PayPal 出错处理

PayPal 出错处理
错误代码可以被分成好几组来处理. 有需要采取行动的,也有可以不用理的.具体描述如下:

可修复错误(Fix): 很多错误在做过QA后一般都不会出现,这些错误包括但不限于 10004,10007, 811xx 和部分104xx,105xx 和107xx错误.

可忽略错误(Ignore):理想状态下,所有的错误都必须按照下面的方法来处理, 但是也有些错误仅仅是”成功但有警告”性质的,如’10215 Soft Descriptor truncated’,对于这类错误可以忽略.

需上报错误(Escalate): 错误代码如’10001 Internal Error’ 或者 ’10002 Authentication/Authorization Failed’ 通常表示PayPal网站或者商家账户遇到了问题, 这种情况下一般来说只需要重新执行一下原来的动作即可解决,如果还是解决不了,那就需要上报到PayPal的客服部门或者技术支持部门.

需通知错误(Message): 有一些错误则表示买家的账户或者其潜在的资金来源有问题;在某些情况下,只要在稍后重新做一下API 的调用或许就可以解决.但是,如果此时客户正在商家网站付款或者重试后失败时则需要通知买家采取一些必要的动作或者放弃付款. 比如说在DoExpressCheckout中, 错误10422 和10424 表示买家必须要在其PayPal账户中选择一个新的资金来源方式, 而 10417则表示客户必须要选择另外的支付方式.

可重试错误(Retry):有些错误可以被视为Soft Declines(软拒绝),这些错误商家可以重试多次直至获取到一个成功的响应。他们往往是由于PayPal的系统错误或者是买家的账户问题所造成的, 这些问题也都是可以被修复的. 如果错误一直无法解决, 那商家就需要根据错误代码向买家或PayPal告知.以下是处理重试的一般准则:

1 小时内(PayPal系统问题)

1 天内 (PayPal系统和账户问题)

3 天内 (账户问题)

811xx Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
100XX Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
10001 Retry (1 hour) – PayPal内部系统错误, 大部分系统可以自行解决问题
101XX Retry (1 hour) – PayPal API 服务不工作, 大部分系统可以自行解决问题
102XX Retry (1 day) – 基本上是各种可以自行解决的错误, 只需修正参数重试即可
10201 Message – 用户协议到期,需要联系客户
10209 Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
10211 Message – 用户协议到期,需要联系客户
10212 Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
104XX Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
10412 *是由于有重复的InvoiceID造成的,只需要保证该值对于商家来说是唯一的订单号即可*
10414 Message – 交易金额超出了买家账户金额,通常需要买家账户先通过PayPal认证
10417 Message – 用户协议到期,需要联系客户
105XX Message – 各种原因导致买家的信用卡遭拒绝,通知客户拒绝的原因
106XX Message – 各种原因导致买家的PayPal账户遭拒绝,通知客户拒绝的原因
107XX Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
113XX Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
114XX Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
116XX Message – 由于商家的风险过滤模型导致拒付,通知客户拒绝的原因
180XX Escalate / Fix – 配置或者代码问题, 如有需要可以联系PayPal
** 如果错误代码不在上述的列表中,则需要将其视为拒绝,同时需要通知到PayPal.**


10001 内部错误
10102 付款行为(PaymentAction)为Order 暂时失效. 可以稍后再试或者更改为其他的付款行为(PaymentAction).
10103 你的解决方案类型(Solution Type)暂时失效. 如有可能,可以用另外一个解决方案类型(Solution Type).
11547 重复付款暂时失效; 稍后重试

10001 内部错误

10001 内部错误
10445 该笔交易暂时无法处理,稍后再试.

10001 内部错误
10009 由于买家账户被锁或不活跃导致付款拒绝
10603 买家账户受限;
10606 交易被拒绝,联系买家.
资金来源没有足够余额. 通知买家更换资金来源
10607 授权或者失败暂时失效
10626 该笔交易存在风险.
10628 当前无法处理该笔交易,请稍后重试.

