C# 任务、线程、同步(一)


 1         static object taskMethodLock = new object();
 2         static void TaskMethod(object title)
 3         {
 4             lock (taskMethodLock)
 5             {
 6                 Console.WriteLine(title);
 7                 Console.WriteLine("Task id: {0}, thread: {1}",
 8                   Task.CurrentId == null ? "no task" : Task.CurrentId.ToString(),
 9                   Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
10                 Console.WriteLine("is pooled thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread);
11                 Console.WriteLine("is background thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground);
12                 Console.WriteLine();
13             }
14         }


1        var tf = new TaskFactory();
2             Task t1 = tf.StartNew(TaskMethod, "using a task factory");
4             Task t2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(TaskMethod, "factory via a task");
6             var t3 = new Task(TaskMethod, "using a task constructor and Start");
7             t3.Start();
9             Task t4 = Task.Run(() => TaskMethod("using the Run method"));


           TaskMethod("just the main thread");
            var t1 = new Task(TaskMethod, "run sync");


        var t1 = new Task(TaskMethod, "long running",TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

4、Future 任务结果

 1   static void ResultsFromTasks()
 2         {
 3             var t1 = new Task<Tuple<int, int>>(TaskWithResult, Tuple.Create<int, int>(8, 3));
 4             t1.Start();
 5             Console.WriteLine(t1.Result);
 7             t1.Wait();
 9             Console.WriteLine("result from task: {0} {1}", t1.Result.Item1, t1.Result.Item2);
10         }
11         static Tuple<int, int> TaskWithResult(object division)
12         {
13             Tuple<int, int> div = (Tuple<int, int>)division;
14             int result = div.Item1 / div.Item2;
15             int reminder = div.Item1 % div.Item2;
16             Console.WriteLine("task creates a result ...");
18             return Tuple.Create<int, int>(result, reminder); 
19         }


 1  static void ContinuationTask()
 2         {
 3             Task t1 = new Task(DoOnFirst);
 4             Task t2 = t1.ContinueWith(DoOnSecond);
 5             Task t3 = t1.ContinueWith(DoOnSecond);
 6             Task t4 = t1.ContinueWith(DoOnSecond);
 7             Task t5 = t1.ContinueWith(DoOnError, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
 8             t1.Start();
10             Thread.Sleep(5000);
12         }
13         static void DoOnFirst()
14         {
15             Console.WriteLine("doing some task {0}", Task.CurrentId);
16             Thread.Sleep(2000);
17         }
18         static void DoOnSecond(Task t)
19         {
20             Console.WriteLine("task {0} finished", t.Id);
21             Console.WriteLine("this task id {0}", Task.CurrentId);
22             Console.WriteLine("do some cleanup");
23             Thread.Sleep(3000);
24         }
25         static void DoOnError(Task t)
26         {
27             Console.WriteLine("task {0} had an error!", t.Id);
28             Console.WriteLine("my id {0}", Task.CurrentId);
29             Console.WriteLine("do some cleanup");
30         } 


 1         static void ParentAndChild()
 2         {
 3             var parent = new Task(ParentTask);
 4             parent.Start();
 5             Thread.Sleep(2000);
 6             Console.WriteLine(parent.Status);
 7             Thread.Sleep(4000);
 8             Console.WriteLine(parent.Status);
10         }
11         static void ParentTask()
12         {
13             Console.WriteLine("task id {0}", Task.CurrentId);
14             var child = new Task(ChildTask); // , TaskCreationOptions.DetachedFromParent);
15             child.Start();
16             Thread.Sleep(1000);
17             Console.WriteLine("parent started child");
18             // Thread.Sleep(3000);
19         }
20         static void ChildTask()
21         {
22             // Console.WriteLine("task id {0}, parent: {1}", Task.Current.Id, Task.Current.Parent.Id);
23             Console.WriteLine("child");
24             Thread.Sleep(5000);
25             Console.WriteLine("child finished");
26         }


posted @ 2016-11-04 14:27  指间的徘徊  阅读(305)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报