监控redis python脚本
#!/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import json import time import socket import os import re import sys import commands import urllib2, base64 import requests class RedisStats: redis_cli = '/data/redis/bin/redis-cli' stat_regex = re.compile(ur'(\w+):([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\r') def __init__(self,port='6379',host='',status='info'): self.cmd = '%s -h %s -p %s %s' % (self.redis_cli, host, port,status) def stats(self): info = commands.getoutput(self.cmd) return dict(self.stat_regex.findall(info)) def main(): timestamp = int(time.time()) step = 60 p = [] monit_keys = [ ('connected_clients','GAUGE'), ('blocked_clients','GAUGE'), ('used_memory','GAUGE'), ('used_memory_rss','GAUGE'), ('mem_fragmentation_ratio','GAUGE'), ('total_commands_processed','COUNTER'), ('rejected_connections','COUNTER'), ('expired_keys','COUNTER'), ('evicted_keys','COUNTER'), ('keyspace_hits','COUNTER'), ('keyspace_misses','COUNTER'), ('keyspace_hit_ratio','GAUGE'), ] insts_list = [ '/etc/redis/6379.conf' ] with open('./cfg.json') as f: data = f.read().replace('\n','') jsonlist = json.loads(data) hostpoint = jsonlist['hostname'] port = "6979" metric = "redis" endpoint = '%s' %(hostpoint) tags = 'port=%s' %(port) conn = RedisStats() stats = conn.stats() for key,vtype in monit_keys: if key == 'keyspace_hit_ratio': try: value = float(stats['keyspace_hits'])/(int(stats['keyspace_hits']) + int(stats['keyspace_misses'])) except ZeroDivisionError: value = 0 elif key == 'mem_fragmentation_ratio': value = float(stats[key]) else: try: value = int(stats[key]) except: continue i = { 'Metric': '%s.%s' % (metric, key), 'Endpoint': endpoint, 'Timestamp': timestamp, 'Step': step, 'Value': value, 'CounterType': vtype, 'TAGS': tags } p.append(i) print json.dumps(p, sort_keys=True,indent=4) method = "POST" handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler() opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) url = '' request = urllib2.Request(url, data=json.dumps(p) ) request.add_header("Content-Type",'application/json') request.get_method = lambda: method try: connection = opener.open(request) except urllib2.HTTPError,e: connection = e # check. Substitute with appropriate HTTP code. if connection.code == 200: print connection.read() else: print '{"err":1,"msg":"%s"}' % connection if __name__ == '__main__': # proc = commands.getoutput(' ps -ef|grep %s|grep -v grep|wc -l ' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) # if int(proc) < 5: # main() main()