity." Entities are very important in the domain model, since they are the base for a model. Therefore, you should identify and design them carefully.

An entity's identity can cross multiple microservices or Bounded Contexts.

The same identity (that is, the same Id value, although perhaps not the same domain entity) can be modeled across multiple Bounded Contexts or microservices. However, that does not imply that the same entity, with the same attributes and logic would be implemented in multiple Bounded Contexts. Instead, entities in each Bounded Context limit their attributes and behaviors to those required in that Bounded Context's domain.

For instance, the buyer entity might have most of a person's attributes that are defined in the user entity in the profile or identity microservice, including the identity. But the buyer entity in the ordering microservice might have fewer attributes, because only certain buyer data is related to the order process. The context of each microservice or Bounded Context impacts its domain model.

Domain entities must implement behavior in addition to implementing data attributes.

A domain entity in DDD must implement the domain logic or behavior related to the entity data (the object accessed in memory). For example, as part of an order entity class you must have business logic and operations implemented as methods for tasks such as adding an order item, data validation, and total calculation. The entity's methods take care of the invariants and rules of the entity instead of having those rules spread across the application layer.

Figure 7-8 shows a domain entity that implements not only data attributes but operations or methods with related domain logic.

Figure 7-8. Example of a domain entity design implementing data plus behavior

A domain model entity implements behaviors through methods, that is, it's not an "anemic" model. Of course, sometimes you can have entities that do not implement any logic as part of the entity class. This can happen in child entities within an aggregate if the child entity does not have special logci because most of the logic is defined in the aggregate root. If you have a complex microservice that has logic implemented in the service classes instead of in the domain entities, you could be falling into the anemic domain model, explained in the following section.
Rich domain model versus anemic domain model

In his post AnemicDomainModelMartin Fowler describes an anemic domain model this way:

The basic symptom of an Anemic Domain Model is that at first blush it looks like the real thing. There are objects, many named after the nouns in the domain space, and these objects are connected with the rich relationships and structure that true domain models have. The catch comes when you look at the behavior, and you realize that there is hardly any behavior on these objects, making them little more than bags of getters and setters.

Of course, when you use an anemic domain medel, those data models will be used from a set of service objects (traditionally named the business layer) which capture all the domain or business logic. The business layer sits on top of the data model and uses the data model just as data.

The anemic domain model is just a procedural style design. Anemic entity objects are not real objects because they lack behavior (methods). They only hold data properties and thus it is not object-oriented design. By putting all the behavior out into service objects (the business layer), you essentially end up with spaghetti code or transaction scripts, and therefore you lose the advantages that a domain model provides.

Regardless, if your microservice or Bounded Context is very simple (a CRUD service), the anemic domain model in the form of entity objects with just data properties might be good enough, and it might not be worth implementing more complex DDD patterns. In that case, it will be simply a persistence model, because you have intentionally created an entity with only data for CRUD purposes.

That is why microservices architectures are perfect for a multi-architectural approach depending on each Bounded Context. For instance, in eShopOnContainers, the ordering microservice implements DDD patterns, but the catalog microservice, which is a simple CRUD service, does not.

Some people say that the anemic domain model is an anti-pattern. It really depends on what you are implementing. If the microservice you are creating is simple enough (for example, a CRUD service), following the anemic domain model it is not an anti-pattern. However, if you need to tackle the complexity of a microservice's domain that has a lot of ever-changing business rules, the anemic domain model might be an anti-pattern for that microservice or Bounded Context. In that case, designing it as a rich model with entities containing data plus behavior as well as implementing additional DDD patterns (aggregates, value objects, etc.) might have huge benefits for the long-term success of such a microservice.

The Value Object pattern

As Eric Evans has noted, "Many objects do not have conceptual identity. These objects describe certain characteristics of a thing."

An entity requires an identity, but there are many objects in a system that do not, like the Value Object pattern. A value object is an object with no conceptual identity that describes a domain aspect. These are objects that you instantiate to represent design elements that only concern you temporarily. You care about what they are, not who they are. Examples include numbers and strings, but can also be higher-level concepts like groups of attributes.

