Architecting container and microservice-based applications (1)
Microservices offer great benefits but also raise huge new challenges. Microservice architecture patterns are fundamental pillars when creating a microservice-based application.
Earlier in this guide, you learned basic concepts about containers and Docker. That imformation was the minimum you needed to get started with containers. Even though containers are enablers of, and a great fit for microservices, they aren't mandatory for a microservice architecture. Many architectural concepts in this architecture section could be applied without containers. However, this guide focuses on the intersection of both due to the already introduced importance of containers.
Enterprise applications can be complex and are often composed of multiple services instead of a single servie-based application. For those cases, you need to understand other architectural approaches, such as the microservices and certain Domain-Driven Design (DDD) patterns plus container orchestration concepts. Note that this chapter describes not just microservices on containers, but any containerized application, as well.
Container design principles
In the container model, a container image instance represents a single process. By defining a container image as a process boundary, you can create primitives that can be used to scale or batch the process.
When you design a container image, you'll see an ENTRYPOINT definition in the Dockerfile. This definition defines the process whose lifetime controls the lifetime of the container. When the process completes, the container lifecycle ends. Containers might represent long-running processes like web servers, but can also represent short-lived processes like batch job, which formerly might have been implemented as Azure WebJobs.
If the process fails, the container ends, and the orchestrator takes over. If the orchestrator was configured to keep five instances running and one fails, the orchestrator will create another container instance to replace the failed process. In a batch job, the process is started with parameters. When the process completes, the work is complete. This guidance drills-down on orchestrators, later on.
You might find a scenario where you want multiple processes running in a single container. For that scenario, since there can be only one entry point per container, you could run a script within the container that launches as many programs as needed. For example, you can use Supervisor or a similar tool to take care of launching multiple processes inside a single container. However, even though you can find architectures that hold multiple processes per container, that approach isn't very common.
Containerizing monolithic applications
You might want to build a single, monolithically deployed web application or service and deploy it as container. The application itself might not be internally monolithic, but structured as several libraries, components, or even layer (application layer, domain layer, data-access layer, etc.). Externally, however, it's a single container—a single process, a single web application, or a single service.
To manage this model, you deploy a single container to represent the application. To increase capacity, you scale out, that is, just add more copies with a load balancer in front. The simplicity comes from managing a single deployment in a single container or VM.
Figure 4-1. Example of the architecture of a containerized monolithic application
You can include multiple components, libraries, or internal layers in each container, as illustrated in Figure 4-1. A monolithic containerized application has most of its functionality within a single container, with internal layers or libraries, and scales out by cloning the container on multiple servers/VMs. However, this monolithic pattern might conflict with the container principle "a container does one thing, and does it in one process", but might be ok for some cases.
The downside of this approach becomes evident if the application grows, requiring it to scale. If the entire application can scale, it isn't really a problem. However, in most cases, just a few parts of the application are the choke points that require scaling, while other components are used less.
For example, in a typical e-commerce application, you likely need to scale the product information subsystem, because mang more customers browse products than purchase them. More customers use their basket than use the payment pipeline. Fewer customers add comments or view their purchase history. And you might have only a handful of employees that need to manage the content and marketing campaings. If you scale the monolithic design, all the code for these different tasks is deployed multiple times and scaled at the same grade.
There are multiple ways to scale an application-horizontal duplication, splitting different areas of the application, and partitioning similar business concepts or data. But, in addition to the problem of scaling all components, changes to a single component require complete retesting of the entire application, and a complete redeployment of all the instances.
However, the monolithic approach is common, because the development of the application is initially easier than for microservices approaches. Thus, many organizations develop using this architectural approach. While some organizations have had good enough results, others are hitting limits. Many organizations designed their applications using this model because tools and infrastructure made it too difficult to build service-oriented architectures (SOA) years ago, and they did not see the need-until the application grew.
