1099. Two Sum Less Than K - Easy
M1: sort + two pointers
Push from the two ends and attempt to find any addition of the two elements < K;
if the addition >= K, then decrease the high bound and hence tentatively get a smaller addition;
otherwise, increase low bound to find a bigger addition;
time = O(nlogn), space = O(1)
class Solution { public int twoSumLessThanK(int[] A, int K) { Arrays.sort(A); int max = -1; int i = 0, j = A.length - 1; while(i < j) { if(A[i] + A[j] >= K) { j--; } else { max = Math.max(max, A[i] + A[j]); i++; } } return max; } }
M2: naive, first sort, then loop the array and for each value A[i]
use binary search to find a value A[j] such that A[i] + A[j] < K
time = O(nlogn), space = O(1)
class Solution { public int twoSumLessThanK(int[] A, int K) { Arrays.sort(A); int max = -1; for(int i = 0; i + 1 < A.length; i++) { int target = K - A[i]; int left = i + 1, right = A.length - 1; while(left + 1 < right) { int mid = left + (right - left) / 2; if(A[mid] <= target) { left = mid; } else { right = mid; } } if(A[right] < target) { max = Math.max(max, A[i] + A[right]); } else if(A[left] < target) { max = Math.max(max, A[i] + A[left]); } } return max; } }