sqlserver行转列 pivot



PIVOT(<聚合函数>([聚合列值]) FOR [行转列前的列名] IN([行转列后的列名1],[行转列后的列名2],[行转列后的列名3],.......[行转列后的列名N]))





select distinct name from Table_CourseNum a
where exists(select 1 from Table_CourseNum where name=a.name and course='语文' and num>80)
and exists(select 1 from Table_CourseNum where name=a.name and course='数学' and num>80)
and exists(select 1 from Table_CourseNum where name=a.name and course='英语' and num>80)

2)第一种方法感觉比较偏,有想过用partition by分组排序函数

select * from
select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by Name order by num desc) cnt,* from Table_CourseNum where num>80
) a
where a.cnt=(select count(0) from (select distinct course from Table_CourseNum) t)
select * from
select name,count(0) cnt from Table_CourseNum where num>80 group by name
) a
where a.cnt>=(select count(0) from (select distinct course from Table_CourseNum) t)


select * from (
select * from Table_CourseNum
pivot(sum(num) for course in ([语文],[数学],[英语])) t
) a where 语文>80 and 数学>80 and 英语>80


posted @ 2020-11-02 18:36  户的博客  阅读(1686)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报