1: // First create an instance of the call stack
2: StackTrace callStack = new StackTrace();
4: // Next select the frame we want...
5: // 0 : current frame for the current method
6: // 1 : Frame that called the current method
7: // 2 : Frame that called the frame that called the current method
8: // 3 : ...you get the idea!
9: StackFrame frame = callStack.GetFrame(1);
11: // Using StackFrame.GetMethod(), which returns a
12: // MethodBase object, we can obtain detailed
13: // information about about a method
14: MethodBase method = frame.GetMethod();
16: // Get the declaring type and method names
17: string declaringType = method.DeclaringType.Name;
18: string methodName = method.Name;