图形化unix/linux 工具 mobarxterm

1.使用  mobarxterm 图形化登录工具



如果服务器是图形化界面启动的,xhost +命令可以不用执行

[root@test ~]# xhost +
xhost:  unable to open display ""

设置display变量,设置的IP为安装xmanager的客户端IP, 例如本地ip为:

[root@test ~]#
[root@test ~]# export DISPLAY=

 其次,我们要在客户端启动Xmanager - Passive程序




or wiorkaorud:

root 用户下执行:

xhost +

接着在在oracle 用户执行

xhost +


 xhost: unable to open display

1、 以root用户登录

输入命令xdpyinfo,记录下里面的name of display:后的字符串,如 name of display:

在执行xhost +命令(使得所有客户都可以访问)

access control disabled,clients can connect from any host

如果xhost +不能执行,可以输入命令export DISPLAY=:0执行一下

再执行xhost +

xhost + ip (name表示那个ip机器可以使用该服务)



如果前面root登录下执行xdpyinfo后的name of display:后的字符串是127.0.0.1:1.0

那么在该oracle用户下执行一下export DISPLAY=:1.0





 yum install xorg-x11-apps   安装xclock



###sample 3 https://kerneltalks.com/troubleshooting/mobaxterm-x11-proxy-authorisation-not-recognised/

MobaXterm X11 proxy: Authorisation not recognised
(非root 用户打不开图形化界面,root用户可以打开图形化界面)

Error :
Sometimes your users complain they can’t use GUI via X server from Linux box (in this case mobaXterm). They are receiving their display authorization is not recognized. An error like below –

appuser@kerneltalks@ xclock
MobaXterm X11 proxy: Authorisation not recognised
Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0
Sometimes these errors show up when you switch user from the root account or any other account.

Quick Solution:
Login directly with user on which you want to use xclock

appuser needs to log in directly on the server and you won’t see this issue. Most of the time it arises once you su to appuser from root or different users.

Read further if you have to switch user and then use x-term.

appuser need to add its entry to authorization. This entry will be the last entry in .Xauthority file in a home directory of the previous user with which you have logged in the server in the first place. Let’s say its root in our case. i.e. we logged in as root and then su to appuser


step 1.root@kerneltalks # xauth -f .Xauthority list |tail -1
kerneltalks/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 df22dfc7df88b60f0653198cc85f543c

step 2.
su - appuser
touch .Xauthority



step 3:
appuser@kerneltalks $ xauth add kerneltalks/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 df22dfc7df88b60f0653198cc85f543c
So here we got values from root home directory file and then we added it in using xauth in currently su user i.e. appuser

and you are good to go!

Bit of an explanation :

posted @ 2017-03-20 14:31  feiyun8616  阅读(2261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报