Architecting container and microservice-based applications (2)
Identify domain-model boundaries for each microservie
The goal when identifying model boundaries and size for each microservice isn't to get to the most granular separation possible, although you should tend toward small microservices if possible. Instead, your goal should be to get to the most meaningful separation guided by your domain knowledge. The emphasis isn't on the size, but instead on business capabilities. In addition, if there's clear cohesion needed for a certain area of the application based on a high number of dependencies, that indicates the need for a single microservice, too. Cohesion is a way to identify how to break apart or group together microservices. Ultimately, while you gain more knowledge about the domain, you should adapt the size of your microservice, iterativly. Finding the right size isn't a one-shot process.
Sam Newman, a recognized promoter of microservices and author of the book Building Microservices, highlights that you should design your microservices based on the Bounded Context (BC) pattern (part of domain-driven design), as introduced earlier. Sometimes, a BC could be composed of several physical services, but not vice versa.
A domain model with specific domain entities appies within a concrete BC or microservice. A BC delimits the applicability of a domain model and gives developer team members a clear and shared understanding of what must be cohesive and what can be developed independently. These are the same goals for microservices.
Another tool that informs your design choice is Conway's law, which states that an application will reflect the social boundaries of the organization that produced it. But sometimes the opposite is true -the company's organizaion is formed by teh software. You might need to reverse Conway's law and build the boundaries the way you want the company to be organized, leaning toward business process consulting.
To identify bounded context, you can use a DDD pattern called the Context Mapping pattern. With Context Mapping, you identify the various contexts in the application and their boundaries. It's common to have a different context and boundary for each small subsystem, for instance. The Context Map is a way to define and make explicit those boundaries between domains. A BC is autonomous and includes the details of a single domain -details like the domain entities- and defines integration contracts with other BCs. This is similar to the definition of a microservice: it's autonomous, it implements certain domain capability, and it must provide interfaces. This is why Context Mapping and the Bounded Context pattern are good approaches for identifying the domain model boundaries of your microservices.
When designing a large application, you'll see how its domain model can be fragmented - a domain expert from the catalog domain will name entities differently in the catalog and inventory domains than a shipping domain expert, for instance. Or the user domain entity might be different in size and number of attributes when dealing with a CRN expert who wants to store every detail about the customer than for an ordering domain expert who just needs partial data about the customer. It's very hard to disambiguate all domain term across all the domains related to a large application. But the most importang thing is that you shouldn't try to unify the terms. Instead, accpet the differences and richness privided by each domain. If you try to have a unified database for the whole application, attempts at a unified vocabulary will be awkward and won't sound right to any of the multiple domain experts. Therefore, BCs (implemented as microservices) will help you to clarify where you can use certain domain terms and where you'll need to split the system and create additional BCs with different domains.
You'll know that you got the right boundaries and sizes of each BC and domain model if you have few strong relationships between domain models, and you do not usually need to merge information from multiple domain models when performing typical application operations.
Perhaps the best answer to the question of how large a domain model for each microservice should be is the following: it should have an autonomous BC, as isolated as possible, that enables you to work without having to constantly swith to other contexts (other microservice's models). In Figure 4-10, you can see how multiple microservices (multiple BCs) each has their own model and how their entities can be defined, depending on the specific requirements for each of the identified domains in your application.
Figure 4-10. Identifying entities and microservice model boundaries
Figure 4-10 illustrates a sample scenario related to an online conference management system. The same entity appears as "Users", "Buyers", "Payers", and "Customers" depending on the bounded context. You've identified several BCs that could be implemented as microservices, based on domains that domain experts defined for you. As you can see, there are entities that are present just in a single microservice model, like Payments in the Payment microservice. Those will be easy to implement.
However, you might also have entities that have a different shape but share the same identity across the multiple domain models from the multiple microservices. For example, the User entity is identified in the Conferences Management microservice. That same user, with the same identity, is the one named Buyers in the Ordering microservice, or the one named Payer in the Payment microservice, and even the one named Customer in the Customer Service microservice. This is because, depending on the ubiquitous language that each domain expert is using, a user might have a different perspective even with different attributes. The user entity in the microservice model named Conferences Management might have most of its personal data attributes. However, that same user in the shape of Payer in the microservice Payment or in the shape of Customer in the microservice Customer Service might not need the same list of attributes.
A similar approach is illustrated in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11. Decomposing traditional data models into multiple domain models
When decomposing a traditional data model between bounded contexts, you can have different entities that share the same identity (a buyer is also a user) with different attributes in each bounded context. You can see how the user is present in the Conferences Management microservice model as the User entity and is also present in the form of the Buyer entity in the Pricing microservice, with alternate attributes or details about the user when it's actuall a buyer. Each microservice or BC might not need all the data related to a User entiy, just part of it, depending on the problem to solve or the context. For instance, in the Pricing microservice model, you do not need the address or the name of the user, just the ID (as identity) and Status, which will have an impact on discounts when pricing the seats per buyer.
The Seat entity has the same name but different attributes in each domain model. However, Seat shares identity based on the same ID, as happens with User and Buyer.
Basically, there's a shared concept of a user that exists in multiple services (domains), which all share the identity of that user. But in each domain model there might be additional or different details about the user entity. Therefore, there needs to be a way to map a user entity from one domain (microservice) to another.
There are several benefits to not sharing the same user entity with the same number of attributes across domains. One benefit is to reduce duplication, so that microservice models do not have any data that they do not need. Another benefit is having a primary microservice that owns a certain type of data per entity so that updates and queries for that type of data are driven only by that microservice.
Direct client-to-microservie communication versus the API gateway pattern
In a microservices architecture, each microservice exposes a set of (typically) fine-grained endpoints. This fact can impact the client-to-microservice communication, as explained in this section.
Direct client-to-microservie communication
A possible approach is to use a direct client-to-microservice communication architecture. In this approach, a client app can make requests directly to some of the microservices, as shown in Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-12. Using a direct client-to-microservice communication architecture
In this approache, each microservice has a public endpoint, sometimes with a different TCP port for each microservice. An example of a URL for a particular service could be the following URL in Azure:
In a production environment based on a cluster, that URL would map to the load balancer used in the cluster, which in turn distributes the requests across the microservices. In production environments, you could have an Application Delivery Controller (ADC) like Azure Application Gateway between your microservices and the Internet. This layer acts as a transparent tier that not only performs load balancing, but secures your services by offering SSL termination. This approach improves the load of your hosts by offloading CPU-intensive SSL termination and other routing duties to the Azure Application Gateway. In any case, a load balancer and ADC are transparent from a logical application architecture point of view.