10001 内部错误
10009 交易被拒因为你没有一个验证过的ACH
10009 交易被拒因为你账户被锁或在非激活状态.
10009 交易被拒因为你账户受限.
[NOTE: 并不是所有的10009错误都可以重试,需要检查错误的详细信息]


{ "10500" : { "Corrective Action" : "Occurs when you have not agreed to the billing agreement.",
"Error Code" : "10500",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10501" : { "Corrective Action" : "Occurs when the billing agreement is disabled or inactive.",
"Error Code" : "10501",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10502" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card used has expired.",
"Error Code" : "10502",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please use a valid credit card.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10504" : { "Corrective Action" : "The CVV provide is invalid. The CVV is between 3-4 digits long.",
"Error Code" : "10504",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid Credit Card Verification Number.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10505" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was refused because the AVS response returned the value of N, and the merchant account is not able to accept such transactions.",
"Error Code" : "10505",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10507" : { "Corrective Action" : "Your PayPal account is limited - contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10507",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10508" : { "Corrective Action" : "The expiration date must be a two-digit month and four-digit year.",
"Error Code" : "10508",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card expiration date.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10509" : { "Corrective Action" : "You must submit an IP address of the buyer with each API call.",
"Error Code" : "10509",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10510" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card type entered is not currently supported by PayPal.",
"Error Code" : "10510",
"Long Message" : "The credit card type is not supported. Try another card type.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10511" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant selected a value for the PaymentAction field that is not supported.",
"Error Code" : "10511",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10512" : { "Corrective Action" : "The first name of the buyer is required by this merchant.",
"Error Code" : "10512",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a first name.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10513" : { "Corrective Action" : "The last name of the buyer is required by this merchant.",
"Error Code" : "10513",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a last name.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10519" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card field was blank.",
"Error Code" : "10519",
"Long Message" : "Please enter a credit card.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10520" : { "Corrective Action" : "The total amount and item amounts do not match.",
"Error Code" : "10520",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10521" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card entered is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10521",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10523" : { "Corrective Action" : "None, this is a PayPal internal error.",
"Error Code" : "10523",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Internal Error"
"10525" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant entered an amount of zero.",
"Error Code" : "10525",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. The amount to be charged is zero.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10526" : { "Corrective Action" : "The currency code entered is not supported.",
"Error Code" : "10526",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. The currency is not supported at this time.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10527" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card entered is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10527",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10534" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card entered is currently limited by PayPal. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10534",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10535" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card entered is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10535",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10536" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant entered an invoice ID that is already associated with a transaction by the same merchant. By default, the invoice ID must be unique for all transactions. To change this setting, log into PayPal or contact customer service.",
"Error Code" : "10536",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10537" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by the country filter managed by the merchant. To accept this transaction, change your risk settings on PayPal.",
"Error Code" : "10537",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Filter Decline"
"10538" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by the maximum amount filter managed by the merchant. To accept this transaction, change your risk settings on PayPal.",
"Error Code" : "10538",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Filter Decline"
"10539" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal; contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10539",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Filter Decline"
"10540" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal because of an invalid address.",
"Error Code" : "10540",
"Long Message" : "The transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10541" : { "Corrective Action" : "The credit card entered is currently limited by PayPal. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10541",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10542" : { "Corrective Action" : "The email address provided by the buyer is in an invalid format.",
"Error Code" : "10542",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid email address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10544" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal; contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10544",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10545" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal due to potentially fraudulent activity. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10545",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10546" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal because of potentially fraudulent activity. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10546",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10547" : { "Corrective Action" : "None, this is a PayPal internal error.",
"Error Code" : "10547",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Internal Error"
"10548" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant account attempting the transaction is not a business account at PayPal. Check your account settings",
"Error Code" : "10548",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's is not able to process transactions.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10549" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant account attempting the transaction is not able to process Direct Payment transactions. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10549",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10550" : { "Corrective Action" : "Access to Direct Payment was disabled for your account. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10550",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10552" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant account attempting the transaction does not have a confirmed email address with PayPal. Check your account settings.",
"Error Code" : "10552",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10553" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant attempted a transaction where the amount exceeded the upper limit for that merchant.",
"Error Code" : "10553",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10554" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined because of a merchant risk filter for AVS. Specifically, the merchant has set to decline transaction when the AVS returned a no match (AVS = N).",
"Error Code" : "10554",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Filter Decline"
"10555" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined because of a merchant risk filter for AVS. Specifically, the merchant has set to decline transaction when the AVS returned a partial match.",
"Error Code" : "10555",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Filter Decline"
"10556" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined because of a merchant risk filter for AVS. Specifically, the merchant has set to decline transaction when the AVS was unsupported.",
"Error Code" : "10556",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Filter Decline"
