TNS-12508 When Issuing Any SET Command For The Listene



    TNS-12508 When Issuing Any SET Command For The Listener

    fact: Oracle Net Services
    fact: TNS Listener
    symptom: Setting listener LOG_STATUS to OFF at runtime gives errors
    symptom: No password is set for the listener
    symptom: TNS-12508 / ORA-12508: TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given
    cause: Admin_Restrictions_<Listener_Name> = ON in the listener.ora file


Manually change Admin_Restrictions_<Listener_Name> = OFF
Although it is possible to use Admin_Restrictions_<Listener_Name> without
using a password for the listener, Oracle Corporation recommends establishing a
password to secure the listener. To establish an encrypted password, use either
the Listener Control utility CHANGE_PASSWORD command or Oracle Net Manager.

posted @ 2017-03-03 14:52  feiyun8616  阅读(524)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报