泡泡一分钟:Automatic Parameter Tuning of Motion Planning Algorithms
Automatic Parameter Tuning of Motion Planning Algorithms
Jos´e Cano, Yiming Yang, Bruno Bodin, Vijay Nagarajan, and Michael O’Boyle
张宁 Automatic Parameter Tuning of Motion Planning Algorithms
Abstract—Motionplanningalgorithmsattempttofindagood compromise between planning time and quality of solution. Due to their heuristic nature, they are typically configured with several parameters. In this paper we demonstrate that, in many scenarios, the widely used default parameter values are not ideal. However, finding the best parameters to optimise some metric(s) is not trivial because the size of the parameter space can be large. We evaluate and compare the efficiency of four different methods (i.e. random sampling, AUC-Bandit, random forest,andbayesianoptimisation)totunetheparametersoftwo motion planning algorithms, BKPIECE and RRT-connect. We present a table-top-reaching scenario where the seven degreesof-freedom KUKA LWR robotic arm has to move from an initial to a goal pose in the presence of several objects in the environment. We show that the best methods for BKPIECE (AUC-Bandit) and RRT-Connect (random forest) improve the performance by 4.5x and 1.26x on average respectively. Then, we generate a set of random scenarios of increasing complexity, and we observe that optimal parameters found in simple environments perform well in more complex scenarios. Finally, we findthatthetimerequiredtoevaluateparameterconfigurations can be reduced by more than 2/3 with low error. Overall, our results demonstrate that for a variety of motion planning problems it is possible to find solutions that significantly improve the performance over default configurations while requiring very reasonable computation times.