From an infrastructure perspective, each server can run many applications within the same host and hava an acceptable ratio of effieiency in resources usage, as shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2. Monolithic approach: Host running multiple apps, each app running as a container
Monolithic applications in Microsoft Azure can be deployed using dedicated VMs for each instance. Additionally, using Azure virtual machine scale sets, you can easily scale the VMs. Azure App Service can also run monolithic applications and easily scale instances without requiring you manage the VMs. Since 2016, Azure App Services can run single instances of Docker containers as well, simplifying deployment.
As a QA environment or a limited production environment, you can deploy multiple Docker host VMs and balance them using the Azure balancer, as shown in Figure 4-3. This lets you manage scaling with a coarse-grain approach, because the whole application lives within a single container.
Figure 4-3. Example of multiple hosts scaling up a single container application
Deployment to the various hosts can be managed with traditional deployment techniques. Docker hosts can be managed with commands like docker run
or docker-compose
performed manually, or through automation such as continuous delivery (CD) pipelines.
Deploying a monolithic application as a container
There are benefits to using containers to manage monolithic application deployments. Scaling container instances is far faster and easier than deploying additional VMs. Even if you use vitual machine scale sets, VMs take time to start. When deployed as traditional application instances instead of containers, the configuration of the application is managed as part of the VM, which isn't ideal.
Deploying updates as Docker images is far faster and network efficient. Docker images typically start in seconds, which speeds rollouts. Tearing down a Docker image instance is as easy as issuing a docker stop
command, and typically completes in less than a second.
Because containers are immutable by design, you never need to worry about corrupted VMs. In contrast, update scripts for a VM might forget to account for some specific configuration or file left on disk.
While monolithic applications can benefit from Docker, we're touching only on the benefits. Additional benefits of manage the various instances and lifecycle of each container instance. Breaking up the monolithic application into subsystems that can be scaled, developed, and deployed individually is your entry point into the realm of microservices.
Publishing a single-container-based application to Azure App Service
Whether you want to get validation of a container deployed to Azure or when an application is simply a single-container application, Azure App Service provides a great way to provide scalable single-container-based services. Using Azure App Service is simple. It provides great integration with Git to make it easy to take your code, build it in Visual Studio, and deploy it directly to Azure.
Figure 4-4. Publishing a single-container application to Azure App Service from Visual Studio 2022
Without Docker, if you needed other capabilities, frameworks, or dependencies that aren't supported in Azure App Service, you had to wait until the Azure team updated those dependencies in App Service. Or you had to switch to other services like Azure Cloud Services or VMs, where you had further control and you could install a required component or framework for your application.
Container support in Visual Studio 2017 and later gives you the ability to include whatever you want in your application environment, as shown in Figure 4-4. Since you're running it in a container, if you add a dependency to your application, you can include the dependency in your Dockerfile or Docker image.
As also shown in Figure 4-4, the publish flow pushes an image through a container registry. This can be the Azure Container Registry (a registry close to your deployments in Azure and secured by Azure Active Directory groups and accounts), or any other Docker registry, like Docker Hub or an on-premises registry.
Manage state and data in Docker applications
In most cases, you can think of a container as an instance of a process. A process doesn't maintain persistent state. While a container can write to its local storage, assuming that an instance will be around indefinitely would be like assuming that a single location in memory will be durable. You should assume that container images, like processes, have multiple instances or will eventually be killed. If they're managed with a container orchestrator, you should assume that they might get moved from on node or VM to another.
The following solutions are used to manage data in Docker applications:
From the Docker host, as Docker Volumes:
- Volumes are stored in an area of the host filesystem that's managed by Docker.
- Bind mounts can map to any folder in the host filesystem, so access can't be controlled from Docker process and can pose a security risk as a container could access sensitive OS folders.
- tmpfs mounts are like virtual folders that only exist in the host's memory and are never written to the filesystem.
From remote storage:
- Azure Storage, which provides geo-distributable storage, prividing a good long-term persistence solution for containers.