Something that is an entity in a microservcie might not be entity in another microservice, because in the second case, the Bounded Context might have a different meaning. For example, an address in an e-commerce application might not have an identity at all, since it might only represent a group of attributes of the customer's profile for a person or company. In this case, the address should be classified as a value object. However, in an application for an electric power utility company, the customer address could be important for the business domain. Therefore, the address must have an identity so the billing system can be directly linked to the address. In that case, an address should be classified as a domain entity.

A person with a name and surname is usually an entity because a person has identity, even if the name and surname coincide with another set of values, such as if those names also refer to a different person.

Value objects are hard to manage in relational databases and ORMs like Entity Framework (EF), whereas in document-oriented databases they are easier to implement and use.

EF Core 2.0 and later versions include the Owned Entities feature that makes it easier to handle value objects, as we'll see in detail later on.

The Aggregate pattern

A domain model contains clusters of different data entities and processes that can control a significant area of functionality, such as order fulfillment or inventory. A more fine-grained DDD unit is the aggregate, which describes a cluster or group of entities and behaviors that can be treated as a cohesive unit.

You usually define an aggregate based on the transactions that you need. A classic example is an order that also contains a list of order items. An order item will usually be an entity. But it will be a child entity within the order aggregate, which will also contain the order entity as its root entity, typically called an aggregate root.

Identifying aggregate can be hard. An aggregate is a group of objects that must be consistent together, but you cannot just pick a group of objects and label them an aggregate. You must start with a domain concept and think about the entities that are used in the most common transactions related to the concept. Those entities that need to be transactionally consistent are what forms an aggregate. Thinking about transaction operations is probably the best way to identify aggregates.

The Aggregate Root or Root Entity pattern

An aggregate is composed of at least one entity: the aggregate root, also called root entity or primary entity. Additionally, it can have multiple child entities and value objects, with all entities and objects working together to implement required behavior and transactions.

The purpose of an aggregate root is to ensure the consistency of the aggregate; it should be the only entry point for updates to the aggregate through methods or operations in the aggregate root class. You should make changes to entities within the aggregate only via the aggregate root. It is the aggregate's consistency guardian, considering all the invariants and consistency rules you might need to comply with in your aggregate. If you change a child entity or value object independently, the aggregate root cannot ensure that the aggregate is in a valid state. It would be like a table with a loose leg. Maintaining consistency is the main purpose of the aggregate root.

In Figure 7-9, you can see sample aggregates like the buyer aggregate, which contains a single entity (the aggregate root Buyer). The order aggregate contains multiple entities and a value object.

Figure 7-9. Example of aggregates with multiple or single entities

A DDD domain model is composed from aggregates, an aggregate can have just one entity or more, and can include value objects as well. Note that the Buyer aggregate could have additional child entities, depending on your domain, as it does in the ordering microservice in the eShopOnContainers reference application. Figure 7-9 just illustrates a case in which the buyer has a single entity, as an example of an aggregate that contains only an aggregate root.

In order to maintain separation of aggregates and keep clear boundaries between them, it is a good practice in a DDD domain model to disallow direct navigation between aggregates and only having the foreign key (FK) field, as implemented in the Ordering microservice domain model in eShopOnContainers. The Order entity only has a foreign key field for the buyer, but not an EF Core navigation property, as shown in the following code:

public class Order : Entity, IAggregateRoot
    private DateTime _orderDate;
    public Address Address { get; private set; }
    private int? _buyerId; // FK pointing to a different aggregate root
    public OrderStatus OrderStatus { get; private set; }
    private readonly List<OrderItem> _orderItems;
    public IReadOnlyCollection<OrderItem> OrderItems => _orderItems;
    // ... Additional code

Identifying and working with aggregates requires research and experience. For more information, see the following Additional resources list.

Implement a microservice domain model with .NET

In the previous section, the fundamental design principles and patterns for designing a domain model were explained. Now it's time to explore possible ways to implement the domain model by using .NET (plain C# code) and EF Core. Your domain model will be composed simply of your code. It will have just the EF Core model requirements, but not real dependencies on EF. You shouldn't have hard dependencies or references to EF Core or any other ORM in your domain model.

Domain model structure in a custom .NET Standard Library

The folder organization used for the eShopOnContainers reference application demonstrates the DDD model for the application. You might find that a different folder organization more clearly communicates the design choices made for your application. As you can see in Figure 7-10, in the ordering domain model there are two aggregates, the order aggregate and the buyer aggregate. Each aggregate is a group of domain entities and value objects, although you could have an aggregate composed of a single domain entity (the aggregate root or root entity) as well.

