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class IDispose
 /*Dispose, free memory*/
 virtual void Dispose() = 0;

CListener 去会维护一个这个接口的LIST,而CListenerAgent则会实现这个接口。









Description:This library allow programmer use event feature like C# with C++ language
 CEvent<CEventArgs> event;
 CEventArgs args;
 Observer* pO = new Observ er();  //Observer has a function : void Handler(CEventArgs)

 CListenerAgent<Observer, CEventArgs>* agent = new CListenerAgent<Observer, CEventArgs>(pO, &Observer::Handler);
 event += agent;
 event -= agent;

 ps:CEventArgs is a argument type which define the type of event, it can be any type;
 1.If the type would be a listener to subscribe some events on other type, it must inherit from CListener.
 2.The return type of handler function must be void.
 3.CListenerAgent should be create on heap(use new operator to create the instance)
 4.Programmer can't and never to delete CListenerAgent's instance, the life cycle is depend on CEvent and the relative observer's instance

 As one observer can subscribe on many different events, and one event can be subscribe from many different observer type, they are "N to N"
 relationship.So need a class to decompose the one relationship into 2 like "1 to N" and "N to 1", this class is named CListenerAgent.
 One observer can have multi CListenerAgent and one CEvent also can manage multi CListnerAgent.
 CListenerAgent's responsibility is to build a "1 to 1" bridge between observer and CEvent.

 Use interface to avoid the type-related, only the CListenerAgent need know the observer's concrete type in detail.
 ClistenerAgent decrease the coupling between subject and observer.
 User interface in internal to avoid type-related, So CEvent<ArgsT> only need know IListenerAgent<ArgsT> instead of CListenerAgent<ObserverT, ArgsT>.
 Since CEvent only need to fire the event which contain the ArgsT, it needn't know the type of observer.This relationship is in CListenerAgent.

#pragma once

#include <list>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


template<typename ArgsT>
class CEvent;

/*A sample arguments class*/
class CEventArgs
 void* _args;
 CEventArgs(void* args)
  _args = args;

 void* GetArgs()
  return _args;

  The responsibility of ICallback interface is to Dispose
class IDispose
 /*Dispose, free memory*/
 virtual void Dispose() = 0;

/*The responsibility of IListener interface is to add ICallback into
  CListener which implement this interface.*/
class IListener
 /*Add ICallback*/
 virtual void AddListenerCallback(IDispose* agent) = 0;
 /*When CListener is disposed, it will notify this event to all ICallback which has been added*/
 virtual void NotifyDispose() = 0;
 /*Remove the IDispose from list*/
 virtual void Remove(IDispose* agent) = 0;

  The responsibility of IListenerAgent is:
  1.When event has been fired, notify the listener to execute the event handler which has been subscribed
  2.When CListenerAgent is being subscribed on event, set the event instance
template<typename ArgsT>
class IListenerAgent : virtual public IDispose
 /*Fire the event*/
 virtual void Fire(ArgsT) = 0;
 /*Set the event instance*/
 virtual void SetEventCallback(CEvent<ArgsT>* pEvent) = 0;

  This class help Observer class to manage the CListenerAgent class which subscribe to CEvent
  Since CListener is inherited by user's observer class, so when initialize the CListenerAgent,
  CListenerAgent will call IListener->AddListenerCallback(this), to register itself to CListener.
  When CListener's destructor is called, it will notify all CListenerAgent that it managed to
  dispose themselves
  Note: User's observer class must inherit from this class if it want to be listenable.
class CListener : public IListener
 list<IDispose *> _agents;
 virtual ~CListener()



 /*Add ICallback(CListenerAgent) and manage them*/
 virtual void AddListenerCallback(IDispose* agent)
  if (agent != NULL)

 /*When destructor, notify all ICallback(CListenerAgent) to dispose themselves*/
 virtual void NotifyDispose()
  list<IDispose*>::iterator it, end;
  IDispose* temp;

  it = _agents.begin();
  end = _agents.end();

  for (it ; it != end ; )
   temp = *it;

 /*Remove the agent from list*/
 virtual void Remove(IDispose* agent)

