[Oracle Utility] Mystats Utility by Adrian Billington (www.oracle-developer.net)

Adrian Billington 在他的个人网站www.oracle-developer.net上给出了一个很有意思的小工具,Mystats Utility, 用来帮助我们查看某个操作消耗的系统资源。

下面是他的代码 (mystats_pkg), 其实也很简单,主要就是在待考察操作执行前后各采一个样(snapshot),然后比较这两个snapshot统计数据的差值,就可以得出待考察操作消耗的资源了。

Snapshot的数据主要来源于两个动态视图v$mystatv$latch (如下), 由于这两个视图统计数据是累计的,因此需要求出两个snapshot之间的差值才能得出某个操作带来的性能影响。

   1: select 'STAT..' || a.name
   2: ,      b.value
   3: from   v$statname a
   4: ,      v$mystat   b
   5: where  a.statistic# = b.statistic#
   6: union all
   7: select 'LATCH..' || name
   8: ,      gets 
   9: from   v$latch;


-- Adrian Billionton 的 Mystats Utility 代码,

   2: create package mystats_pkg authid current_user as
   4:    /*
   5:    || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   6:    ||
   7:    || Name:        MYSTATS_PKG
   8:    ||
   9:    || Description: PL/SQL-only version of Jonathan Lewis's SNAP_MY_STATS package.
  10:    ||              This package is used to output the resource usage as recorded 
  11:    ||              in V$MYSTAT and V$LATCH.
  12:    ||
  13:    ||              Key Differences
  14:    ||              ---------------
  15:    ||
  16:    ||                 a) All logic is encapsulated in a single PL/SQL package
  17:    ||                    (no stats view);
  18:    ||
  19:    ||                 b) This uses invoker rights and dynamic SQL to workaround
  20:    ||                    the sites where developers cannot get explicit grants
  21:    ||                    on the required V$ views, but instead have access via
  22:    ||                    roles or other privileges;
  23:    ||
  24:    ||                 c) This includes latch statistics and makes use of Tom
  25:    ||                    Kyte's RUNSTATS method for distinguising between stats
  26:    ||                    and latches;
  27:    ||
  28:    ||                 d) This requires at least version 9.2 to run because it
  29:    ||                    makes use of string-indexed and multi-level associative
  30:    ||                    arrays to store the intermediate stats.
  31:    ||
  32:    || Usage:       1. Output all statistics
  33:    ||              -------------------------------------------------------------
  34:    ||              exec mystats_pkg.ms_start;
  35:    ||              --<do some work>--
  36:    ||              exec mystats_pkg.ms_stop;
  37:    ||
  38:    ||              2. Output statistics with delta values >= 1,000
  39:    ||              -------------------------------------------------------------   
  40:    ||              exec mystats_pkg.ms_start;
  41:    ||              --<do some work>--
  42:    ||              exec mystats_pkg.ms_stop(1000);
  43:    ||
  44:    ||              See http://www.jlcomp.demon.co.uk/snapshot.html for original
  45:    ||              version.
  46:    ||
  47:    || Notes:       1. Serveroutput must be on (and set higher than default);
  48:    || 
  49:    ||              2. Jonathan Lewis recommends that calls to the snapshot package
  50:    ||                 are made independently to ensure all stats are recorded
  51:    ||                 between calls (see link above for more detail). 
  52:    ||              
  53:    || Adrian Billington, www.oracle-developer.net.
  54:    ||
  55:    || ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56:    */
  58:    procedure ms_start;
  60:    procedure ms_stop( p_threshold in integer default 0 );
  62: end mystats_pkg;
  63: /
  66: create package body mystats_pkg as
  68:    /*
  69:    || A range of (sub)types for capturing statistics information...
  70:    */
  71:    subtype st_statname is varchar2(80);
  72:    subtype st_output is varchar2(255);
  74:    type aat_statistic is table of integer
  75:       index by st_statname;
  77:    type aat_mystats is table of aat_statistic
  78:       index by pls_integer;
  80:    /*
  81:    || This is the "mystats array" to hold two snapshots...
  82:    */
  83:    ga_mystats aat_mystats;
  85:    /*
  86:    || Array offsets into the main mystats array, used to
  87:    || determine the start and end points of a run...
  88:    */
  89:    c_run1 constant pls_integer := 1;
  90:    c_run2 constant pls_integer := 2;
  92:    /*
  93:    || Globals for elapsed time calculation...
  94:    */
  95:    g_start_time date;
  96:    g_end_time   date;
  98:    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99:    procedure ms_snap( p_run     in pls_integer,
 100:                       p_mystats in out nocopy aat_mystats,
 101:                       p_time    in out date ) is
 103:       type rt_statistic is record
 104:       ( name  st_statname
 105:       , value integer );
 107:       rc_stat sys_refcursor;
 108:       r_stat  rt_statistic;
 110:    begin
 112:       p_time := sysdate;
 114:       /*
 115:       || Dynamic SQL (combined with invoker rights in the spec) works around
 116:       || the need to have explicit select granted on the referenced v$ views.
 117:       || Of course, we still need access granted via a role or other privilege