Figure 7-10. Domain model structure for the ordering microservice in eShopOnContainers

Additionally, the domain model layer includes the repository contracts (interfaces) that are the infrastructure requirements of your domain model. In other words, these interfaces express what repositories and the methods the infrastructure layer must implement. It's critial that the implementation of the repositories be placed outside of the domain model layer, in the infrastructure layer library, so the domain model layer isn't "contaminated" by API or classes from infrastructure technologies, like Entity Framework.

You can also see a SeedWork folder that contains custom base classes that you can use as a base for your domain entities and value objects, so you don't have redundant code in each domain's object class.

Structure aggregates in a custom .NET Standard library

An aggregate refers to a cluster of domain objects grouped together to match transactional consistency. Those objects could be instances of entities (one of which is the aggregate root or root entity) plus any additional value objects.

Transactional consistency means that an aggregate is guaranteed to be consistent and up to date at the end of a business action. For example, the order aggregate from the eShopOnContainers ordering microservice domain model is composed as shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11. The order aggregate in Visual Studio solution

If you open any of the files in an aggregate folder, you can see how it's marked as either a custom base class or interface, like entity or value object, as implemented in the SeedWork folder.

Implement domain entities as POCO classes

You implement a domain model in .NET by creating POCO classes that implement your domain entities. In the following example, the Order class is defined as an entity and also as an aggregate root. Because the Order class derives from the Entity base class, it can reuse common code related to entities. Bear in mind that these base classes and interfaces are defined by you in the domain model project, so it is your code, not infrastructure code from an ORM like EF.

// Entity is a custom base class with the ID
public class Order : Entity, IAggregateRoot
    private DateTime _orderDate;
    public Address Address { get; private set; }
    private int? _buyerId;

    public OrderStatus OrderStatus { get; private set; }
    private int _orderStatusId;

    private string _description;
    private int? _paymentMethodId;

    private readonly List<OrderItem> _orderItems;
    public IReadOnlyCollection<OrderItem> OrderItems => _orderItems;

    public Order(string userId, Address address, int cardTypeId, string cardNumber, string cardSecurityNumber,
            string cardHolderName, DateTime cardExpiration, int? buyerId = null, int? paymentMethodId = null)
        _orderItems = new List<OrderItem>();
        _buyerId = buyerId;
        _paymentMethodId = paymentMethodId;
        _orderStatusId = OrderStatus.Submitted.Id;
        _orderDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        Address = address;

        // ...Additional code ...

    public void AddOrderItem(int productId, string productName,
                            decimal unitPrice, decimal discount,
                            string pictureUrl, int units = 1)
        // Domain rules/logic for adding the OrderItem to the order
        // ...

        var orderItem = new OrderItem(productId, productName, unitPrice, discount, pictureUrl, units);


    // ...
    // Additional methods with domain rules/logic related to the Order aggregate
    // ...

It's important to note that this is a domain entity implemented as a POCO class. It doesn't have any direct denpendency on Entity Framework Core or any other infrastructure framework. This implementation is as it should be in DDD, just C# code implementing a domain model.

In addition, the class is decorated with an interface name IAggregateRoot. That interface is an empty interface, sometimes called a marker interface, that's used just to indicate that this entity class is also an aggregate root.

A marker interface is sometimes considered as an anti-pattern; however, it's also a clean way to mark a class, especially when that interface might be evolving. An attribute could be the other choice for the marker, but it's quicker to see the base class (Entity) next to the IAggregate interface instead of putting an Aggregate attribute marker above the class. It's a matter of preferences, in any case. 

Having an aggregate root means that most of the code related to consistency and business rules of the aggregate's entities should be implemented as methods in the Order aggregate root class (for example, AddOrderItem when adding an OrderItem object to the aggregate). You should not create or update OrderItems objects independently or directly; the AggregateRoot class must keep control and consistency of any update operation against its child entities.

Encapsulate data in the Domain Entities

A common problem in entity models is that they expose collection navigation properties as publicly accessible list types. This allows any collaborator developer to manipulate the contents of these collection types, which may bypass important business rules related to the collection, possibly leaving the object in an invalid state. The solution to this is to expose read-only access to related collections and explicitly provide methods that define ways in which clients can manipulate them.

