oracle 共享服务器监控

1、   观察sga的使用情况

select * from v$sgastat where pool=’large pool’;

2、   观察调度程序是否充足:


select name,(busy*100)/(busy+idle) from v$dispatcher,如果高于50%则应该增加调度程度的个数。


select decode(sum(totalq),0,'No response',sum(wait)/sum(totalq)) as "average wait time"

from V$QUEUE q,v$dispatcher d

where q.type='DISPATCHER'

  and q.paddr=d.paddr

3、   确定是否有足够的共享服务器

--select paddr,type,queued,wait,totalq,decode(totalq,0,0,(wait/totalq)) "AVG WAIT" from v$queue;

select decode(wait,0,'No Request',totalq)"Wait Time",round(Wait/totalq,4) ||' hundredths of seconds' from v$queue WHERE type='COMMON'

posted @ 2019-07-01 13:03  樊伟胜  阅读(161)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报