随笔分类 - Phoenix
摘要:1. 官网资料 Use JDBC to get a connection to an HBase cluster like this: Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:phoenix:server1,server2:3333",
摘要:How to use DBVisualizer to connect to Hbase using Apache Phoenix Article DB Visualizer is a popular free tool that allows developers to organize devel
摘要:Feb 01, 2017; 5:21pm Unable to connect to HBase using Phoenix JDBC Driver 9 posts Hi All, I am trying to connect to HBase using Phoenix JDBC Driver an
摘要:Phoenix连接安全模式下的HBase集群 HBase集群开启安全模式(即启用kerberos认证)之后,用户无论是用HBase shell还是Phoenix去连接HBase都先需要通过kerberos认证。如果没有通过kerberos认证,则hbase shell或phoenix都会报找不到ke