  The core class.This class set up a link between CEvent and CListener.
  This class implement IListenerAgent<ArgsT> and ICallback
template<typename ObserverT, typename ArgsT>
class CListenerAgent : virtual public IListenerAgent<ArgsT>
 /*The type of observer's handler which is to handle the event when event arise*/
 typedef void (ObserverT::*ObserverDelegate)(ArgsT);

 /*Two function pointers*/
 ObserverDelegate _pObserverDelegate;

 /*CListenerAgent keep these pointer to keep the contact between CEvent and observer*/
 /*These two pointers point to the same memory area, of course, their value may not be equal.*/
 ObserverT* _pObserver;
 IListener* _pListener;

 /*This point to the event instance which subscribe on*/
 CEvent<ArgsT>* _pEvent;
 /*Default Constructor*/
  _pEvent = NULL;
  _pObserverDelegate = NULL;
  _pObserver = NULL;
 CListenerAgent(ObserverT* observer, ObserverDelegate d)
  _pObserver = observer;
  _pListener = (IListener*)_pObserver;
  _pObserverDelegate = d;
  _pEvent = NULL;

  /*Register itself to CListener,*/


 /*Destructor.Notify the CEvent to remove itself from the list*/
 virtual ~CListenerAgent()
  /*remove the agent from event*/
  if (_pEvent != NULL)
   (*_pEvent) -= ((IListenerAgent<ArgsT>*)this);
  /*remove the agent from listener*/
  if (_pListener != NULL)

 /*Notify the observer to handle the event*/
 virtual void Fire(ArgsT args)
  if (_pObserver != NULL)

 /*Keep the CEvent instance*/
 void SetEventCallback(CEvent<ArgsT>* pEvent)
  _pEvent = pEvent;

 virtual void Dispose()
  delete this;

  CEvent class has 3 responsibility:
  1.Provide the friendly operator like C#
  2.When event arise, notify all listeners
  3.When disposed, notify all CListenerAgent
template<typename ArgsT>
class CEvent
 /*Class member handler type, use IListenerAgent to complete the work*/
 typedef IListenerAgent<ArgsT>* Listener;
 /*Global or static handler type*/
 typedef void (*StaticListener)(ArgsT);

 /*Hold all class member handlers in a list*/
 list<Listener> _listeners;
 /*Hold all global or static handlers in a list*/
 list<StaticListener> _staticListeners;

 /*Default constructor*/

 /*Default destructor*/
 virtual ~CEvent()
  list<Listener>::iterator it, end;
  Listener temp;

  it = _listeners.begin();
  end = _listeners.end();

  for (it ; it != end ;)
   temp = *it;



 /*Subscribe class member listener*/
 void operator+=(const Listener listener)

 /*Subscribe global or static listener*/
 void operator+=(const StaticListener listener)

 /*Unsubscribe class member listener*/
 void operator-=(const Listener listener)

 /*Unsubscribe class member listener*/
 void operator-=(const StaticListener listener)

 /*Fire the event*/
 void operator()(ArgsT args)


 /*Unsubscribe the listener if be found in list*/
 void Unsubscribe(Listener listener)

 /*Unsubscribe the listener if be found in list*/
 void Unsubscribe(StaticListener listener)

 /*Fire the event*/
 void FireEvent(ArgsT args)
  list<Listener>::iterator it, end;

  it = _listeners.begin();
  end = _listeners.end();

  for (it ; it != end ; it++)

  list<StaticListener>::iterator it2, end2;

  it2 = _staticListeners.begin();
  end2 = _staticListeners.end();

  for (it2 ; it2 != end2 ; it2++)

 /*Subscribe the listener if not be found in list*/
 void Subscribe(Listener listener)
  if (listener != NULL)
   list<Listener>::iterator it, end;

   it = _listeners.begin();
   end = _listeners.end();

   for (it ; it != end ; it++)
    if ((*it) == listener)

 /*Subscribe the listener if not be found in list*/
 void Subscribe(StaticListener listener)
  if (listener != NULL)
   list<StaticListener>::iterator it, end;

   it = _staticListeners.begin();
   end = _staticListeners.end();
   for (it ; it != end ; it++)
    if ((*it) == listener)


posted on 2015-06-26 20:15  fansoul  阅读(262)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