A direct client-to-microservice communication architecture could be good enough for a small microservcie-based application, especially if the client app is a server-side web application like an ASP.NET MVC app. However, when you build large and complex microservice-based applications (for example, when handling dozens of microservice types), and especially when the client apps are remote mobile apps or SPA web applications, that approach faces a few issues.
Consider the following questions when developing a large application based on microservices:
- How can client apps minimize the number of requests to the back end and reduce chatty communication to multiple microservices?
Interacting with multiple microservices to build a single UI srceen increases the number of round trips across the Internet. This approach increases latency and complexity on the UI side. Ideally, reponses should be efficiently aggregated in the server side. This approach reduces latency, since multiple pieces of data come back in parallel and some UI can show data as soon as it's ready.
- How can you handle cross-cutting concerns such as authorization, data transformations, and dynamic request dispatching?
Implementing security and cross-cutting concerns like security and authorization on every microservice can require significant development effort. A possible approach is to have those services within the Docker host or internal cluster to restrict direct access to them from the outside, and to implement those cross-cutting concerns in a centralized place, like an API Gateway.
- How can client apps communicate with services that use non-Internet-friendly protocols?
Protocols used on the server side (like AMQP or binary protocols) are not supported in client apps. Therefore, requests must be performed through protocols like HTTP/HTTPS and translated to the other protocols afterwards. A man-in-the-middle approach can help in this situation.
- How can you shape a facade especially made for mobile apps?
The API of multiple microservices might not be well designed for the needs of different client applications. For instance, the needs of a mobile app might be different than the needs of a web app. For mobile apps, you might need to optimize even further so that data responses can be more efficient. You might do this functionality by aggregating data from multiple microservices and returning a single set of data, and sometimes eliminating any data in the response that isn't needed by the mobile app. And, of course, you might compress that data. Again, a facade or API in between the mobile app and the microservices can be convenient for this scenario.
Why consider API Gateways instead of direct client-to-microservice communication
In a microservices architecture, the client apps usually need to consume functionality from more than one microservice. If that consumption is performed directly, the client needs to handle multiple calls to microservcie endpoints. What happens when the application evolves and new microservices are introduced or existing microservices are updated? If your application has many microservices, handling so many endpoints from the client apps can be a nightmare. Since the client app would be coupled to those internal endpoints, evolving the microservices in the future can cause high impact for the client apps.
Therefore, having an intermediate level or tier of (Gateway) can be convenient for microservice-based applications. If you don't have API Gateways, the client apps must send requests directly to the microservices and that raises problems, such as the following issues:
- Coupling: Without the API Gateway pattern, the client apps are coupled to the internal microservices. The client apps need to know how the multiple areas of the application are decomposed in mircroservices. When evolving and refactoring the internal microservices, those actions impact maintenance because they cause breaking changes to the client app due to the direct reference to the internal microservices from the client apps. Client apps need to be updated frequently, making the solution harder to evolve.
- Too many round trips: A single page/screen in the client app might require several calls to multiple services. That approach can result in multiple network round trips between the client and the server, adding significant latency. Aggregation handled in an intermediate level could improve the performance and user experience for the client app.
- Security issues: Without a gateway, all the microservices must be exposed to the "external world", making the attack surface larger than if you hide internal microservices that aren't directly used by the client apps. The smaller the attack surface is, the more secure your application can be.
- Cross-cutting concerns: Each publicly published microservice must handle concerns such as authorization and SSL. In many situations, those concerns could be handled in a single tier so the internal microservices are simplified.
What is the API Gateway pattern?
When you design and build large or complex microservcie-based applications with multiple client apps, a good approach to consider can be an API Gateway. This pattern is a service that provides a single-entry point for certain groups of microservices. It's similar to the Facade pattern from object-oriented design, but in this case, it's part of a distributed system. The API Gateway pattern is also sometimes known as the "backend for frontend" (BFF) because you build it while thinking about the needs of the client app.
Therefore, the API gateway sits between the client apps and the microservices. It acts as a reverse proxy, routing requests from clients to services. It can also provide other cross-cutting features such as authentication, SSL termination, and cache.
Figure 4-13 shows how a custom API Gateway can fit into a simplified microservice-based architecture with just a few microservices.
Figure 4-13. Using an API Gateway implemented as a custom service
Apps connect to a single endpoint, the API Gateway, that's configured to forward requests to individual microservices. In this example, the API Gateway would be implemented as a custom ASP.NET Core WebHost service running as a container.
It's important to highlight that in that diagram, you would be using a single custom API Gateway servie facing multiple and different client apps. That fact can be an important risk because your API Gateway service will be growing and evolving based on many different requirements from the client apps. Eventually, it will be bloated because of those different needs and effectively it could be similar to a monolithic application or monolithic service. That's why it's very much recommended to split the API Gateway in multiple services or multiple smaller API Gateways, one per client app form-factor type, for instance.
You need to be careful when implementing the API Gateway pattern. Usually it isn't a good idea to have a single API Gateway aggregating all the internal microservices of your application. If it does, it acts as monolithic aggregator or orchestrator and violates microservice autonomy by coupling all the microservices.
Therefore, the API Gateways should be segregated based on business boundaries and the client apps and not act as a single aggregator for all the internal microservices.
When splitting the API Gateway tier into multiple API Gateways, if your application has multiple client apps, that can be a primary pivot when identifying the multiple API Gateways types, so that you can have a different facade for the needs of each client app. This case is a pattern named "Backend for Frontend" (BFF) where each API Gateway can provide a different API tailored for each client app type, possibly even based on the client form factor by implmenting specific adapter code which underneath calls multiple internal microservices, as shown in the following image:
Figure 4-13.1. Using multiple custom API Gateways
Figure 4-13.1 shows API Gateways that are segregated by client type; one for mobile clients and one for web clients. A traditional web app connects to an MVC microservice that uses the web API Gateway. The example depicts a simplified architecture with multiple fine-grained API Gateways. In this case, the boundaries identified for each API Gateway are based purely on the "Backend for Frontend" (BFF) pattern, hence based just on the API needed per client app. But in larger applications you should also go further and create other API Gateways based on business boundaries as a second design pivot.