- Remote relational databases like Azure SQL Database or NoSQL databases like Azure Cosmos DB, or cache services like Redis.
From the Docker container:
- Overlay File System. This Docker feature implements a copy-on-write task that stores updated information to the root file system of the container. That information is "on top" of the original image on which the container is based. If the container is deleted from the system, those changes are lost. Therefore, while it's possible to save the state of a container within its local storage, designing a system around this would conflict with the premise of container design, which by default is stateless.
However, using Docker Volumes is now the preferred way to handle local data in Docker. If you need more information about storage in containers check on Docker storage drivers and About storage drivers.
The following provides more detail about these options:
Volumes are directories mapped from the host OS to directories in containers. When code in the container has access to the directory, that access is actually to a directory on the host OS. This directory is not tied to the lifetime of the container itself, and the directory is managed by Docker and isolated from the core functionality of the host machine. Thus, data volumes are designed to persist data independently of the life of the container. If you delete a container or an image from the Docker host, the data persisted in the data volume isn't deleted.
Volumes can be named or anonymous (the default). Named volumes are the evolution of Data Volume Containers and make it easy to share data between containers. Volumes also support volume drivers that allow you to store data on remote hosts, among other options.
Bind mounts are available since a long time ago and allow the mapping of any folder to a mount point in a container. Bind mounts have more limitations than volumes and some important security issues, so volumes are the recommended option.
tmpfs mounts are basically virtual folders that live only in the host's memory and are never written to the filesystem. They are fast and secure but use memory and are only meant for temporary, non-persistent data.
As shown in Figure 4-5, regular Docker volumes can be stored outside of the containers themselves but within the physical boundaries of the host server or VM. However, Docker containers can't access a volume from one host server or VM to another. In other words, with these volumes, it isn't possible to manage data shared between containers that run on different Docker hosts, although it could be achieved with a volume driver that supports remote hosts.
Figure 4-5. Volumes and external data sources for container-based applications
Volumes can be shared between containers, but only in the same host, unless you use a remote driver that supports remote hosts. In addition, when Docker containers are managed by an orchestrator, containers might "move" between hosts, depending on the optimizations performed by the cluster. Therefore, it isn't recommended that you use data volumes for business data. But they're a good mechanism to work with trace files, temporal files, or similar that will not impact business data consistency.
Remote data sources and cache tools like Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, or a remote cache like Redis can be used in containerized applications the same way they are used when developing without containers. This is a proven way to store business application data.
Azure Storage. Business data usually will need to be placed in external resources or databases, like Azure Storage. Azure Storage, in concrete, provides the following services in the cloud:
- Blob storage stores unstructured object data. A blob can be any type of text or binary data, such as document or media files (images, audio, and video files). Blob storage is also referred to as Object storage.
- File storage offers shared storage for legacy applications using standard SMB protocol. Azure virtual machines and cloud services can share file data across application components via mounted shares. On-premises applications can access file data in a share via the File service REST API.
- Table storage stores structured datasets. Table storage is a NoSQL key-attribute data store, which allows rapid development and fast access to large quantities of data.
Relational databases and NoSQL databases. There are many choices for external databases, from relational databases like SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or NoSQL databases like Azure Cosmos DB, MongoDB, etc. These databases are not going to be explained as part of this guide since they are in a completely different subject.
Service-oriented architecture
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) was an overused term and has meant different things to different people. But as a common denominator, SOA means that you structure your application by decomposing it into multiple services (most commonly as HTTP services) that can be classified as different types like subsystems or tiers.
Those services can now be deployed as Docker containers, which solves deployment issues, because all the dependencies are included in the container image. However, when you need to scale up SOA applications, you might have scalability and availability challenges if you're deploying based on single Docker hosts. This is where Docker clustering software or an orchestrator can help you, as explained in later sections where deployment approaches for microservices are described.
Docker containers are useful (but not required) for both traditional service-oriented architectures and the more advanced microservices architectures.
