















select GradeId,SUM(ClassHour) as 总学时数
from Subject
group by GradeId
order by sum(ClassHour)

select studentno,AVG(studentresult) as 平局分
from Result
group by StudentNo


select subjectid,AVG(studentresult)as 平均分
from Result
group by SubjectId
order by 平均分 desc



select studentno,SUM(studentresult) as 总分
from Result
group by StudentNo
order by 总分 desc

--每个年级 男女生总人数(gradeid,gender,人数)
select gradeid,gender,COUNT(1)
from student
group by GradeId,Gender
order by GradeId,Gender

select gradeid,COUNT(1) as 总人数
from student
group by GradeId
having COUNT(1)>=3

--查询每年级学时数超过50 的课程数 S1
select gradeid,COUNT(subjectid) as 课程数
from Subject
where ClassHour>50
group by GradeId

select gradeid,AVG(DATEDIFF(yy,birthday,GETDATE())) as 平均年龄
from student
group by gradeid
select gradeid,COUNT(1) as 总人数
from student
where address like '%北京%'
group by Gradeid

select * from student
order by GradeId
select studentno,AVG(StudentResult) as 平均分
from Result
group by StudentNo
having AVG(StudentResult)>=60
order by 平均分 desc
--课程编号 所有课程平均分
select subjectid,AVG(studentresult) as 平均分
from Result
where ExamDate>='2009-9-9' and ExamDate<'2009-9-10'
group by SubjectId
having AVG(StudentResult)>=60

select * from student
where Birthday>='2015-07-10' and Birthday<'2015-07-11'
select studentno,COUNT(1) as 次数
from Result
where StudentResult<60
group by StudentNo


posted @ 2015-11-04 15:34  那年秋天风在吹  阅读(255)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报