Main features in the API Gateway pattern
An API Gateway can offer multiple features. Depending on the product it might offer richer or simpler features, however, the most important and foundational features for any API Gateway are the following design patterns:
Reverse proxy or gateway routing. The API Gateway offers a reverse proxy to redirect or route requests (layer 7 rouing, usually HTTP requests) to the endpoints of the internal microservices. The gateway provides a single endpoint or URL for the client apps and then internally maps the requests to a group of internal microservices. This routing feature helps to decouple the client apps from the microservices but it's also convenient when modernizing a monolithic API by sitting the API Gateway in between the monolithic API and the client apps, then you can add new APIs as new microservices while still using the legacy monolithic API until it's split into many microservices in the futrue. Because of the API Gateway, the client apps won't notice if the APIs being used are implemented as internal microservices or a monolithic API and more importantly, when evolving and refactoring the monolithic API into microservices, thanks to the API Gateway routing, client apps won't be impacted with any URI change.
For more information, see Gateway routing pattern.
Requests aggregation. As part of the gateway pattern you can aggregate multiple client requests (usually HTTP requests) targeting multiple internal microservices into a single client request. This pattern is especially convenient when a client page/screen needs information from several microservices. With this approach, the client app sends a single request to the API Gateway that dispatches several requests to the internal microservices and then aggregates the results and sends everything back to he client app. The main benefit and goal of this design pattern is to reduce chattiness between the client apps and the backend API, which is especially important for remote apps out of the datacenter where the microservices live, like mobile apps or requests coming from SPA apps that come from JavaScript in client remote browsers. For regular web apps performing the requests in the server environment (like an ASP.NET Core MVC web app), this pattern is not so important as the latency is very much smaller than for remote client apps.
Depending on the API Gateway product you use, it might be able to perform this aggregation. However, in many cases it's more flexible to create aggregation microservices under the scope of the API Gateway, so you define the aggregation in code (that is, C# code):
For more information, see Gateway aggregation pattern.
Cross-cutting concerns or gateway offloading. Depending on the features offered by each API Gateway product, you can offload functionality from individual microservices to the gateway, which simplifies the implementation of each microservice by consolidating cross-cutting concerns into one tier. This approach is especially convenient for specialized features that can be complex to implement properly in every internal microservice, such as the following functionality:
- Authentication and authorization
- Service discovery integration
- Reponse caching
- Retry policies, circuit breaker, and QoS
- Rate limiting and throttling
- Load balancing
- Logging, tracing, correlation
- Headers, query strings, and claims transformation
- IP allowlisting
For more information, see Gateway offloading pattern.
Using products with API Gateway features
There can be many more cross-cutting concerns offered by the API Gateways products depending on each implementation. We'll explore here:
Azure API Mangement
Azure API Management (as shown in Figure 4-14) not only solves your API Gateway needs but provides features like gathering insights from your APIs. If you're using an API management solution, an API Gateway is only a component within that full API management solution.
Figure 4-14. Using Azure API Management for your API Gateway
Azure API Management solves both your API Gateway and Management needs like logging, security, metering, etc. In this case, when using a product like Azure API Management, the fact that you might have a single API Gateway is not so risky because these kinds of API Gateways are "thinner", meaning that you don't implement custom C# code that could evolve towards a monolithic component.
The API Gateway products usually act like a reverse proxy for ingress communication, where you can also filter the APIs from the internal microservices plus apply authorization to the published APIs in this single tier.
The insights available from an API Management system help you get an understanding of how your APIs are being used and how they are performing. They do this activity by letting you view near real-time analytics reports and identifying trends that might impact your business. Plus, you can have logs about request and response activity for further online and offline analysis.
With Azure API Management, you can secure your APIs using a key, a token, and IP filtering. These features let you enforce flexible and fine-grained quotas and rate limits, modify the shape and behavior of your APIs using policies, and improve performance with response caching.
In this guide and the reference sample application (eShopOnContainers), the architecture is limited to a simpler and custom-made containerized architecture in order to focus on plain containers without using PaaS products like Azure API Management. But for large microservice-based applications that are deployed into Microsoft Azure, we encourage you to evaluate Azure API Management as the base for your API Gateways in production.
Ocelot is a lightweight API Gateway, recommended for simpler approaches. Ocelot is an Open Source .NET Core-based API Gateway especially made for microservices architectures that need unified points of entry into their systems. It's lightweight, fast, and scalable and provides routing and authentication among many other features.
The main reason to choose Ocelot for the eShopOnContainers reference application 2.0 is because Ocelot is a .NET Core lightweight API Gateway that you can deploy into the same application deployment environment where you're deploying your microservices/containers, such as a Docker Host, Kubernetes, etc. And since it's based on .NET Core, it's cross-platform allowing you to deploy on Linux or Windows.
The previous diagrams showing custom API Gateways running in containers are precisely how you can also run Ocelot in a container and microservice-based application.
In addition, there are many other products in the market offering API Gateways features, such as Apigee, Kong, MuleSoft, WSO2, and other products like Linkerd and Istio for service mesh ingress controller features.
After the initial architecture and patterns explanation sections, the next sections explain how to implement API Gateways with Ocelot.
Drawbacks of the API Gateway pattern
The most important drawback is that when you implement an API Gateway, you're coupling that tier with the internal microservices. Coupling like this might introduce serious difficulties for your application. Clemens Vaster, architect at the Azure Service Bus team, refers to this potential difficulty as "the new ESB" in the "Messaging and Microservices" session at GOTO 2016.
- Using a microservices API Gateway creates an additional possible single point of failure.
- An API Gateway can introduce increased response time due to the additional network call. However, this extra call usually has less impact than having a client interface that's too chatty directly calling the internal microservices.
- If not scaled out properly, the API Gateway can become a bottleneck.
- An API Gateway requires additional development cost and future maintenance if it includes custom logic and data aggregation. Developers must update the API Gateway in order to expose each microservice's endpoints. Moreover, implementation changes in the internal microservices might cause code changes at the API Gateway level. However, if the API Gateway is just applying security, logging, and versioning (as when using Azure API Management), this addtional development cost might not apply.
- If the API Gateway is developed by a single team, there can be a development bottleneck. This aspect is another reason why a better approach is to have several fined-grained API Gateways that respond to different client needs. You could also segregate the API Gateway internally into multiple areas or layers that are owned by the different teams working on the internal microservices.
