@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface Async { /** * A qualifier value for the specified asynchronous operation(s). * <p>May be used to determine the target executor to be used when executing this * method, matching the qualifier value (or the bean name) of a specific * {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor Executor} or * {@link org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor TaskExecutor} * bean definition. * <p>When specified on a class level {@code @Async} annotation, indicates that the * given executor should be used for all methods within the class. Method level use * of {@code Async#value} always overrides any value set at the class level. * @since 3.1.2 */ String value() default ""; }
@Configuration public class AsyncConfig { private static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 50; private static final int CORE_POOL_SIZE = 20; @Bean("taskExecutor") public AsyncTaskExecutor taskExecutor() { ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); taskExecutor.setMaxPoolSize(MAX_POOL_SIZE); taskExecutor.setCorePoolSize(CORE_POOL_SIZE); taskExecutor.setThreadNamePrefix("async-task-thread-pool"); taskExecutor.initialize(); return taskExecutor; } }
@Service public class DeviceProcessServiceImpl implements DeviceProcessService { @Autowired private DeviceRpcService deviceRpcService; @Async("taskExecutor") @Override public Future<Map<Long, List<ProcessDTO>>> queryDeviceProcessAbilities(List<BindDeviceDO> bindDevices) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(bindDevices)) { return new AsyncResult<>(Maps.newHashMap()); } List<Long> deviceIds = bindDevices.stream().map(BindDeviceDO::getDeviceId).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<DeviceInstanceWithProcessResp> devices = deviceRpcService.getDeviceProcessAbility(deviceIds); Map<Long, List<ProcessDTO>> deviceAbilityMap = Maps.newHashMap(); ... return new AsyncResult<>(deviceAbilityMap); } }
private ProcessAbilityData asyncCollectProcessAbilities(List<BindDeviceDO> bindDevices, List<BindStaffDO> bindStaffs, String dccId) { // 返回值 Future<Map<Long, List<ProcessDTO>>> deviceProcessFutureResult = deviceProcessService .queryDeviceProcessAbilities(bindDevices); Future<Map<String, List<ProcessDTO>>> staffAbilityFutureResult = staffProcessService .queryStaffProcessAbilities(bindStaffs, dccId); Map<Long, List<ProcessDTO>> deviceAbilityMap; Map<String, List<ProcessDTO>> staffAbilityMap; try { deviceAbilityMap = deviceProcessFutureResult.get(); staffAbilityMap = staffAbilityFutureResult.get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { ... } return new ProcessAbilityData(deviceAbilityMap, staffAbilityMap); }