In the previous code, note that many attributes are read-only or private and are only updatable by the class methods, so any update considers business domain invariants and logic specified within the class methods.

For example, following DDD patterns, you should not do the following from any command handler method or application layer class (actually, it should be impossible for you to do so):

// Code in command handler methods or Web API controllers
//... (WRONG) Some code with business logic out of the domain classes ...
OrderItem myNewOrderItem = new OrderItem(orderId, productId, productName,
    pictureUrl, unitPrice, discount, units);

//... (WRONG) Accessing the OrderItems collection directly from the application layer // or command handlers

In this case, the Add method is purely an operation to add data, with direct access to the OrderItems collection. Therefore, most of the domain logic, rules, or validations related to that operation with the child entities will be spread across the application layer (command handlers and Web API controllers).

If you go around the aggregate root, the aggregate root cannot guarantee its invariants, its validity, or its consistency. Eventually you'll have spaghetti code or transactional script code.

To follow DDD patterns, entities must not have public setters in any entity property. Changes in an entity should be driven by explicit methods with explicit ubiquitous language about the change they're performing in the entiy.

Furthermore, collections within the entity (like the order items) should be read-only properties (the ). You should be able to update it only from within the aggregate root class methods or the child entity methods.

As you can see in the code for the Order aggregate root, all setters should be private or at least read-only externally, so that any operation against the entity's data or its child entities has to be performed through methods in the entity class. This maintains consistency in a controlled and object-oriented way instead of implementing transactional script code.

The following code snippet shows the proper way to code the task of adding an OrderItem object to the Order aggregate.

// The code in command handlers or WebAPI controllers, related only to application stuff
// There is NO code here related to OrderItem object's business logic
myOrder.AddOrderItem(productId, productName, pictureUrl, unitPrice, discount, units);

// The code related to OrderItem params validations or domain rules should
// be WITHIN the AddOrderItem method.


In this snippet, most of the validations or logic related to the creation of an OrderItem object will be under the control of the Order aggregate root—in the AddOrderItem method—especially validations and logic related to other elements in the aggregate. For instance, you might get the same product item as the result of multiple calls to AddOrderItem. In that method, you could examine the product items and consolidate the same product items into a single OrderItem object with several units. Additionally, if there are different discount amounts but the product ID is the same, you would likely apply the higher discount. This principle applies to any other domain logic for the OrderItem object.

In addition, the new OrderItem(params) operation will also be controlled and performed by the AddOrderItem method from the Order aggregate root. Therefore, most of the logic or validations related to that operation (especially anything that impacts the consistency between other child entities) will be in a single place within the aggregate root. That is the ultimate purpose of the aggregate root pattern.

When you use Entity Framework Core 1.1 or later, a DDD entity can be better expressed because it allows mapping to fields in addition to properties. This is useful when protecting collections of child entities or value objects. With this enhancement, you can use simple private fields instead of properties and you can implement any update to the field collection in public methods and provide read-only access through the AsReadOnly method.

In DDD, you want to update the entity only through methods in the entity (or the constructor) in order to control any invariant and the consistency of the data, so properties are defined only with a get accessor. The properties are backed by private fields. Private members can only be accessed from within the class. However, there is one exception: EF Core needs to set these fields as well (so it can return the object with the proper values).

Map properties with only get accessors to the fields in the database table

Mapping properties to database table columns is not a domain responsibility but part of the infrastructure and persistence layer. We mention this here just so you're aware of the new capabilities in EF Core 1.1 or later related to how you can model entities. Additional details on this topic are explained in the infrastructure and persistence section.

When you use EF Core 1.0 or later, within the DbContext you need to map the properties that are defined only with getters to the actual fields in the database table. This is done with the HasField method of the PropertyBuilder class.

Map fields without properties

With the feature in EF Core 1.1 or later to map columns to fields, it's also possible to not use properties. Instead, you can just map columns from a table to fields. A common use case for this is private fields for an internal state that doesn't need to be accessed from outside the entity.s

For example, in the preceding OrderAggregate code example, there are several private fields, like the _paymentMethodId field, that have no related property for either a setter or getter. That field could also be calculated within the order's business logic and used from the order's methods, but it needs to be persisted in the database as well. So in EF Core (since v1.1), there's a way to map a field without a related property to a column in the database. This is also explained in the Infrastructure layer section of this guide.