Communication in a microservice architecture
In a monolithic application running on a single process, components invoke one another using language-level method or function calls. These can be strongly coupled if you're creating objects with code (for example, new ClassName()), or can be invoked in a decoupled way if you're using Dependency Injection by referencing abstractions rather than concrete object instances. Either way, the objects are running within the same process. The biggest challenge when changing from a monolithic application to a microservices-based application lies in changing the communication mechanism. A direct conversion from in-process method calls into RPC calls to services will cause a chatty and not efficient communication that won't perform well in distributed environments. The challenges of designing distributed system properly are well enough known that there's even a canon known as the Fallacies of distributed computing that lists assumptions that developers often make when moving from monolithic to distributed designs.
There isn't one solution, but several. One solution involves isolating the business microservices as much as possible. You then use asynchronous communication between the internal microservices and replace fine-grained communication that's typical in intra-process communication between objects with coarser-grained communication. You can do this by grouping calls, and by returning data that aggregates the results of multiple internal calls, to the client.
A microservices-based application is a distributed system running on multiple processes or services, usually even across multiple servers or hosts. Each service instance is typically a process. Therefore, services must interact using an inter-process communication protocol such as HTTP, AMQP, or a binary protocol like TCP, depending on the nature of each service.
The microservice community promotes the philosophy of "smart endpoints and dumb pipes". This slogan encourages a design that's as decoupled as possible between microservices, and as cohesive as possible within a single microservice. As explained earlier, each microservice owns its own data and its own domain logic. But the microservices composing an end-to-end application are usually simply choreographed by using REST communications rather than complex protocols such as WS-* and flexible event-driven communications instead of centralized business-process-orchestrators.
The two commonly used protocols are HTTP request/response with resource APIs (when querying most of all), and lightweight asynchronous messaging when communicating updates across multiple microservices. These are explained in more detail in the following sections.
Communication types
Client and services can communicate through many different types of communication, each one targeting a different scenario and goals. Initially, those types of communications can be classified in two axes.
The first axis defines if the protocol is synchronous or asynchronous:
- Synchronous protocol. HTTP is synchronous protocol. The client send a request and waits for a response from the service. That's independent of the client code execution that could be synchronous (thread is blocked) or asynchronous (thread isn't blocked, and the response will reach a callback eventually). The important point here is that the protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) is synchronous and the client code can only continue its task when it receives the HTTP server response.
- Asynchronous protocol. Other protocols like AMQP (a protocol supported by many operating systems and cloud environments) use asynchronous messages. The client code or message sender ususally doesn't wait for a response. It just sends the message as when sending a message to a RabbitMQ queue or any other message broker.
The second axis defines if the communications has a single receiver or multiple receivers:
- Single receiver. Each request must be processed by exactly one receiver or service. An example of this communication is the Command pattern.
- Multiple receivers. Each request can be processed by zero to multiple receivers. This type of communication must be asynchronous. An example is the publish/subscribe mechanism used in patterns like Event-driven architecture. This is based on an event-bus interface or message broker when propagating data updates between multiple microservices through events; it's usually implemented through a service bus or similar artifact like Azure Service Bus by using topics and subscriptions.
A microservice-based application will often use a combination of these communication styles. The most common type is single-receiver communication with a synchronous protocol like HTTP/HTTPS when invoking a regular Web API HTTP service. Microservices also typically use messaging protocols for asynchronous communication between microservices.
These axes are good to know so you have clarity on the possible communication mechanisms, but they're not the important concerns when building microservices. Neither the asynchronous nature of client thread execution nor the asynchronous nature of the selected protocol are the important points when integrating microservices. What is important is being able to integrate your microservices asynchronously while maintaining the independence of microservices, as explained in the following section.
Asynchronous microservice integration enforces microservice's autonomy
As mentioned, the important point when building a microservices-based application is the way you integrate your microservices. Ideally, you should try to minimize the communication between the internal microservices. The fewer communications between microservices, the better. But in many cases, you'll have to somehow integrate the microservices. When you need to do that, the critical rule here is that the communication between the microservices should be asynchronous. That doesn't mean that you have to use a specific protocol (for example, asynchronous messaging versus synchronous HTTP). It just means that the communication between microservices should be done only by propagating data asynchronously, but try not to depend on other internal microservices as part of the initial service's HTTP request/response operation.
If possible, never depend on synchronous communication (request/response) between multiple microservices, not even for queries. The goal of each microservice is to be autonomous and available to the client consumer, even if the other services that are part of the end-to-end application are down or unhealthy. If you think you need to make a call from one microservice to other microservices (like performing an HTTP request for a data query) to be able to provide a response to a client application, you have an architecture that won't be resilient when some microservices fail.
Moreover, having HTTP dependencies between microservices, like when creating long request/response cycles with HTTP request chains, as shown in the first part of the Figure 4-15, not only makes your microservices not autonomous but also their performance is impacted as soon as one of the services in that chain isn't performing well.
The more you add synchronous dependencies between microservices, such as query requests, the worse the overall response time gets for the client apps.
Figure 4-15. Anti-patterns and patterns in communication between microservices
As shown in the above diagram, in synchronous communication a "chain" of request is created between microservices while serving the client request. This is an anti-pattern. In asynchronous communication microservices use asynchronous messages or http polling to communicate with other microservices, but the client request is served right away.
If your microservice needs to raise an additional action in another microservice, if possible, do not perform that action synchronously and as part of the original microservice request and reply operation. Instead, do it asynchronously (using asynchronous messaging or integration events, queues, etc.). But, as much as possible, do not invoke the action synchronously as part of the original synchronous request and reply operation.
And finally (and this is where most of the issues arise when building microservices), if your initial microservice needs data that's originally owned by other microservices, do not rely on making synchronous requests for that data. Instead, replicate or propagate that data (only the attributes you need) into the initial service's database by using eventual consistency (typically by using integration events, as explained in upcoming sections).
As noted earlier in the Identifying domain-model boundaries for each microservice section, duplicating some data across several microservices isn't an incorrect design—on the contrary, when doing that you can translate the data into the specific language or terms of that additional domain or Bounded Context. For instance, in the eShopOnContainers application you have a microservice named that's in charge of most of the user's data with an entity named User. However, when you need to store data about the user within the Ordering microservice, you store it as a different entity named Buyer. The Buyer entity shares the same identity with the original User entity, but it might have only the few attributes needed by the Ordering domain, and not the whole user profile.
