二叉树系列 - 二叉树的前/中/后序遍历(非递归)
(1) 双while,第二个内层while是为了不断压入left child。
vector<int> inorderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { vector<int> v; if(!root) return v; TreeNode* tmp = root; stack<TreeNode* > st; while(tmp || !st.empty()){ while(tmp){ st.push(tmp); tmp = tmp -> left; } if(!st.empty()){ tmp = st.top(); st.pop(); v.push_back(tmp -> val); tmp = tmp -> right; } } return v; }
Leet Code: Binary Tree Inorder Traversal AC 8ms
vector<int> inorderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { vector<int> v; if(!root) return v; TreeNode* tmp = root; stack<TreeNode* > st; while(tmp || !st.empty()){ if(tmp){ st.push(tmp); tmp = tmp -> left; }else{ tmp = st.top(); st.pop(); v.push_back(tmp -> val); tmp = tmp -> right; } } return v; }
Leet Code: Binary Tree Inorder Traversal AC 32ms
(1) 两栈实现法,一个栈st1用类似前序遍历的方式(细微的不同之处在于 left child先进栈),将所有输出存入另一个栈st2中。最后将st2的内容挨个输出就结了。
(2) 一栈实现法,这种方式需要定义一个pre指针。
那啥时候才能输出parent呢?当发现左右孩子已经被输出的时候,就可以输出parent 了。pre就是用来记录最近输出的结点的。
vector<int> postorderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { std::vector<int> v; if(NULL == root) return v; std::stack<TreeNode*> st; TreeNode* pre = NULL; TreeNode* cur = NULL; st.push(root); while(!st.empty()){ cur = st.top(); if((NULL == cur -> right && NULL == cur -> left) || (NULL != pre && (pre == cur -> right || pre == cur -> left))){ //For each node, there will never be such case that one child is pre, one child is not yet traversed. Because both children are printed (or it's NULL) before stack.top == cur. //So if one child points to pre, that means current node can also be printed. //NULL != pre is used for the edge case that only two nodes: root contains one left node. st.pop(); v.push_back(cur -> val); pre = cur; }else{ if(NULL != cur -> right) st.push(cur -> right); if(NULL != cur -> left) st.push(cur -> left); } } return v;
posted on 2014-12-08 01:03 Felix Fang 阅读(1102) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报