(function(){ /** parent //父容器 changeTime //每次间隔几秒切换下一条 leaveTime //鼠标从小图上离开过后几秒继续切换 index //从第几个开始 changeFn //新的显示完全后的回调 hoverFn//鼠标移到小图上的回调 initFn//初始化完成后的回调 dataFormat //数据格式化函数 */ var def = { changeTime : 5000, leaveTime : 5000, index : 0, dataFormat : function(obj){ return obj; } } function Slider(opt){ opt = opt || {}; for(var p in def){ if(opt[p] === undefined){ opt[p] = def[p]; } } this.opt = opt; this.data = []; this.idx = this.opt.index || 0; this.imgArr = []; this.navArr = []; this.opt.parent && (this.opt.parent.innerHTML = ''); } Slider.prototype.setData = function(data){ /** * img * thumb * title * url * rgb */ for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ this.data.push(this.opt.dataFormat(data[i])); } } Slider.prototype.init = function(){ var parentDom = this.opt.parent; parentDom.className = 'slide_imgs'; var imgCon = this.imgCon = document.createElement('div'); imgCon.className = 'imgs_list'; var navCon = this.navCon = document.createElement('div'); navCon.className = 'item_points'; parentDom.appendChild(imgCon); parentDom.appendChild(navCon); this.createImg(); this.createThumb(); this.go(this.opt.index); this.opt.initFn && this.opt.inifFn(this); } Slider.prototype.createImg = function(){ var list = this.data , temp ; for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){ temp = document.createElement('a'); temp.className = 'img_item'; // temp.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb('+list[i].rgb+')'; temp.style.display = this.opt.index == i ? 'block' : 'none'; if(list[i].url && list[i].url != '#' && list[i].url.indexOf('javascript') == -1){ temp.setAttribute('href',list[i].url); temp.setAttribute('target','_blank'); }else{ temp.setAttribute('href','javascript:;'); } temp.style.background = 'url('+list[i].img+') no-repeat center center'; temp.onclick = function(){ this.blur(); } this.imgCon.appendChild(temp); this.imgArr.push(temp); temp.setAttribute('title',list[i].title); } } Slider.prototype.createThumb = function(){ var list = this.data , temp , border , img , that = this , len = list.length; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ temp = document.createElement('a'); temp.className = 'point'; (function(idx){ var _idx = idx; $(temp).hover(function(){ if(idx == that.idx) return; if(that.timer){ clearTimeout(that.timer); } that.go(idx,true); that.opt.hoverFn && that.opt.hoverFn.call(that,list[idx]); },function(){ if(that.timer){ clearTimeout(that.timer); } that.timer = setTimeout(function(){ if(idx == len -1){ _idx = 0; }else{ _idx ++; } that.go(_idx); },that.opt.leaveTime); }) })(i); this.navCon.appendChild(temp); this.navArr.push(temp); temp.setAttribute('title',list[i].title); } } Slider.prototype.next = function(){ var idx = this.idx + 1; this.go(idx); } Slider.prototype.prev = function(){ var idx = this.idx - 1; this.go(idx); } Slider.prototype.go = function(idx,handle){ var len = this.data.length, that = this; idx = Math.min(Math.max(0,idx),this.data.length - 1); if(len == 1) { this.navArr[idx].className = 'point cur'; return; } if(this.timer){ clearTimeout(this.timer); } var old = this.idx; if(this.imgArr[old]){ $(this.imgArr[old]).stop(0,0).animate({opacity:0},200,function(){ $(this).hide(); }); this.navArr[old].className = 'point'; this.imgArr[idx].style.display = 'block'; $(this.imgArr[idx]).css('opacity',0); $(this.imgArr[idx]).stop(0,0).animate({opacity:1},200,function(){ that.opt.changeFn && that.opt.changeFn(that,that.data(idx)); }); this.navArr[idx].className = 'point cur'; this.idx = idx; if(!handle){ this.timer = setTimeout(function(){ if(idx == len -1){ idx = 0; }else{ idx ++; } that.go(idx); },this.opt.changeTime); } } } window.Slider = Slider; })();
$(function(){ function createBanner(){ var list = [ {img : 'http://gameapi.xiaoyou-game.com/static/usercenter/images/callcenter.jpg',url:'',title:'客服中心'}, {img : 'http://gameapi.xiaoyou-game.com/static/usercenter/images/safecenter.jpg',url:'',title:'安全中心'}, {img : 'http://gameapi.xiaoyou-game.com/static/usercenter/images/usercenter.jpg',url:'',title:'用户中心'} ] var slider = new Slider({ parent : $('.slide_imgs')[0] }); slider.setData(list); slider.init(); } createBanner(); })