零基础自学用Python 3开发网络爬虫-这篇博客写的不错,通俗易懂,文笔也很好
2. 爬取十大各帖内容。
使用Python来访问十大网页,这就要求我们要模拟浏览器的操作过程,向服务器端发送HTTP请求。Python的urllib2模块提供了这样的功能,urllib2.urlopen(url)函数能够打开多种类型的url链接,如http://www.baidu.com, ftp://cs.nju.edu.cn等等。
1 def get_top10article(self): 2 top10_url = 'http://bbs.nju.edu.cn/bbstop10' 3 bbs_url = 'http://bbs.nju.edu.cn/' 4 5 req = urllib2.Request(top10_url, headers = self.headers) 6 response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 7 top10_page = response.read() 8 #print top10_page 9 10 #unicode_top10_page = top10_page.decode('utf-8') 11 pattern_str = '<tr.*?bgcolor=.*?><td>(.*?)<td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a><td><a.*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)\n</a><td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a><td>(.*?)\n' 12 pattern = re.compile(pattern_str) 13 #pattern = re.compile(r'<tr.*?bgcolor=.*?><td>(.*?)<td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a><td><a.*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a><td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a>') 14 top10_retrive_infos = pattern.findall(top10_page) 15 for info in top10_retrive_infos: 16 article = Article(info[0], bbs_url + info[1], info[2], bbs_url + info[3], info[4], bbs_url + info[5], info[6]) 17 self.top10.append(article) 18 #print info
上面代码5-7行,向小百合发送HTTP请求,请求得到响应之后。在第11-17行使用正则表达式来捕获各个帖子的相关信息并保存在top10这样一个list中(line 17)。
1 def get_article(self, url): 2 # url + '&start=-1' 显示本主题全部帖子 3 all_article_url = url + '&start=-1' 4 req = urllib2.Request(all_article_url, headers = self.headers) 5 response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 6 article_content = response.read() 7 8 # use regular experssion to find out all the reply article content 9 pattern_str = '<textarea.*?id=.*?class=hide>(.*?)--\n.*?</textarea>' 10 pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, re.S) 11 all_replies_content = pattern.findall(article_content) 12 13 f = open('all_replies_content.txt', 'w') 14 15 result_content = [] 16 for reply in all_replies_content: 17 f.write(reply) 18 result_content.append(reply) 19 #print reply 20 return result_content
1 # -*- coding: cp936 -*- 2 import urllib2 3 import urllib 4 import re 5 # 自定义帖子类,包括十大排名、板块链接、板块名、帖子链接、帖子标题、作者链接和作者 7个字段 6 class Article: 7 def __init__(self, rank, board_link, board, article_link, title, author_link, author): 8 self.rank = rank 9 self.board_link = board_link 10 self.board = board 11 self.article_link = article_link 12 self.title = title 13 self.author_link = author_link 14 self.author = author 15 16 class Lily_Top10_Spider: 17 def __init__(self): 18 self.top10 = [] 19 self.user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' 20 self.headers = {'User-Agent' : self.user_agent} 21 22 23 # 获取十大信息,添加到列表中并返回列表 24 def get_top10article(self): 25 top10_url = 'http://bbs.nju.edu.cn/bbstop10' 26 bbs_url = 'http://bbs.nju.edu.cn/' 27 28 req = urllib2.Request(top10_url, headers = self.headers) 29 response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 30 top10_page = response.read() 31 #print top10_page 32 33 #unicode_top10_page = top10_page.decode('utf-8') 34 pattern_str = '<tr.*?bgcolor=.*?><td>(.*?)<td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a><td><a.*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)\n</a><td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a><td>(.*?)\n' 35 pattern = re.compile(pattern_str) 36 #pattern = re.compile(r'<tr.*?bgcolor=.*?><td>(.*?)<td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a><td><a.*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a><td><a.*?href=(.*?)>(.*?)</a>') 37 top10_retrive_infos = pattern.findall(top10_page) 38 for info in top10_retrive_infos: 39 article = Article(info[0], bbs_url + info[1], info[2], bbs_url + info[3], info[4], bbs_url + info[5], info[6]) 40 self.top10.append(article) 41 #print info 42 43 44 for a in self.top10: 45 print a.title, ' ', a.author, ' ', a.board, ' ', a.article_link 46 47 def get_article(self, url): 48 # url + '&start=-1' 显示本主题全部帖子 49 all_article_url = url + '&start=-1' 50 req = urllib2.Request(all_article_url, headers = self.headers) 51 response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 52 article_content = response.read() 53 #print article_content 54 55 56 # use regular experssion to find out all the reply article content 57 pattern_str = '<textarea.*?id=.*?class=hide>(.*?)--\n.*?</textarea>' 58 pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, re.S) 59 all_replies_content = pattern.findall(article_content) 60 61 f = open('all_replies_content.txt', 'w') 62 #print all_replies 63 64 result_content = [] 65 for reply in all_replies_content: 66 f.write(reply) 67 result_content.append(reply) 68 #print reply 69 return result_content 70 #return self.top10 71 72 73 ls = Lily_Top10_Spider() 74 ls.get_top10article() 75 76 print '#1 article content:' 77 article_content = ls.get_article(ls.top10[9].article_link) 78 for s in article_content: 79 print s 80 print 'print end.' 81