You might use any protocol to communicate and propagate data asynchronously across microservices in order to have eventual consistency. As mentioned, you could use integration events using an event bus or message broker or you could event use HTTP by polling the other servcies instead. It doesn't matter. The important rule is to not create synchronous dependencies between your microservices.
The following sections explain the multiple communication styles you can consider using in a microservice-based application.
Communication styles
There are many protocols and choices you can use for communication, depending on the communication type you want to use. If you're using a synchronous request/reponse-based communication mechanism, protocols such as HTTP and REST approaches are the most common, especially if you're publishing your services outside the Docker host or microservice cluster. If you're communicating between services internally (within your Docker host or microservices cluster), you might also want to use binary format communication mechanism (like WCF using TCP and binary format). Alternatively, you can use asynchronous, message-based communication mechanisms such as AMQP.
There are also multiple message formats like JSON or XML, or even binary format, which can be more efficient. If your chosen binary format isn't a standard, it's probably not a good idea to publicly publish your services using that format. You could use a non-standard format for internal communication between your microservices. You might do this when communicating between your microservices. You might do this when communicating between microservices within your Docker host or microservice cluster (for example, Docker orchestrators), or for proprietary client applications that talk to the microservices.
Request/response communication with HTTP and REST
When a client uses request/response communication, it sends a request to a service, then the service processes the request and sends back a response. Request/response communication is especially well suited for querying data for a real-time UI (a live user interface) from client apps. Therefore, in a microservice architecture you'll probably use this communication mechanism for most queries, as shown in Figure 4-16.
Figure 4-16. Using HTTP request/response communication (synchronous or asynchronous)
When a client uses request/response communication, it assumes that the response will arrive in a short time, typically less than a second, or a few seconds at most. For delayed responses, you need to implement asynchronous communication based on messaging patterns and messaging technologies, which is a different approach that we explain in the next section.
A popular architectural style for request/response communication is REST. This approach is based on, and tightly coupled to, the HTTP protocol, embracing HTTP verbs like GET, POST, and PUT. REST is the most commonly used architectural communication approach when creating services. You can implement REST services when you develop ASP.NET Core Web API services.
There's additional value when using HTTP REST services as your interface definition language. For instance, if you use Swagger metadata to describe your service API, you can use tools that generate client stubs that can directly discover and consume your services.
Push and real-time communication based on HTTP
Another possibility (usually for different purposes than REST) is a real-time and one-to-many communication with higher-level frameworks such as ASP.NET SignalR and protocols such as WebSockets.
As Figure 4-17 shows, real-time HTTP communication means that you can have server code pushing content to connected clients as the data becomes available, rather than having the server wait for a client to request new data.
Figure 4-17. One-to-many real-time asynchronous message communication
SignalR is a good way to achieve real-time communication for pushing content to the clients from a back-end server. Since communication is in real time, client apps show the changes almost instantly. This is usually handled by a protocol such as WebSockets, using many WebSockets connections (one per client). A typical example is when a service communicates a change in the score of a sports game to many client web apps simultaneously.
Asynchronous message-based communication
Asynchronous messaging and event-driven communication are critical when propagating changes across multiple microservices and their related domain models. As mentioned earlier in the discussion microservices and Bounded Contexts (BCs), models (User, Customer, Product, Account, etc.) can mean different things to different microservices or BCs. That means that when changes occur, you need some way to reconcile changes across the different models. A solution is eventual consistency and event-driven communication based on asynchronous messaging.
When using messaging, processes communicate by exchanging messages asynchronously. A client makes a command or a request to a service by sending it a message. If the service needs to reply, it sends a different message back to the client. Since it's a message-based communication, the client assumes that the reply won't be received immediately, and that there might be no response at all.
A message is composed by a header (metadata such as identification or security information) and a body. Messages are usually sent through asynchronous protocols like AMQP.
The preferred infrastructure for this type of communication in the microservices community is a lightweight message broker, which is different than the large brokers and orchestrators used in SOA. In a lightweight message broker, the infrastructure is typically "dumb," acting only as a message broker, with simple implementations such as RabbitMQ or a scalable service bus in the cloud like Azure Service Bus. In this scenario, most of the "smart" thinking still lives in the endpoints that are producing and consuming messages-that is, in the microservices.
Another rule you should try to follow, as much as possible, is to use only asynchronous messaging between the internal services, and to use synchronous communication (such as HTTP) only from the client apps to the front-end services (API Gateways plus the first level of microservices).
There are two kinds of asynchronous messaging communication: single receiver message-based communication, and multiple receivers message-based communication. The following sections provide details about them.
Single-receiver message-based communication
Message-based asynchronous communication with a single receiver means there's point-to-point communication that delivers a message to exactly one of the consumers that's reading from the channel, and that the message is processed just once. However, there are special situations. For instance, in a cloud system that tries to automatically recover from failures, the same message could be sent multiple times. Due to network or other failures, the client has to be able to retry sending messages, and the server has to implement an operation to be idempotent in order to process a particular message just once.
Single-receiver message-based communication is especially well suited for sending asynchronous commands from one microservice to another as shown in Figure 4-18 that illustrates this approach.
Once you start sending message-based communication (either with commands or events), you should avoid mixing message-based communication with synchronous HTTP communication.
Figure 4-18. A single microservice receiving an asynchronous message
When the commands come from client applications, they can be implemented as HTTP synchronous commands. Use message-based commands when you need higher scalability or when you're already in a message-based business process.
Multiple-receiver message-based communication
As a more flexible approach, you might also want to use a publish/subscribe mechanism so that your communication from the sender will be available to additional subscriber microservices or to external applications. Thus, it helps you to follow the open/closed principle in the sending service. That way, additional subscribers can be added in the future without the need to modify the sender service.
When you use a publish/subscribe communication, you might be using an event bus interface to publish events to any subscriber.
Asynchronous event-driven communication
When using asynchronous event-driven communication, a microservice publishes an integration event when something happens within its domain and another microservice needs to be aware of it, like a price change in a product catalog microservice. Additional microservices subscribe to the events so they can receive them asynchronously. When that happens, the receivers might update their own domain entities, which can cause more integration events to be published. This publish/subscribe system is performed by using an implementation of an event bus. The event bus can be designed as an abstraction or interface, with the API that's needed to subscribe or unsubscribe to events and to publish events. The event bus can also have one or more implementations based on any inter-process and messaging broker, like a messaging queue or service bus that supports asynchronous communication and a publish/subscribe model.
