User based center new model test results on NYC dataset(updated 11th/Sep)

User based center, and using the negative examples around the center:

testsize: 1000


this is the model with user negative examples
dataset NYC, this is test for new lightfm,max_sampled 10,and 1000 checkins,and radius as 5 and th_center 0
unique user&venue checkin combination in test 195
unique user&venue checkin combination in test 778
max num in matrix 3
max num in train 4
I am beginning to get negtive examples
object preprocess created
Time used for negative examples: 70.58932300000001
I am beginning to model,this is the new model
model has been fitted
this is the model that consider the checkin times
Time used: 0.13614900000000318
Train_auc is 0.617768
test auc is 0.306076
train prek 0.012468
test prek 0.000000
I am beginning to model,this is the original model
model has been fitted
this is the model that consider the checkin times
Time used: 0.10517300000000773
Train_auc is 0.940273
test auc is 0.180400
train prek 0.172010
test prek 0.001299






this is test for new lightfm of nyc, 10000 checkins, radius 10, max_Sampled:10, th_center: 0.200000
unique user&venue checkin combination in test 1414
unique user&venue checkin combination in test 5654
max num in matrix 9
max num in train 14
I am beginning to get negtive examples
object preprocess created
Time used for negative examples: 2975.53179
I am beginning to model,this is the new model
model has been fitted
this is the model that consider the checkin times
Time used: 0.33353200000010474
Train_auc is 0.551031
Test_aus is 0.473606
I am beginning to model,this is the original model
model has been fitted
this is the model that consider the checkin times
Time used: 0.40079700000023877
Train_auc is 0.999947
Test_aus is 0.322601
train prek is 0.546246
test prek is 0.000846
/home/s2013258/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)


posted @ 2017-09-11 19:07  Fassy  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报