一、大端模式和小端模式的起源 关于大端小端名词的由来,有一个有趣的故事,来自于Jonathan Swift的《格利佛游记》:Lilliput和Blefuscu这两个强国在过去的36个月中一直在苦战。战争的原因:大家都知道,吃鸡蛋的时候,原始的方法是打破鸡蛋较大的一端,可以那时的皇帝的祖父由于小时侯吃鸡蛋,按这种方法把手指弄破了,因此他的父亲,就下令,命令所有的子民吃鸡蛋的时候,必须先打破鸡蛋较小的一端,违令者重罚。然后老百姓对此法令极为反感,期间发生了多次叛乱,其中一个皇帝因此送命,另一个丢了王位,产生叛乱的原因就是另一个国家Blefuscu的国王大臣煽动起来的,叛乱平息后,就逃到这个帝... 阅读全文
When you want to use a controller you use the UIStoryboard method instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:, using the identifier that you give to the controller in IB,but this method will create a new instance of the UIViewController.You can also use the performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: method (wh 阅读全文
Creating the Xcode ProjectWith a basic idea about what we’ll build, let’s move on. You can create the Xcode project from scratch and design the user interface similar to below:Storyboard of the Demo AppHowever, to save your time from setting up the project, you candownload the Xcode project template 阅读全文
In this tutorial, we will build a simple app to display a collection of recipe photos in grid layout. Here are what you’re going to learn:Introduction to UICollectionViewHow to Use UICollectionView to build a simple Grid-based layoutCustomizing the Collection Cell BackgroundCreate Simple App with Gr 阅读全文
nonatomic vs. atomic - "atomic" is the default. Always use "nonatomic". I don't know why, but the book I read said there is "rarely a reason" to use "atomic". (BTW: The book I read is the BNR "iOS Programming" book.)readwrite vs. readonly - " 阅读全文
在很多代码里可以看到类似得用法:@interface MyClass:NSObject{ MyObjecct *_object;}@property(nonamtic, retain) MyObjecct *object;@end@implementatin MyClass@synthesize object=_object; (1)32位系统和64位系统的差异 在32位系统中,如果类的@interface部分没有进行ivar(instance variable)声明,但有@property声明,在类的@implementation部分有响应的@synthesize,则会... 阅读全文
SEL is a type that represents a selector in Objective-C. The @selector() keyword returns a SEL that you describe. It's not a function pointer and you can't pass it any objects or references of any kind. For each variable in the selector (method), you have to represent that in the call to @se 阅读全文
@interface MyClass : NSObject { NSString *name; NSArray *items; Something *something; IBOutlet NSTextField *myTextField;}@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *items; in the iPhone world, there's no garbage collector available. You'll have to... 阅读全文
From : http://useyourloaf.com/blog/2010/10/16/parsing-an-rss-feed-using-nsxmlparser.htmlStructure of an RSS feedBefore we get too much into the detail it is worth taking a second to look at the structure of anRSSfeed. A typical feed, with the most common elements looks something like this: Use ... 阅读全文
http://www.appcoda.com/how-to-add-splash-screen-in-your-ios-app/What’s Splash Screen?For those who are new to programming and haven’t heard of the term “Splash Screen”, let me first give a brief explanation about it. Splash screen is commonly found in iOS apps, as well as, other desktop applications 阅读全文