oc 运行时消息转发的 aop
其实在 objc-msg-x86_64.s 中包含了多个版本的 objc_msgSend
:返回值类型为 floating-point,其中包含objc_msgSend_fp2ret
入口处理返回值类型为long double
Runtime系统会向对象发送methodSignatureForSelector:消息,并取到返回的方法签名用于生成NSInvocation对象。为接下来的完整的消息转发生成一个 NSMethodSignature对象。NSMethodSignature 对象会被包装成 NSInvocation 对象,forwardInvocation: 方法里就可以对 NSInvocation 进行处理了。
基于消息转发的 AOP
1. 将原方法指向消息转发逻辑
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | static IMP aspect_getMsgForwardIMP( NSObject * self , SEL selector) { IMP msgForwardIMP = _objc_msgForward; #if !defined(__arm64__) // As an ugly internal runtime implementation detail in the 32bit runtime, we need to determine of the method we hook returns a struct or anything larger than id. // https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/LowLevelABI/000-Introduction/introduction.html // https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa/issues/783 // http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0042e/IHI0042E_aapcs.pdf (Section 5.4) Method method = class_getInstanceMethod( self . class , selector); const char *encoding = method_getTypeEncoding(method); BOOL methodReturnsStructValue = encoding[0] == _C_STRUCT_B; if (methodReturnsStructValue) { @try { NSUInteger valueSize = 0; NSGetSizeAndAlignment (encoding, &valueSize, NULL ); if (valueSize == 1 || valueSize == 2 || valueSize == 4 || valueSize == 8) { methodReturnsStructValue = NO ; } } @catch ( NSException *e) {} } if (methodReturnsStructValue) { msgForwardIMP = (IMP)_objc_msgForward_stret; } #endif return msgForwardIMP; } |
2. hook 转发处理逻辑进行二次转发
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | static void aspect_swizzleForwardInvocation(Class klass) { NSCParameterAssert (klass); // If there is no method, replace will act like class_addMethod. //把forwardInvocation的IMP替换成__ASPECTS_ARE_BEING_CALLED__ //class_replaceMethod返回的是原方法的IMP IMP originalImplementation = class_replaceMethod(klass, @selector (forwardInvocation:), (IMP)__ASPECTS_ARE_BEING_CALLED__, "v@:@" ); // originalImplementation不为空的话说明原方法有实现,添加一个新方法__aspects_forwardInvocation:指向了原来的originalImplementation,在__ASPECTS_ARE_BEING_CALLED__那里如果不能处理,判断是否有实现__aspects_forwardInvocation,有的话就转发。 if (originalImplementation) { class_addMethod(klass, NSSelectorFromString (AspectsForwardInvocationSelectorName), originalImplementation, "v@:@" ); } AspectLog(@ "Aspects: %@ is now aspect aware." , NSStringFromClass (klass)); } |
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