What is Touchlib?
Touchlibis our library for creating multi-touch interaction surfaces. It handles tracking blobs of infrared light for you and sends your programs multitouch events, such as 'finger down', 'finger moved', and 'finger released'. It includes a configuration app and a few demos to get you started. It interaces with most major types of webcams and video capture devices. It currently works only under windows but efforts are being made to port it to other platforms.
Who Should Use Touchlib?
Touchlibonly comes with simple demo applications. If you want to use touchlib you must be prepared to make your own apps. There are a few ways to do this. You can build applications in C++ and take advantage of touchlib's simple programming interface. Touchlib does not provide you with any graphical or front end abilities - it simply passes you touch events. The graphics are up to you. If you like, take a look at the example apps which use OpenGL GLUT.
Ifyou don't want to have to compile touchlib, binaries are available .
Asof the current version, touchlib now can broadcast events in the TUIO protocol (which uses OSC). This makes touchlib compatible with several other applications that support this protocol, such as vvvv, Processing, PureData, etc.. This also makes it possible to use touchlib for blob detection / tracking and something like vvvv or Processing to write appliactions. Of course the other option is to do all your blob detection and processing in vvvv or processing.