【LeetCode】3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Given "abcabcbb"
, the answer is "abc"
, which the length is 3.
Given "bbbbb"
, the answer is "b"
, with the length of 1.
Given "pwwkew"
, the answer is "wke"
, with the length of 3. Note that the answer must be a substring, "pwke"
is a subsequence and not a substring.
1 int lengthOfLongestSubstring(char* s) { 2 int i=0,j=0; 3 int flag[10]={0}; //创建BitMap 4 int c; 5 int count=0,thiscount=0; 6 while(s[j]) 7 { 8 c=s[j]; 9 if(!(flag[c>>5]&(1<<(c&0x1f)))) //当此字符不重复时 10 { 11 flag[c>>5]|=(1<<(c&0x1f)); //标记字符 12 thiscount++; 13 if(thiscount>count) 14 count=thiscount; 15 } 16 else 17 { 18 while(s[i]!=s[j]) 19 { 20 c=s[i]; 21 flag[c>>5]^=(1<<(c&0x1f)); //把重复字符及其第一次出现位置之前的字符从BitMap中删除 22 thiscount--; 23 i++; 24 } 25 i++; 26 } 27 j++; 28 } 29 return count; 30 }