soundtouch change rate matlab implementation

soundtouch implement of changing rate in a way same with resample(SRC).

 When rate < 1, it need interpolate sample. and delete samples when rate > 1.

After  interpolation, there may be introduce high frequency. To avoid aliase, we usally apply a low pass filter on interpolated signal.

For the case of deleting samples, some signal may contains high frequecy, the difference between sample may be very sharp. Therefore, we use low pass filter before deleting samples.

When design fir low pass filter, we usaully use "w" (rad/s) as the main parameter instead freqence "f".

The relationship of "w" and "f" as following:

w = 2*pi * f/ fs;

For cutoff frequency, wc = 2*pi * fc / fs = 2 * pi * fc/(2*fn) =  pi * fc / fn, where fc is cutoff frequency, fn is Nywuist frequency.

For fc = = fn, wc = pi;

We use cubic method to interplate sample, the principle of cubic interpolation refer to


%calc low pass filter coefficient. The low pass filter based on sinc function with hamming window.

function coeff = calCoeffs(cutoffFreq, len)

coeff = zeros(len ,1);

wc = 2 * pi * cutoffFreq;

tempCoeff = 2 * pi / len;

sum = 0;

for i = 0 : 1 : len -1

  cntTemp = (i - len/2);

  temp = cntTemp  * wc;

  % sinc function

  if temp ~=0

    h = sin(temp) / temp;


    h = 1;


  %hamming window

  w = 0.54 + 0.46 * cos(tempCoeff * cntTemp);

  coeff(i+1) = w * h;

  sum = sum + coeff(i+1);


coeff = coeff / sum;



function output = firfilter(input, coeff)

inputLen = length(input(:, 1));

filterLen = length(coeff(:, 1));

output = zeros(inputLen ,1 );

outputLen = inputLen - filterLen;

for i = 1: 1: outputLen

  inpos = i;

  sum = 0;

  for j = 1:1:filterLen

    sum = sum + input(inpos ,1) * coeff(j, 1);

    inpos = inpos + 1;


  output(i, 1) = sum;




function output = cubicInterpolation(input, rate)

inputLen = length(input(:,1));

outputLen = floor(inputLen / rate);

output = zeros(outputLen ,1);

inputIdx = 1;

fract = 0;

outputIdx = 1;

while inputIdx < inputLen - 4

  x1 = fract;

  x2 = x1 * x1;

  x3 = x1 * x2;

  p0 = input(inputIdx , 1);

  p1 = input(inputIdx + 1 , 1);

     p2 = input(inputIdx + 2, 1);

  p3 = input(inputIdx + 3, 1);

  output(outputIdx ,1) = (-0.5*p0 + 1.5*p1 -1.5 *p2 + 0.5*p3) * x3 +(p0 - 2.5*p1 + 2*p2 -0.5*p3) *x2 + (-0.5*p0 + 0.5*p2) * x1 + p1;

  outputIdx = outputIdx + 1;

  fract = fract + rate;

  whole = floor(fract);

  fract = fract - whole;

  inputIdx = inputIdx + whole;




function output = linearInterpolation(input, rate)

inputLen = length(input(:,1));

outputLen = floor(inputLen / rate);

output = zeros(outputLen ,1);

inputIdx = 1;

fract = 0;

outputIdx = 1;

while inputIdx < inputLen - 4

  p0 = input(inputIdx , 1);

  p1 = input(inputIdx + 1 , 1);

  output(outputIdx ,1) = (1-fract) * po + fract * p1;

  outputIdx = outputIdx + 1;

  fract = fract + rate;

  whole = floor(fract);

  fract = fract - whole;

  inputIdx = inputIdx + whole;




function output = changeRate(input, rate, interpMethod)

inputLen = length(input(:, 1));

outputLen = floor(inputLen / rate);

output = zeros(outputLen, 1);

if rate > 1

  cutoffFreq = 0.5 / rate;


  cutoffFreq = 0.5 * rate;


filterLen = 64;

coeff = calCoeffs(cutoffFreq, filterLen);

if rate < 1

  %slow down, need interpolation first;

  if strcmp(interMethod, 'cubic')

    output = cubicInterpolation(input, rate);


    output = linearInterpolation(input, rate);


  output = firfilter(output, coeff);


  %fast, need filter out the high freqency, then delete samples

  output = firfilter(input, coeff);

  if strcmp(interMethod, 'cubic')

    output = cubicInterpolation(output, rate);


    output = linearInterpolation(output, rate);







clear all;

[input fs] = wavread('input.wav');

%if do SRC, rate = inputfs / outputfs;

rate = 0.5;

output = changeRate(input, rate, 'cubic');

wavwrite(output, fs, 'output.wav);

posted @ 2018-11-22 22:51  fellow_jing  阅读(381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报