Microservices derive from SOA, but SOA is different from microservices architecture. Features like large central brokers, central orchestrators at the organization level, and the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) are typical in SOA. But in most cases, these are anti-patterns in the microservice community. In fact, some people argue that "The microservice architecture is SOA done right."
This guide focuses on microservices, because a SOA approach is less prescriptive than the requirements and techniques used in a microservice architecture. If you know how to build a microservice-based application, you also know how to build a simpler service-oriented application.
Microservices architecture
As the name implies, a microservices architecture is an approach to building a server application as a set of small services. That means a microservices architecture is mainly oriented to the back-end, althought the approach is also being used for the front end. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other processes using protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS, WebSockets, or AMQP. Each microservice implements a specific end-to-end domain or business capability within a certain context boundary, and each must be developed autonomously and be deployable independently. Finally, each microservice should own its related domain data model and domain logic (sovereignty and decentralized data management) and could be based on different data storage technologies (SQL, NoSQL) and different programming languages.
What size should a microservice be? When developing a microservice, size shouldn't be the important point. Instead, the important point should be to create loosely coupled services so you have autonomy of development, deployment, and scale, for each service. Of course, when identifying and designing microservices, you should try to make them as small as possible as long as you don't have too many direct dependencies with other microservices. More important than the size of the microservice is the internal cohesion it must have and its independence from other services.
Why a microservices architecture? In short, it provides long-term agility. Microservices enable better maintainablitity in complex large, and highly-scalable systems by letting you create applications based on many independently deployable services that each have granular and autonomous lifecycles.
As an additional benefit, microservices can scale out independently. Instead of having a single monolithic application that you must scale out as a unit, you can instead scale out specific microservices. That way, you can scale just the functional area that needs more processing power or network bandwidth to support demand, rather than scaling out other areas of the application that don't need to be scaled. That means cost savings because you need less hardware.
Figure 4-6. Monolithic deployment versus the microservices approach
As Figure 4-6 shows, in the traditional monolithic approach, the application scales by cloning the whole app in several servers/VM. In the microservices approach, functionality is segregated in smaller servcies, so each service can scale independently. The microservcies approach allows agile changes and rapid iteration of each microservice, because you can change specific, small areas of complex, large, and scalable applications.
Architecting fine-grained microservices-based applications enables continuous integration and continuous delivery practices. It also accelerates delivery of new functions into the application. Fine-grained composition of applications also allows you to run and test microservices in isolation, and to evolve them autonomously while maintaining clear contracts between them. As long as you don't change the interfaces or contracts, you can change the internal implementation of any microservice or add new functionality without breaking other microservices.
The following are important aspects to enable success in going into production with a microservices-based system:
- Monitoring and health checks of the services and infrastructure.
- Scalable infrastructure for the services (this is, cloud and orchestrators).
- Security design and implementation at multiple levels: authentication, authorization, secrets management, secure communication, etc.
- Repaid application delivery, usually with different teams focusing on different microservices.
- DevOps and CI/CD practices and infrastructure.
Of these, only the first three are covered or introduced in this guide. The last two points, which are related to application lifecycle, are covered in the additional Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools e-book.
Data sovereignty per microservice
An important rule for microservices architecture is that each microservice must own its domain data and logic. Just as a full application owns its logic and data, so must each microservice own its logic and data under an autonomous lifecycle, with independent deployment per microservcie.
This means that the conceptual model of the domain will differ between subsystems or microservices. Consider enterprise applications, where customer relationship management (CRM) applications, transactional purchase subsystems, and customer support subsystems each call on unique customer entity attributes and data, and where each employs a different Bounded Context (BC).
This principle is similar in Domain-driven design (DDD), where each Bounded Context or autonomous subsystem or service must own its domain model (data plus logic and behavior). Each DDD Bounded Context correlates to one business microservice (one or several services). This point about the Bounded Context pattern is expanded in the next section.
