随笔分类 - ranger
摘要:Authorizing Kafka access over non-authenticated channel via Ranger This section answers some questions one is likely to encounter when trying to autho
摘要:Ranger-Kafka插件安装, 使用Ranger0.7.0版本,集成Kafka插件到Kafka集群, Kafka Plugin需要安装到所有的Kafka的集群节点上面。 1.登陆Kafka的安装用户 2.下载插件包 scp pub@
摘要:This section describes how to install and enable the Ranger Kafka plug-in. The Ranger Kafka plug-in is automatically installed when Kafka is installed
摘要:Hi, After enabled Kerberos using Ambari, I got problem creating topics in Kafka using the kafka-topics.sh script. The topic was created, but its statu
摘要:Short Description: Step by Step Recipe for Securing Kafka with Kerberos. Short Description: Article I found it is a little tricky to get started with
摘要:PROBLEM DESCRIPTION When creating or deleting topics in Kafka, they cannot be authorized through the Ranger policies. The following errors are display
摘要:官方文档 http://ranger.apache.org/quick_start_guide.html Quick Start Guide Build Process 1. Check out the code from GIT repository git clone https://gitbo