"10701" : { "Corrective Action" : "The billing address entered is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10701",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10702" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10702",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address1 in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10703" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10703",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address2 in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10704" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10704",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10705" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10705",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10706" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10706",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five-digit postal code in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10707" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10707",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid country in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10708" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10708",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10709" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10709",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10710" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10710",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10711" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10711",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your state in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10712" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10712",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five-digit postal code in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10713" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10713",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10714" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10714",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10715" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10715",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10716" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10716",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10717" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10717",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10718" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10718",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city and state in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10719" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10719",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10720" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10720",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address1 in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10721" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10721",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address2 in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10722" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10722",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10723" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10723",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10724" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10724",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five-digit postal code in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10725" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10725",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid country in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10726" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10726",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10727" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10727",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10728" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10728",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10729" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10729",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your state in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10730" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10730",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five-digit postal code in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10731" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10731",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10732" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid",
"Error Code" : "10732",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10733" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10733",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10734" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10734",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five-digit postal code in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10735" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10735",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10736" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10736",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city and state in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10744" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10744",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid country code in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10745" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10745",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid country code in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10746" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10746",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please use a valid country on the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10747" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant entered an IP address that was in an invalid format. The IP address must be in a format such as 123.456.123.456 .",
"Error Code" : "10747",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10748" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant's configuration requires a CVV to be entered, but no CVV was provided with this transaction. Contact PayPal if you wish to change this setting.",
"Error Code" : "10748",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed without a Credit Card Verification number.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10750" : { "Corrective Action" : "There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tell you what field is invalid.",
"Error Code" : "10750",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the shipping address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10751" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant provided an address either in the United States or Canada, but the state provided is not a valid state in either country.",
"Error Code" : "10751",
"Long Message" : "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10752" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by the issuing bank, not PayPal. The merchant should attempt another card.",
"Error Code" : "10752",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10754" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "10754",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10755" : { "Corrective Action" : "The currency code entered by the merchant is not supported.",
"Error Code" : "10755",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed due to an unsupported currency.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"10756" : { "Corrective Action" : "None, this is a PayPal internal error.",
"Error Code" : "10756",
"Long Message" : "The transaction cannot be processed. The country and billing address associated with this credit card do not match.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10758" : { "Corrective Action" : "The API username or password is incorrect for this merchant.",
"Error Code" : "10758",
"Long Message" : "There's been an error due to invalid API username and/or password.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10759" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal; contact PayPal for more information",
"Error Code" : "10759",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10760" : { "Corrective Action" : "The merchant's country of residence listed in their PayPal account is not currently supported to allow Direct Payment transactions.",
"Error Code" : "10760",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. The country listed for your business address is not currently supported.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"10761" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined because PayPal is currently processing a transaction by the same buyer for the same amount. This can occur when a buyer submits multiple, identical transactions in quick succession.",
"Error Code" : "10761",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please check the status of your first transaction before placing another order.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10762" : { "Corrective Action" : "The CVV provide is invalid. The CVV is between 3-4 digits long.",
"Error Code" : "10762",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"10763" : { "Corrective Action" : "None - this is a PayPal internal error.",
"Error Code" : "10763",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Data"
"15001" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was rejected by PayPal because of multiple denials over a short period of time for this credit card. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "15001",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"15002" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by PayPal; contact PayPal for more information",
"Error Code" : "15002",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"15003" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined because the merchant does not have a valid commercial entity agreement on file with PayPal. Contact PayPal for more information.",
"Error Code" : "15003",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Invalid Configuration"
"15004" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined because the CVV entered does not match the credit card.",
"Error Code" : "15004",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid Credit Card Verification Number.",
"Short Message" : "Gateway Decline"
"15005" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by the issuing bank, not PayPal. The merchant should attempt another card.",
"Error Code" : "15005",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed.",
"Short Message" : "Processor Decline"
"15006" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by the issuing bank, not PayPal. The merchant should attempt another card.",
"Error Code" : "15006",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.",
"Short Message" : "Processor Decline"
"15007" : { "Corrective Action" : "The transaction was declined by the issuing bank because of an expired credit card. The merchant should attempt another card.",
"Error Code" : "15007",
"Long Message" : "This transaction cannot be processed. Please use a valid credit card.",
"Short Message" : "Processor Decline"
posted @ 2013-06-25 13:58  小飞的DD  阅读(17017)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报