On the other hand, the traditional (monolithic data) approach used in many applications is to have a single centralized database or just a few databases. This is often a SQL database that's used for the whole application and all its internal subsystems, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7. Data sovereignty comparison: monolithic database versus microservices
In the traditional approach, there's a single database shared across all services, typically in a tiered architecture. In the microservices approach, each microservice owns its model/data. The centralized database approach initially looks simpler and seems to enable reuse of entities in different subsystems to make everything consistent. But the reality is you end up with huge tables that serve many different subsystems, and that include attributes and columns that aren't needed in most cases. It's like trying to use the same physical map for hiking a short trail, taking a day-long car trip, and learning geography.
A monolithic application with typically a single relational database has two important benefits: ACID transactions and the SQL language, both working across all the tables and data related to your application. This approach provides a way to easily write a query that combines data from multiple tables.
However, data access becomes much more complicated when you move to a microservices architecture. Even when using ACID transactions within a microservice or Bounded Context, it is crucial to consider that the data owned by each microservice is private to that microservice and should only be accessed either synchronously through its API endpoints(REST, gRPC, SOAP, etc) or asynchronously via messaging(AMQP or similar).
Encapsulating the data ensures that the microservices are loosely coupled and can evolve independently of one another. If multiple services were accessing the same data, schema updates would require coordinated updates to all the services. This would break the microservice lifecycle autonomy. But distributed data structures mean that you can't make a single ACID transaction across microservices. This in turn means you must use eventual consistency when a business process spans multiple microservices. This is much harder to implement than simple SQL joins, because you can't create integrity constraints or use distributed transactions between separate databases, as we'll explain later on. Similarly, many other relational database features aren't available across multiple microservices.
Going even further, different microservices often use different kinds of databases. Modern applications store and process diverse kinds of data, and a relational database isn't always the best choice. For some use cases, a NoSQL database such as Azure CosmosDB or MongoDB might have a more convenient data model and offer better performance and scalability than a SQL database like SQL Server or Azure SQL Database. In other cases, a relational database is still the best approach. Therefore, microservices-based applications often use a mixture of SQL and NoSQL databases, which is sometimes called the polyglot persistence approach.
A partitioned, polyglot-persistent architecture for data storage has many benefits. These include loosely coupled services and better performance, scalability, costs, and manageability. However, it can introduce some distributed data management challenges, as explained in "Identifying domain-model boundaries" later in this chapter.
The relationship between microservices and the Bounded Context pattern
The concept of microservice derives from the Bounded Context (BC) pattern in domain-driven design (DDD). DDD deals with large models by deviding them into multiple BCs and being explicit about their boundaries. Each BC must have its own model and database; likewise, each microservice owns its related data. In addition, each BC usually has its own ubiquitous language to help communication between software developers and domain experts.
Those terms (mainly domain entities) in the ubiquitous language can have different names in different Bounded Contexts, even when different domain entities share the same identity (that is, the unique ID that's used to read the entity from storage). For instance, in a user-profile Bounded Context, the User domain entity might share identity with the Buyer domain entity in the ordering Bounded Context.
A microservice is therefore like a Bounded Context, but it also specifies that it's a distributed service. It's built as a separate process for each Bounded Context, and it must use the distributed protocols noted earlier, like HTTP/HTTPS, WebSockets, or AMQP. The Bounded Context pattern, however, doesn't specify whether the Bounded Context is a distributed service or if it's simply a logical boundary (such as a generic subsystem) within a monolithic-deployment application.
It's important to highlight that defining a service for each Bounded Context is a good place to start. But you don't have to constrain your design to it. Sometimes you must design a Bounded Context or business microservice composed of several physical services. But ultimately, both patterns -Bounded Context and microservice- are closely related.
DDD benefits from microservices by getting real boundaries in the form of distributed microservices. But ideas like not sharing the model between microservices are what you also want in a Bounded Context.
Logical architecture versus physical architecture
It's useful at this point to stop and discuss the distinction between logical architecture and physical architecture, and how this applies to the design of microservice-based applications.
