Client's Request :
     Processed in DataXceiver:
     | Common Header   | 1 byte OP == OP_READ_BLOCK |
     Processed in readBlock() :
     | 8 byte Block ID | 8 byte genstamp | 8 byte start offset | 8 byte length |
     |   vInt length   |  <DFSClient id> |
     Client sends optional response only at the end of receiving data.
  DataNode Response :
    In readBlock() :
    If there is an error while initializing BlockSender :
       | 2 byte OP_STATUS_ERROR    | and connection will be closed.
       | 2 byte OP_STATUS_SUCCESS  |
    Actual data, sent by BlockSender.sendBlock() :
      ChecksumHeader :
      | 1 byte CHECKSUM_TYPE | 4 byte BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM |
      Followed by actual data in the form of PACKETS:
      | Sequence of data PACKETs ....      |
    A "PACKET" is defined further below.
    The client reads data until it receives a packet with
    "LastPacketInBlock" set to true or with a zero length. If there is
    no checksum error, it replies to DataNode with OP_STATUS_CHECKSUM_OK:
    Client optional response at the end of data transmission :
      | 2 byte OP_STATUS_CHECKSUM_OK |
    PACKET : Contains a packet header, checksum and data. Amount of data
    ======== carried is set by BUFFER_SIZE.
      | 4 byte packet length (excluding packet header)      |
      | 8 byte offset in the block | 8 byte sequence number |
      | 1 byte isLastPacketInBlock                          |
      | 4 byte Length of actual data                        |
      | x byte checksum data. x is defined below            |
      | actual data ......                                  |
      x = (length of data + BYTE_PER_CHECKSUM - 1)/BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM *
      CHECKSUM_SIZE depends on CHECKSUM_TYPE (usually, 4 for CRC32)
      The above packet format is used while writing data to DFS also.
      Not all the fields might be used while reading.