css:animation: loader-fill 1s steps(19) forwards;
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(function ($) { $.extend($, { cacheImage: function (src, options) { if (typeof src === 'object') { $.each(src, function () { $.cacheImage(String(this), options); }); return; } var image = new Image(); options = options || {}; $.each(['load', 'error', 'abort'], function () { // Callbacks var e = String(this); if (typeof options[e] === 'function') { $(image).bind(e, options[e]); } if (typeof options.complete === 'function') { $(image).bind(e, options.complete); } }); image.src = src; return image; } }); $.extend($.fn, { cacheImage: function (options) { return this.each(function () { $.cacheImage(this.src, options); }); } }); })(jQuery);