Linux 图形界面的显示原理是什么?---the graphical server and the window manager
传统的Linux图形界面基于Xwindow系统(wayland什么的先不说)分为两部分,一部分是Xserver,这一部分负责驱动显卡和在屏幕上绘图,另一部分是client,这一部分包括window manger以及各种GUI应用比如浏览器之类。这两部分通过X定义的一套协议进行交互,这个协议是网络透明的,也就是说Xserver和X client可以不在同一台机器上,所以X天生支持远程图形界面,但代价就是在本地跑的时候性能也会有损失。
Unlike Windows, Linux separates the GUI into two modular components, the graphical server and the window manager. The server handles the display hardware and does the actual drawing, while the window manager provides the "look and feel."
The standard graphical server for UNIX is called the X-Window System (X11), originally developed by MIT. The Linux implementation is called XFree86.
For a couple of years, the most common window manager for Linux was Fvwm (Virtual Window Manager, the "F" is silent), although many more have been available, including a Win95 lookalike. The SuSE CD's contain nine wm's at last count. This presentation uses Netscape, Fvwm2, X11r6, and Linux 2.0.32.