随笔分类 - Kafka(Confluent)
摘要:BRIJESH JAGGI SEP 20, 2022 Microservices architectures have now been widely adopted among developers, and with a great degree of success. However, dra
摘要:Kafka Connect is a framework to stream data into and out of Apache Kafka®. The Confluent Platform ships with several built-in connectors that can be u
摘要:Few weeks back, while I was enjoying my holidays in the south of Italy, I started receiving notifications about an imminent announcement by Confluent.
摘要:Update: KSQL is now available as a component of the Confluent Platform. I’m really excited to announce KSQL, a streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka®.
摘要:愉快的build该项目吧 出先如下类似错误: 翻了一下该项目wiki: https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-rest/wiki/FAQ 描述如下: The error looks something like this: During development
摘要:Ewen Cheslack-Postava March 25, 2015 时间有点久,但讲的还是很清楚的 As part of Confluent Platform 1.0 released about a month ago, we included a new Kafka REST Proxy