If a system uses eventual consistency driven by integration events, it's recommended that this approach is made clear to the end user. The system shouldn't use an approach that mimics integration events, like SignalR or polling systems from the client. The end user and the business owner have to explicitly embrace eventual consistency in the system and realize that in many cases the business doesn't have any problem with this approach, as long as it's explicit. This approach is important because users might expect to see some results immediately and this aspect might not happen with eventual consistency.
As noted earlier in the Challenges and solutions for distributed data management section, you can use integration events to implement business tasks that span multiple microservices. Thus, you'll have eventual consistency between those services. An eventually consistent transaction is made up of a collection of distributed actions. At each action, the related microservice updates a domain entity and publishes another integration event that raises the next action within the same end-to-end business task.
An important point is that you might want to communicate to multiple microservices that are subscribed to the same event. To do so, you can use publish/subscribe messaging based on event-driven communication, as shown in Figure 4-19. This publish/subscribe mechanism isn't exclusive to the microservice architecture. It's similar to the way Bounded Contexts in DDD should communicate, or to the way you propagate updates from the write database to the read database in the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) architecture pattern. The goal is to have eventual consistency between multiple data sources across your distributed system.
Figure 4-19. Asynchronous event-driven message communication
In asynchronous event-driven communication, one microservice publishes events to an event bus and many microservices can subscribe to it, to get notified and act on it. Your implementation will determine what protocol to use for event-driven, message-based communications. AMQP can help achieve reliable queued communication.
When you use an event bus, you might want to use an abstraction level (like an event bus interface) based on a related implementation in classes with code using the API from a message broker like RabbitMQ or a service bus like Azure Service Bus with Topics. Alternatively, you might want to use a higher-level service bus like NServiceBus, MassTransit, or Brighter to articulate your event bus and publish/subscribe system.
A note about messaging technologies for production systems
The messaging technologies available for implementing your abstact event bus are at different levels. For instance, products like RabbitMQ (a messaging broker transport) and Azure Service Bus sit at a lower level than other products like NServiceBus, MassTransit, or Brighter, which can work on top of RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus. Your choice depends on how many rich features at the application level and out-of-the-box scalability you need for your application. For implementing just a proof-of-concept event bus for your development environment, as it was done in the eShopOnContainers sample, a simple implementation on top of RabbitMQ running on a Docker container might be enough.
However, for mission-critical and production systems that need hyper-scalability, you might want to evaluate Azure Service Bus. For high-level abstractions and features that make the development of distributed applications easier, we recommend that you evaluate other commercial and open-source service buses, such as NServiceBus, MassTransit, and Brighter. Of course, you can build your own service-bus features on top of lower-level technologies like RabbitMQ and Docker. But that plumbing work might cost too much for a custom enterprise application.
Resiliently publishing to the event bus
A challenge when implementing an even-driven architecture across multiple microservices is how to atomiclly update state in the original microservice while resiliently publishing its related integration event into the event bus, somehow based on transactions. The following are a few ways to accomplish this functionality, although there could be additional approaches as well.
For a more complete description of the challenges in this space, including how messages with potentially incorrect data can end up being published, see Data platform for mission-critical workloads on Azure: Every message must be processed.
Additional topics to consider when using asynchronous communication are message idempotence and message deduplication. These topics are covered in the section Implementing event-based communication between microservices (integration events) later in this guide.
Creating, evolving, and versioning microservice APIs and contracts
A microservice API is a contract between the service and its clients. You'll be able to evolve a microservice independently only if you do not break its API contract, which is why the contract is so important. If you change the contract, it will impact your client applications or your API Gateway.
The nature of the API definition depends on which protocol you're using. For instance, if you're using messaging, like AMQP, the API consists of the message types. If you're using HTTP and RESTful services, the API consists of the URLs and the request and response JSON formats.
However, even if you're thoughtful about your initial contract, a service API will need to change over time. When that happens — and especially if your API is a public API consumed by multiple client applications — you typically can't force all clients to upgrade to your new API contract. You usually need to incrementally deploy new versions of a service in a way that both old and new versions of a service contract are running simultaneously. Therefore, it's important to have a strategy for your service versioning.
When the API changes are small, like if you add attributes or parameters to your API, clients that use an older API should switch and work with the new version of the service. You might be able to provide default values for any missing attributes that are required, and the clients might be able to ignore any extra response attributes.
However, sometimes you need to make major and imcompattible changes to a service API. Because you might not be able to force client applications or services to upgrade immediately to the new version, a service must support older versions of the API for some period. If you're using an HTTP-based mechanism such as REST, one approach is to embed the API version number in the URL or into an HTTP header. Then you can decide between
Finally, if you're using a REST architecture, Hypermedia is the best solution for versioning your services and allowing evolvable APIs.
Microservices addressability and the service registry
Each microservice has a unique name (URL) that's used to resolve its location. Your microservice needs to be addressable whereever it's running. If you have to think about which computer is running a particular microservice, things can go bad quickly. In the same way that DNS resolves a URL to a particular computer, your microservice needs to have a unique name so that its current location is discoverable. Microservices need addressable names that make them independent from the infrastructure that they're running on. This approach implies that there's an interaction between how your service is deployed and how it's discovered, because there needs to be a service registry. In the same vein, when a computer fails, the registry service must be able to indicate where the service is now running.
The service registry pattern is a key part of service discovery. The registry is a database containing the network locations of service instances. A service registry needs to be highly available and up-to-date. Clients could cache network locations obtained from the service registry. However, that information eventually goes out of date and clients can no longer discover service instances. So, a service registry consists of a cluster of servers that use a replication protocol to maintain consistency.
In some microservice deployment environments (called clusters, to be covered in a later section), service discovery is built in. For example, an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) environment can handle service instance registration and deregistration. It also runs a proxy on each cluster host that plays the role of server-side discovery router.
Creating composite UI based on microservices
Microservices architecture often starts with the server-side handling data and logic, but, in many cases, the UI is still handled as a monolith. However, a more advanced approach, called micro frontends, is to design your application UI based on microservices as well. That means having a composite UI produced by the microservices, instead of having microservices on the server and just a monolithic client app consuming the microservices. With this approach, the microservices you build can be complete with both logic and visual representation.
Figure 4-20 shows the simpler approach of just consuming microservices from a monolithic client application. Of course, you could have an ASP.NET MVC service in between producing the HTML and JavaScript. The figure is a simplification that highlights that you have a single (monolithic) client UI consuming the microservices, which just focus on logic and data and not on the UI shape (HTML and JavaScript).