To begin, building microservices doesn't require the use of any specific technology. For instance, Docker containers aren't mandatory to create a microservice-based architecture. Those microservices could also be run as plain processes. Microservcies is a logical architecture.
Moreover, even when a microservcie could be physically implemented as a single service, process, or container (for simplicity's sake, that's the approach taken in the initial version of eShopOnContainers), this parity between business microservice and physical service or container isn't necessarily required in all cases when you build a large and complex application composed of many dozens or even hundreds of services.
This is where there's a difference between an application's logical architecture and physical architecture. The logcial architectrue and logical boundaries of a system do not necessarily map one-to-one to the physical or deployment architecture. It can happen, but it often doesn't.
Although you might have identified certain business microservices or Bounded Contexts, it doesn't mean that the best way to implement them is always by creating a single service (such as an ASP.NET Web API) or single Docker container for each business microservice. Having a rule saying each business microservice has to be implemented using a single service or container is too rigid.
Therefore, a business microservice or Bounded Context is a logical architecture that might coincide (or not) with physical architecture. The important point is that a business microservice or Bounded Context must be autonomous by allowing code and state to be independently versioned, deployed, and scaled.
As Figure 4-8 shows, the catalog business microservice could be composed of several services or processes. These could be multiple ASP.NET Web API services or any other kind of services using HTTP or any other protocol. More importanly, the services could share the same data, as long as these services are cohesive with respect to the same business domain.
Figure 4-8. Business microservice with several physical services
The services in the example share the same data model because the Web API service targets the same data as the Search service. So, in the physical implementation of business microservice, you're splitting that functionality so you can scale each of those internal services up or down as needed. Maybe the Web API service usually needs more instances than the Search service, or vice versa.
In short, the logical architecture of microservices doesn't always have to coincide with the physical deployment architecture. In this guide, whenever we mention a microservice, we mean a business or logcial microservice that could map to one or more (physical) services. In most cases, this will be a single service, but it might be more.
Challenges and solutions for distributed data management
Challenge #1: How to define the boundaries of each microservice
Defining microservice boundaries is probably the first challenge anyone encounters. Each microservice has to be a piece of your application and each microservice should be autonomous with all the benefits and challenges that it conveys. But how do you identify those boundaries?
First, you need to focus on the application's logical domain models and related data. Try to identify decoupled islands of data and different contexts within the same application. Each context could have a different business language (different business terms). The contexts should be defined and managed independently. The terms and entities that are used in those different contexts might sound similar, but you might discover that in a particular context, a business concept with one is used for a different purpose in another context, and might even have a different name. For instance, a user can be referred as a user in the identity or membership context, as a customer in a CRM context, as a buyer in an ordering context, and so forth.
The way you identify boundaries between multiple application contexts with a different domain for each context is exactly how you can identify the boundaries for each business microservice and its related domain model and data. You always attempt to minimiaze the coupling between those microservices. This guide goes into more detail about this identification and domain model design in the section Indentifying domain-model boundaries for each microservice later.
Challenge #2: How to create queries that retrieve data from several microservices
A second challenge is how to implement queries that retrieve data from several microservices, while avoiding chatty communication to the microservices from remote client apps. An example could be a single screen from a mobile app that needs to show user information that's owned by the basket, catalog, and user identity microservices. Another example would be a complex report involving many tables located in multiple microservices. The right solution depends on the complexity of the queries. But in any case, you'll need a way to aggregate information if you want to improve the efficiency in the communications of your system. The most popular solutions are the following.
API Gateway. For simple data aggregation from multiple microservcies that own different databases, the recommended approach is an aggregation microservice referred to as an API Gateway. However, you need to be careful about implementing this pattern, because it can be a choke point in your system, and it can violate the principle of microservice autonomy. To mitigate this possibility, you can have multiple fined-grained API Gateways each one focusing on a vertical "slice" or business area of the system. The API Gateway pattern is explained in more detail in the API Gateway section later.
