几乎每天都会通过google去别的网站寻找东西,由于一些原因总有一些网页打不开,特别是遇到了仅有的几个包含想要的内容的页面的时候,焦虑的等待着进度条,在揣测是否需要找个代理去看. 现在好了,有个网站可以帮助我去检测这个网站为什么不能让我访问到: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com 阅读全文
scaffold is moved out of the core of ror since 2.0, just need to generate it. render_text is out of date in ror2.0 some usefull links: http://www.aptana.com/docs/index.php/Getting_started_r... 阅读全文
Summary of Useful Features in SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 will be coming out sometime this summer (in theory). At last week's TechFuse event in Minneapolis, and in blogs I sometimes read, I've st... 阅读全文