1.install nodejs

$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

Because of a conflict with another package, the executable from the Ubuntu repositories is called nodejs instead of node. Keep this in mind as you are running software.

2.install npm

$ sudo apt-get install npm

3.SecureCRT connect local virtual machine

install ssh

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server


$ netstat -nat | grep 22

close Firewall

$ sudo ufw disable

in SecureCRT 

(1)Quick Connect->Protocol choose "ssh2"->Hostname use ip address in virtual machine->click Connect

->enter username and password

(2)set encoding:

Options->Session Options->Terminal->Appearance->Character encoding-> choose "UTF-8"->OK

4.install git

$ sudo apt-get install git

5.install gollum

$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev make zlib1g-dev libicu-$ dev build-essential git
$ sudo gem install gollum


posted on 2016-03-16 14:38  翻页工  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报