[EXT JS]Configuration for ExtJS 4.1 on Eclipse
I am working on a small project using ExtJS currently.
The development environment: Eclipse IDE with Aptana Plugin 3, and Spket Plugin, with ExtJS 4.1 code assist.
(1) Install Aptana plugin, in the menu, windows -> install new softwares -> add, and use following link:
(2) Install the Spket, again windows -> install new softwares -> add, and use following link:
(3) After then we need to install ExtJS code assist.
There are many toturials but only this gives almost correct guide.
There is still a small mistake that before selecting the sdk.jsb3, we need to first move it from the "build" folder to the root folder (see http://forums.spket.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3656), after all these you need to restart your eclipse, then the code assister will work.
After these steps we can create web project, new project -> Web Project -> Default Project.
Reference :
posted on 2013-04-22 20:14 Felix Fang 阅读(298) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报