Figure 4-20. A monolithic UI application consuming back-end microservices
In contrast, a composite UI is precisely generated and composed by the microservices themselves. Some of the microservices drive the visual shape of specific areas of the UI. The key difference is that you have client UI components (TypeScript classes, for example) based on templates, and the data-shaping-UI ViewModel for those templates comes from each microservice.
At client application start-up time, each of the client UI components (TypeScript classes, for example) registers itself with an infrastructure microservice capable of providing ViewModels for a given scenario. If the microservice changes the shape, the UI changes also.
Figure 4-21 shows a version of this composite UI approach. This approach is simplified because you might have other microservices that are aggregating granular parts that are based on different techniques. It depends on whether you're building a traditional web approach (ASP.NET MVC) or an SPA (Single Page Application).
Figure 4-21. Example of a composite UI application shaped by back-end microservices
Each of those UI composition microservices would be similar to a small API Gateway. But in this case, each one is responsible for a small UI area.
A composite UI approach that's driven by microservices can be more challenging or less so, depending on what UI technologies you're using. For instance, you won't use the same techniques for building a traditional web application that you use for building an SPA or for native mobile app (as when developing Xamarin apps, which can be more challenging for this approach).
The eShopOnContainers sample application uses the monolithic UI approach for multiple reasons. First, it's an introduction to microservices and containers. A composite UI is more advanced but also requires further complexity when designing and developing the UI. Second, eShopOnContainers also provides a native mobile app based on Xamarin, which would make it more complex on the client C# side.
Resiliency and high availability in microservices
Dealing with unexpected failures is one of the hardest problems to solve, especially in a distributed system. Much of the code that developers write involves handling exceptions, and this is also where the most time is spent in testing. The problem is more involved than writing code to handle failures. What happens when the machine where the microservice is running fails? Not only do you need to detect this microservice failure (a hard problem on its own), but you also need something to restart your microservice.
A microservice needs to be resilient to failures and to be able to restart often on another machine for availability. This resiliency also comes down to the state that was saved on behalf of the microservice, where the microservice can recover this state from, and whether the microservice can restart successfully. In other words, there needs to be resiliency in the compute capability (the process can restart at any time) as well as resilience in the state or data (no data loss, and the data remains consistent).
The problems of resiliency are compounded during other scenarios, such as when failures occur during an application upgrade. The microservice, working with the deployment system, needs to determine whether it can continue to move forward to the newer version or instead roll back to a previous version to maintain a consistent state. Questions such as whether enough machines are available to keep moving forward and how to recover previous versions of the microservice need to be considered. This approach requires the microservice to emit health information so that the overall application and orchestrator can make these decisions.
In addition, resiliency is related to how cloud-based systems must behave. As mentioned, a cloud-based system must embrace failures and must try to automatically recover from them. For instance, in case of network or container failures, client apps or client services must have a strategy to retry sending messages or to retry requests, since in many cases failures in the cloud are partial. The Implementing Resilient Applications section in this guide addresses how to handle partial failure. It describes techniques like retries with exponential backoff or the Circuit Breaker pattern in .NET by using libraries like Polly, which offers a large variety of policies to handle this subject.
Health management and diagnostics in microservices
It may seem obvious, and it's often overlooked, but a microservice must report its health and diagnostics. Otherwise, there's little insight from an operations perspective. Correlating diagnostic events across a set of independent services and dealing with machine clock skews to make sense of the event order is challenging. In the same way that you interact with a microservice over agreed-upon protocols and data formats, there's a need for standardization in how to log health and diagnostic events that ultimately end up in an event store for querying and viewing. In a microservices approach, it's key that different teams agree on a single logging format. There needs to be a consistent approach to viewing diagnostic events in the application.
Health checks
Health is different from diagnostics. Health is about the mircoservice reporting its current state to take appropriate actions. A good example is working with upgrade and deployment mechanisms to maintain availability. Although a service might currently be unhealthy due to a process crash or machine reboot, the service might still be operational. The last thing you need is to make this worse by performing an upgrade. The best approach is to do an investigation first or allow time for the microservice to recover. Health events from a microservice help us make informed decisions and, in effect, help create self-healing services.
In the Implementing health checks in ASP.NET Core services section of this guide, we explain how to use a new ASP.NET HealthChecks library in your microservices so they can report their state to a monitoring service to take appropriate actions.
You also have the option of using an excellent open-source library called AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks, available on GitHub and as a NuGet package. This library also does health checks, with a twist, it handles two types of checks:
- Liveness: Checks if the microservice is alive, that is, if it's able to accept requests and respond.
- Readiness: Checks if the microservice's dependencies (Database, queue services, etc.) are themselves ready, so the microservice can do what it's supposed to do.
Using diagnostics and logs event streams
Logs provide information about how an application or service is running, including exceptions, warnings, and simple informational messages. Usually, each log is in a text format with one line per event, although exceptions also often show the stack trace across multiple lines.
In monolithic server-based applications, you can write logs to a file on disk (a logfile) and then analyze it with any tool. Since application execution is limited to a fixed server or VM, it generally isn't too complex to analyze the flow of events. However, in a distributed application where multiple services are executed across many nodes in an orchestrator cluster, being able to correlate distributed events is a challenge.
A microservice-based application should not try to store the output stream of events or logfiles by itself, and not even try to manage the routing of the events to a central place. It should be transparent, meaning that each process should just write its event stream to a standard output that underneath will be collected by the execution environment infrastructure where it's running. An example of these event stream routers is Microsoft.Diagnostic.EventFlow, which collects event streams from multiple sources and publishes it to output systems. These can include simple standard output for a development environment or cloud systems like Azure Monitor and Azure Diagnostics. There are also good third-party log analysis platforms and tools that can search, alert, report, and monitor logs, even in real time, like Splunk.
Orchestrators managing health and diagnostics information
When you create a microservice-based application, you need to deal with complexity. Of course, a single microservcie is simple to deal with, but dozens or hundreds of instances of microservices is a complex problem.
Figure 4-22. A Microservice Platform is fundamental for an application's health management
The complex problems shown in Figure 4-22 are had to solve by yourself. Development teams should focus on solving business problems and building custom applications with microservice-based approaches. They should not focus on solving complex infrastructure problems; if they did, the cost of any microservice-based application would be huge. Therefore, there are microservice-oriented platforms, referred to as orchestrators or microservice clusters, that try to solve the hard problems of building and running a servcie and using infrastructure resources efficiently. This approach reduces the complexities of building applications that use a microservices approach.