Seedwork (reusable base classes and interfaces for your domain model)

The solution folder contains a SeedWork folder. This folder contains custom base classes that you can use as a base for your domain entities and value objects. Use these base classes so you don't have redundant code in each domain's object class. The folder for these types of classes is called SeedWork and not something like Framework. It's called SeedWork because the folder contains just a small subset of reusable classes that cannot really be considered a framework. Seedwork is a term introduced by Michael Feathers and popularized by Martin Fowler but you could also name that folder Common, SharedKernel, or similar.

Figure 7-12 shows the classes that form the seedwork of the domain model in the ordering microservie. It has a few custom base classes like EntityValueObject, and Enumeration, plus a few interfaces. These interfaces (IRepository and IUnitOfWork) inform the infrastructure layer about what needs to be implemented. Those interfaces are also used through Dependency Injection from the application layer.

Figure 7-12. A sample set of domain model "seedwork" base classes and interfaces

This is the type of copy and paste reuse that many developers share between projects, not a formal framework. You can have seedworks in any layer or library. However, if the set of classes and interfaces gets large enough, you might want to create a single class library.

The custom Entity base class

The following code is an example of an Entity base class where you can place code that can be used the same way by any domain entity, such as the entity ID,  equality operators, a domain event list per entity, etc.

public abstract class Entity
    int? _requestedHashCode;
    int _Id;
    private List<INotification> _domainEvents;
    public virtual int Id
            return _Id;
        protected set
            _Id = value;

    public List<INotification> DomainEvents => _domainEvents;
    public void AddDomainEvent(INotification eventItem)
        _domainEvents = _domainEvents ?? new List<INotification>();
    public void RemoveDomainEvent(INotification eventItem)
        if (_domainEvents is null) return;

    public bool IsTransient()
        return this.Id == default(Int32);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null || !(obj is Entity))
            return false;
        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
            return true;
        if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())
            return false;
        Entity item = (Entity)obj;
        if (item.IsTransient() || this.IsTransient())
            return false;
            return item.Id == this.Id;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        if (!IsTransient())
            if (!_requestedHashCode.HasValue)
                _requestedHashCode = this.Id.GetHashCode() ^ 31;
            // XOR for random distribution. See:
            // https://learn.microsoft.com/archive/blogs/ericlippert/guidelines-and-rules-for-gethashcode
            return _requestedHashCode.Value;
            return base.GetHashCode();
    public static bool operator ==(Entity left, Entity right)
        if (Object.Equals(left, null))
            return (Object.Equals(right, null));
            return left.Equals(right);
    public static bool operator !=(Entity left, Entity right)
        return !(left == right);

The previous code using a domain event list per entity will be explained in the next sections when focusing on domain events.

Repository contracts (interfaces) in the domain model layer

Repository contracts are simply .NET interfaces that express the contract requirements of the repositories to be used for each aggregate.

The repositories themselves, with EF Core code or any other infrastructure dependencies and code (Linq, SQL, etc.), must not be implemented within the domain model; the repositories should only implement the interfaces you define in the domain model.

A pattern related to this practice (placing the repository interfaces in the domain model slayer) is the Separated Interface pattern. As explained by Martin Fowler, "Use Separated Interface to define an interface in one package but implement it in another. This way a client that needs the dependency to the interface can be completely unaware of the implementation."

Following the Separated Interface pattern enables the application layer (in this case, the Web API project for the microservice) to have a dependency on the requirements defined in the domain model, but not a direct dependency to the infrastructure/persistence layer. In addition, you can use Dependency Injection to isolate the implementation, which is implemented in the infrastructure/persistence layer using repositories.

For example, the following example with the IOrderRepository interface defines what operations the OrderRepository class will need to implement at the infrastructure layer. In the current implementation of the application, the code just needs to add or update orders to the database, since queries are split following the simplified CQRS approach.

// Defined at IOrderRepository.cs
public interface IOrderRepository : IRepository<Order>
    Order Add(Order order);

    void Update(Order order);

    Task<Order> GetAsync(int orderId);

// Defined at IRepository.cs (Part of the Domain Seedwork)
public interface IRepository<T> where T : IAggregateRoot
    IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; }


From:  Tackling Business Complexity in a Microservice with DDD and CQRS Patterns - .NET | Microsoft Learn

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