泡泡一分钟:Visual Odometry Using a Homography Formulation with Decoupled Rotation and Translation Estimation Using Minimal Solutions

张宁	Visual Odometry Using a Homography Formulation with Decoupled Rotation and Translation Estimation Using Minimal Solutions
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Abstract— In this paper we present minimal solutions for two-view relative motion estimation based on a homography formulation. By assuming a known vertical direction (e.g.from an IMU) and assuming a dominant ground plane we demonstrate that rotation and translation estimation can be decoupled. This result allows us to reduce the number of point matches needed to compute a motion hypothesis. We then derive different algorithms based on this decoupling that allow an
efficient estimation. We also demonstrate how these algorithms can be used efficiently to compute an optimal inlier set using exhaustive search or histogram voting instead of a traditional RANSAC step. Our methods are evaluated on synthetic data
and on the KITTI data set, demonstrating that our methods are well suited for visual odometry in road driving scenarios.


posted @ 2019-05-01 15:04  feifanren  阅读(312)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报