GraphQL Federation One option to consider if your microservices are already using GraphQL is GraphQL Federation. Federation allows you to define "subgraphs" from other services and compose them into an aggregate "supergraph" that acts as a standalone schema.
CQRS with query/reads tables. Another solution for aggregating data from multiple microservices is the Materialized View pattern. In this approach, you generate, in advance (prepare denormalized data before the actual queries happen), a read-only table with the data that's owned by multiple microservcies. The table has a format suited to the client app's needs.
Consider something like the screen for a mobile app. If you have a single database, you might pull together the data for that screen using a SQL query that performs a complex join involving multiple tables. However, when you have multiple databases, and each database is owned by a different microservice, you cannot query those databases and create a SQL join. Your complex query becomes a challenge. You can address the requirement using a CQRS approach—you create a denormalized table in a different database that's used just for queries. The table can be designed specifically for the data you need for the complex query, with a one-to-one relationship between fields needed by your application's screen and the columns in the query table. It could also serve for reporting purposes.
This approach not only solves the original problem (how to query and join across microservices), but it also improves performance considerably when compared with a complex join, because you already have the data that application needs in the query table. Of course, using Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) with query/reads tables means additional development work, and you'll need to embrace eventual consistency. Nonetheless, requirements on performance and high scalability in collaborative scenarios (or competitive scenarios, depending on the point of view) are where you should apply CQRS with multiple databases.
"Cold data" in central databases. For complex reports and queries that might not require real-time data, a common approach is to export you "hot data" (transactional data from the microservices) as "cold data" into large databases that are used only for reporting. That central database system can be a Big Data-based system, like Hadoop, a data warehouse like on based on Azure SQL Data Warehouse, or even a single SQL database that's used just for reports (if size won't be an issue).
Keep in mind that this centralized database would be used only for queries and reports that do not need real-time data. The original updates and transactions, as your source of truth, have to be in your microservices data. The way you would synchronize data would be either by using event-driven communication (covered in the next sections) or by using other database infrastructure import/export tools. If you use event-driven communication, that integration process would be similar to the way you propagate data as described earlier for CQRS query tables.
However, if your application design involves constantly aggregating information from multiple microservices for complex queries, it might be a symptom of a bad design - a microservice should be as isolated as possible from other microservices. (This excludes reports/analytics that always should use cold-data central databases.) Having this problem often might be a reason to merge microservices. You need to balance the autonomy of evolution and deployment of each microservice with strong dependencies, cohesion, and data aggregation.
Challenge #3: How to achieve consistency across multiple microservices
As stated previously, the data owned by each microservice is private to that microservice and can only be accessed using its microservice API. Therefore, a challenge presented is how to implement end-to-end business processes while keeping consistency across multiple microservices.
To analyze this problem, let's look at an example from the eShopOnContainers reference application. The Catalog microservice maintains information about all the products, including the product price. The Basket microservice manages temporal data about product items that users are adding to their shopping baskets, which includes the price of the items at the time they were added to the basket. When a product's price is updated in the catalog, that price should also be updated in the active baskets that hold that same product, plus the system should probably warn the user saying that a particular item's price has changed since they added it to their basket.
In a hypothetical monolithic version of this application, when the price changes in the products table, the catalog subsystem could simply use an ACID transaction to update the current price in the Basket table.
However, in a microservices-based application, the Product and Basket tables are owned by their respective microservices. No microservice should ever include tables/storage owned by another microservice in its own transactions, not even in direct queries, as shown in Figure 4-9.
Figure 4-9. A microservice can't directly access a table in another microservice
The Catalog microservice shouldn't update the Basket table directly, because the Basket table is owned by the Basket microservice. To make an update to the Basket microservice, the Catalog microservice should use eventual consistency probably based on asynchronous communication such as integration events (message and event-based communication). This is how the eShopOnContainers reference application performs this type of consistency across microservices.