Different orchestrators might sound similar, but the diagnostics and health checks offered by each of them differ in features and state of maturity, sometimes depending on the OS platform, as explained in the next section.
Orchestrate microservices and multi-container applications for high scalability and availability
Using orchestrators for production-ready applications is essential if your application is based on microservices or simply split across multiple containers. As introduced previously, in a microservice-based approach, each microservice owns its model and data so that it will be autonomous from a development and deployment point fo view. But even if you have a more traditional application that's composed of multiple services (like SOA), you'll also have multiple containers or services comprising a single business application that need to be deployed as a distributed system. These kinds of systems are complex to scale out and manage; therefore, you absolutely need an orchestrator if you want to have a production-ready and scalable multi-container application.
Figure 4-23 illustrates deployment into a cluster of an application composed of multiple
Figure 4-23. A cluster of containers
You use one container for each service instance. Docker containers are "units of deployment" and a container is an instance of a Docker. A host handles many containers. It looks like a logical approach. But how are you handling load-balancing, routing, and orch these composed applications?
The plain Docker Engine in single Docker hosts meets the needs of managing single image instances on one host, but it falls short when it comes to managing multiple containers deployed on multiple hosts for more complex distributed applications. In most cases, you need a management platform that will automatically start containers, scale out containers with multiple instances per image, suspend them or shut them down when needed, and ideally also control how they access resources like the network and data storage.
To go beyond the management of individual containers or simple composed apps and move toward larger enterprise applications with microservices, you must turn to orchestration and clustering platforms.
From an architecture and development point of view, if you're building large enterprise composed of microservices-based applications, it's important to understand the following platforms and products that support advanced scenarios:
Clusters and orchestrators. When you need to scale out applications across many Docker hosts, as when a large microservice-based application, it's critical to be able to manage all those hosts as a single cluster by abstracting the complexity of the underlying platform. That's what the container clusters and orchestrators provide. Kubernetes is an example of an orchestrator, and is available in Azure through Azure Kubernetes Service.
Schedulers. Scheduling means to have the capability for an administrator to launch containers in a cluster so they also provide a UI. A cluster scheduler has several responsibilities: to use the cluster's resources efficiently, to set the constraints provided by the user, to efficiently load-balance containers across nodes or hosts, and to be robust against errors while providing high availability.
The concepts of a cluster and a scheduler are closely related, so the products provided by different vendors often provide both sets of capabilities. The following list shows the most important platform and software choices you have for clusters and schedulers. These orchestrators are generally offered in public clounds like Azure.
Software platforms for container clustering, orchestration, and scheduling
Platform | Description |
Kubernetes![]() |
Kubernetes is an open-source product that provides functionality that ranges from cluster infrastructure and container scheduling to orchestrating capabilities. It lets you automate deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. Kubernetes provides a container-centric infrastructure that groups application containers into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes is mature in Linux, less mature in Windows. |
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)![]() |
AKS is a managed Kubernetes container orchestration service in Azure that simplifies Kubernetes cluster's management, deployment, and operations. |
Azure Container Apps![]() |
Azure Container Apps is a managed serverless container service for building and deploying modern apps at scale. |
Using container-based orchestrators in Microsoft Azure
Several cloud vendors offer Docker containers support plus Docker clusters and orchestration support, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2 Container Service, and Google Container Engine. Microsoft Azure provides Docker cluster and orchestrator support through Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Using Azure Kubernetes Service
A Kubernetes cluster pools multiple Docker hosts and exposes them as a single virtual Docker host, so you can deploy multiple containers into the cluster and scale-out with any number of container instances. The cluster will handle all the complex management plumbing, like scalability, health, and so forth.
AKS provides a way to simplify the creation, configuration, and management of a cluster of virtual machines in Azure that are preconfigured to run containerized applications. Using an optimized configuration of popular open-source scheduling and orchestration tools, AKS enables you to use your existing skills or draw on a large and growing body of community expertise to deploy and manage container-based applications on Microsoft Azure.
Azure Kubernetes Service optimizes the configuration of popular Docker clustering open-source tools and technologies specifically for Azure. You get an open solution that offers portability for both your containers and your application configuration. You select the size, the number of hosts, and the orchestrator tools, and AKS handles everything else.
Figure 4-24. Kubernetes cluster's simplified structure and topology
In figure 4-24, you can see the structure of a Kubernetes cluster where a master node (VM) controls most of the coordination of the cluster and you can deploy containers to the rest of the nodes, which are managed as a single pool from an application point of view and allows you to scale to thousands or even tens of thousands of containers.
Development environment for Kubernetes
In the development environment, Docker announced in July 2018 that Kubernetes can also run in a single development machine (Windows 10 or macOS) by installing Docker Desktop. You can later deploy to the cloud (AKS) for further integration tests, as shown in figure 4-25.
Figure 4-25. Running Kubernetes in dev machine and the cloud
Getting started with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
To begin using AKS, you deploy an AKS cluster from the Azure portal or by using the CLI. For more information on deploying a Kubernetes cluster in Azure, see Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.
There are no fees for any of the software installed by default as part of AKS. All default options are implemented with open-source software. AKS is available for multiple virtual machines in Azure. You're charged only for the compute instances you choose, and the other underlying infrastructure resources consumed, such as storage and networking. There are no incremental charges for AKS itself.
The default production deployment option for Kubernetes is to use Helm charts, which are introduced in the next section.
Deploy with Helm charts into Kubernetes clusters
When deploying an application to a Kubernetes cluster, you can use the original kubectl.exe CLI tool using deployment files based on the native format (.yaml files), as already mentioned in the previous section. However, for more complex Kubernetes applications such as when deploying complex microservice-based applications, it's recommended to use Helm.
Helm Charts helps you define, version, install, share, upgrade, or rollback even the most complex Kubernetes application.
Going further, Helm usage is also recommended because other Kubernetes environments in Azure, such as Azure Dev Spaces are also based on Helm charts.
Helm is maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) - in collaboration with Microsoft, Google, Bitnami, and the Helm contributor community.
For more implementation information on Helm charts and Kubernetes, see the Using Helm Charts to deploy eShopOnContainers to AKS post.
From: Identifying domain-model boundaries for each microservice - .NET | Microsoft Learn
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