随笔分类 - CentOS
摘要:This post will covers the steps to configure static ip address, default gateway, netmask, dns server and make a network auto start at boot on linux CentOS 6.3. Server normally configured with static ip address, so that easier to maintain the configuration on it’s client and DNS server will always ..
摘要:Step 1: Install needed packagesyou will need remove installed ruby because repo version is 1.8.7 and we need 1.9 at leastyum remove rubyyum install wgetenable epel reposwget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpmrpm -Uvh epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpminstall requi
摘要:1.安装thingem install thin他会需要一下gem支持rack-0.9.1eventmachine-0.12.6daemons-1.0.10thin-1.0.0当然,他会自动安装的。2.启动和停止thin在rails项目的根目录下执行thin start -d加-d是让他能在后台运行,不加,我们停止thin的时候可以直接使用 ctrl + c。追加 “-e production”表示在生产环境下运行,追加"-p 3003"指定端口,在此指定的是3003端口thin stop停止thin3.Clusterthin start --servers 3thin s
摘要:centos 6.2用yum安装中文输入法1.su root2.yum install "@Chinese Support"3.exit4.回到桌面,system->preferences->input method5.如果没有,先注销一下。6.按照提示添加输入法。7.最后 再次注销,登录即可。-----------------1 2---[ali@localhost ~]$ suPassword: [root@localhost ali]# yum install "@Chinese Support"Loaded plugins: fast
摘要:Installing RVM Multi-user on CentOS can be a bit tricky. Here's my documentation - mostly so I remember, but hopefully it helps someone else as well.A quick note - the people behind RVM are clear that tutorials outside their siteare not supported. They're not discouraged, but they won't