从MS Research上面看到关于Comega的Overview

刚刚看到关于Comega的新闻,我到MS Research上面看了一点关于Comega的简介,个人感觉Comega并不应该说是一种“新的语言”,它只是一个C#的“扩展”。但是对于MS这样三天出一个新语言,五天出一个新架构的做法小弟比较反感。.NET还没有真正达到MS的预期目标,又开始弄新的东西新的概念。感觉就是第一盘菜没有炒好,赶快炒下一盘,反正客人饿得不行。

ω是一个研究中的程序设计语言。他的读音是“C”和“&^%%@$!(”。他也可以被写为Cw或者“Comega language”,亦可以用来在网上查找。
现在一个Cw的预览版编译器可供下载。(最新的一个版本已经不再需要目标机器安装Visual Studio .NET 2003!)您也可以在线阅读相关文档。
- 一个异步的、广域的、并发的控制流程扩展(此前作为Polyphonic C#):
  ·C#提供的一个现在的并发性的抽象。Nick BentonLuca CardelliCedric Fournet
- XML和数据库表操作提供一个数据类型扩展(此前作为XenX#):
  ·Cw中作为数据通道的基本。Gavin BiermanErik MeijerWolfram Schulte
  ·通过矩形、三角形和圆形进行设计。Gavin BiermanErik MeijerWolfram Schulte
  ·将数据库表、对象和代码统一为一体。Erik MeijerWolfram SchulteGavin Bierman
  ·设计模式时的转换。Luca Cardelli
Nick Benton
·Gavin Bierman
·Luca Cardelli
·Erik Meijer
·Claudio Russo
·Wolfram Schulte

===原文 From Microsoft Research of Comega===
Cω is a research programming language. It is pronounced "c" followed by "   -m g  ,  -m  g ".
It can be written (and searched for) as Cw or the "Comega language".
A Cω compiler preview is now available for download. [  The latest release no longer requires Visual Studio .NET 2003 to be installed on the target machine!] You can also browse the documentation online.
 Read about Cω on MSDN!
 Read about Cω in Infoworld!
Cω is an extension of C# in two areas:
- A control flow extension for asynchronous wide-area concurrency (formerly known as Polyphonic C#):
  • Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C#. Nick Benton, Luca Cardelli, Cedric Fournet.
    o ©2004 ACM [ PDF] (Revised version.) To appear in TOPLAS.
    o ©2002 Springer [ PDF] In: Boris Magnusson, Editor: ECOOP 2002 - Object-Oriented Programming, 16th European Conference, Malaga, Spain, June 10-14 2002, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2374, Springer, 2002. ISBN 3-540-43759-2. pp. 415-440.
- A data type extension for XML and table manipulation (formerly known as Xen and as X#):
  • The essence of data access in Cω.Gavin Bierman, Erik Meijer, and Wolfram Schulte.
    o  Accepted for publication at ECOOP 2005
  • Programming with Rectangles, Triangles, and Circles. Gavin Bierman, Erik Meijer, and Wolfram Schulte.
    o ©2004 XMLconference [ HTML] In Proc. XML 2003.
  • Unifying Tables, Objects and Documents. Erik Meijer, Wolfram Schulte and Gavin Bierman.
    o  [ PDF] Updated version to appear.
    o In Proc. DP-COOL 2003. 
Reasons why these kinds of extensions (and possibly more) are related, are described in this talk:
  • Transitions in Programming Models. Luca Cardelli.
    o [ PDF] New University of Lisbon, November 13, 2003.
Project Members
• Nick Benton
• Gavin Bierman
• Luca Cardelli
• Erik Meijer
• Claudio Russo
• Wolfram Schulte

posted @ 2005-04-12 10:40  妖居  阅读(930)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报