As stated by the CAP theorem, you need to choose between availability and ACID strong consistency. Most microservice-based scenarios demand availability and high scalability as opposed to strong consistency. Mission-critical applications must remain up and running, and developers can work around strong consistency by using techniques for working with weak or eventual consistency. This is the approach taken by most microservice-based architectures.
Moreover, ACID-style or two-phase commit transactions are not just against microservices principles; most NoSQL databases (like Azure Cosmos DB, MongoDB, etc.) do not support two-phase commit transactons, typical in distributed databases scenarios. However, maintaining data consistency across services and databases is essential. This challenge is also related to the question of how to propagate changes across multiple microservices when certain data needs to be redundant—for example, when you need to have the product's name or description in the Catalog microservice and the Basket microservice.
A good solution for this problem is to use eventual consistency between microservices articulated through event-driven communication and a publish-and-subscribe system. These topics are covered in the section Asynchronous event-driven communication later in this guide.
Challenge #4: How to design communication across microservice boundaries
Communicating across microservice boundaries is a real challenge. In this context, communication doesn't refer to what protocol you should use (HTTP and REST, AMQP, messaging, and so on). Instead, it addresses what communication style you should use, and especially how coupled your microservices should be. Depending on the level of coupling, when failure occurs, the impact of that failure on your system will vary significantly.
In a distributed system like a microservices-based application, with so many artifacts moving around and with distributed services across many servers or hosts, components will eventually fail. Partial failure and even larger outages will occur, so you need to design your microservices and the communication across them considering the common risks in this type of distributed system.
A popular approach is to implement HTTP (REST)-based microservices, due to their simplicity. An HTTP-based approach is perfectly acceptable; the issue here is related to how you use it. If you use HTTP requests and reponses just to interact with your microservices from client applications or from API Gateways, that's fine. But if you create long chains of synchronous HTTP calls across microservices, communicating across their boundaries as if the microservices were objects in a monolithic application, your application will eventually run into problems.
For instance, imagine that your client application makes an HTTP API call to an individual microservice like the Ordering microservice. If the Ordering microservice in turn calls additional microservices using HTTP within the same request/response cycle, you're creating a chain of HTTP calls. It might sound reasonable initially. However, there are important points to consider when going down this path:
- Blocking and low performance. Due to the synchronous nature of HTTP, the original request doesn't get a response until all the internal HTTP calls are finished. Imagine if the number of these calls increases significantly and at the same time one of the intermediate HTTP calls to a microservice is blocked. The result is that performance is impacted, and the overall scalability will be exponentially affected as additional HTTP requests increase.
- Coupling microservices with HTTP. Business microservices shouldn't be coupled with other business microservices. Ideally, they shouldn't "know" about the existence of other microservices. If your application relies on coupling microservices as in the example, achieving autonomy per microservice will be almost impossible.
- Failure in any one microservice. If you implemented a chain of microservices linked by HTTP calls, when any of the microservices fails (and eventually they will fail) the whole chain of microservices will fail. A microservice-based system should be designed to continue to work as well as possible during partial failures. Even if you implement client logic that uses retries with exponential backoff or circuit breaker mechanisms, the more complex the HTTP call chains are, the more complex it is to implement a failure strategy based on HTTP.
In fact, if your internal microservices are communicating by creating chains of HTTP requests as described, it could be argued that you have a monolithic application, but one based on HTTP between processes instead of intra-process communication mechanisms.
Therefore, in order to enforce microservice autonomy and have better resiliency, you should minimize the use of chains of request/response communication across microservices. It's recommended that you use only asynchronous interaction for inter-microservice communication, either by using asynchronous message- and event-based communication, or by using (asynchronous) HTTP polling independently of the original HTTP request/response cycle.
The use of asynchronous communication is explained with additional details later in this guide in the sections Asynchronous microservice integration enforces microservice's autonomy and Asynchronous message-based communication.
From: Architecting container and microservice-based applications - .NET | Microsoft Learn
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