oracle sqlplus @@用法




@@ (double "at" sign) ---------------------
Runs the specified script. This command is almost identical to the @ command. It is useful for running nested scripts because it has the additional functionality of looking for the nested script in the same url or path as the calling script. Only the url form is supported in iSQL*Plus.
@ ("at" sign)
Runs the SQL*PLus statements in the specified script.
The script can be called from the local file system or from a web server.

@@ (double "at" sign)
Runs a script. This command is similar to the @ ("at" sign) command.
It is useful for running nested scripts because it looks for the specified script in
the same path as the script from which it was called.

posted @ 2016-11-28 17:25  feiyun8616  阅读(797)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报