 118:       || but I've always been able to get the latter and rarely the former...
 119:       */
 120:       open rc_stat for 'select ''STAT..'' || a.name
 121:                         ,      b.value
 122:                         from   v$statname a
 123:                         ,      v$mystat   b
 124:                         where  a.statistic# = b.statistic#
 125:                         union all
 126:                         select ''LATCH.'' || name
 127:                         ,      gets 
 128:                         from   v$latch';
 129:       loop
 130:          fetch rc_stat into r_stat;
 131:          exit when rc_stat%notfound;
 132:          p_mystats(p_run)(r_stat.name) := r_stat.value;
 133:       end loop;
 134:       close rc_stat;
 135:    end ms_snap;
 137:    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 138:    procedure ms_report( p_threshold in pls_integer ) is
 140:       v_name    st_statname; --<-- offset for varchar2 associative arrays
 141:       v_indx    pls_integer; --<-- offset for pls_integer associative arrays
 142:       v_value   number;      --<-- snapshot value for a statistic
 144:       /*
 145:       || Downside of using associative arrays is that we have to sort
 146:       || the output. So here's a couple of types and a variable to enable us 
 147:       || to do that...
 148:       */
 149:       type aat_mystats_output is table of varchar2(255)
 150:          index by st_statname;
 151:       type aat_mystats_sorted is table of aat_mystats_output
 152:          index by pls_integer;
 153:       aa_mystats_sorted aat_mystats_sorted;
 155:       /*
 156:       || Procedure to add a statistic to the sorted mystats array...
 157:       */
 158:       procedure sort ( p_statname in st_statname,
 159:                        p_value    in number ) is
 160:          v_offset pls_integer;
 161:          v_output st_output;
 162:       begin
 163:          /*
 164:          || Workaround the offset limits of a PLS_INTEGER associative array...
 165:          */
 166:          v_offset := least(abs(p_value),2147483647);
 167:          v_output := rpad(p_statname,60) || lpad(to_char(p_value,'999,999,999,999'),18);
 168:          aa_mystats_sorted(v_offset)(p_statname) := v_output;
 169:       end sort;
 171:    begin
 173:       /*
 174:       || Output the elapsed snapshot time in seconds...
 175:       */
 176:       dbms_output.put_line(rpad('-',78,'-'));
 177:       dbms_output.put_line('Session statistics report : ' || 
 178:                               to_char(sysdate,'dd-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss'));
 179:       dbms_output.put_line('Snapshot interval         : ' ||
 180:                               to_char((g_end_time-g_start_time)*86400) || ' seconds');
 182:       /*
 183:       || Now sort the output according to difference. A fudge is that we have to sort
 184:       || it manually and also work around the offset limits of an associative array...
 185:       */
 186:       v_name := ga_mystats(c_run1).first;
 187:       while v_name is not null loop
 189:          /*
 190:          || Calculate the value of the current statistic...
 191:          */
 192:          v_value := ga_mystats(c_run2)(v_name) - ga_mystats(c_run1)(v_name);
 194:          /*
 195:          || If it's greater than the threshold, then output it. The downside of using
 196:          || purely associative arrays is that we don't have any easy way of sorting.
 197:          || So we have to do it ourselves...
 198:          */
 199:          if abs(v_value) >= p_threshold then
 200:             /*
 201:             || Fix for bug 1713403. If redo goes over 2Gb then it is reported as a negative
 202:             || number. Recommended workaround (prior to fix in 10g) is to use redo blocks written
 203:             || but this seems to be 0 in V$MYSTAT or V$SESSTAT. Output a bug message...
 204:             */
 205:             if v_name = 'STAT..redo size' and v_value < 0 then
 206:                sort('BUG...redo size > 2gb gives -ve value. Use redo blocks written',0);
 207:             else
 208:                sort(v_name, v_value);
 209:             end if;
 210:          end if;
 212:          /*
 213:          || Next statname please...
 214:          */
 215:          v_name := ga_mystats(c_run1).next(v_name);
 217:       end loop;
 219:       /*
 220:       || Now we can output the sorted snapshot...
 221:       */
 222:       dbms_output.put_line(chr(10));
 223:       dbms_output.put_line(rpad('Statistic Name',60) || lpad('Value',18));
 224:       dbms_output.put_line(rpad('-',60,'-') || '  ' || lpad('-',16,'-'));
 226:       v_indx := aa_mystats_sorted.first;
 227:       while v_indx is not null loop
 229:          v_name := aa_mystats_sorted(v_indx).first;
 230:          while v_name is not null loop
 231:             dbms_output.put_line( aa_mystats_sorted(v_indx)(v_name) );
 232:             v_name := aa_mystats_sorted(v_indx).next(v_name);
 233:          end loop;
 235:          v_indx := aa_mystats_sorted.next(v_indx);
 237:       end loop;
 239:    end ms_report;
 241:    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 242:    procedure ms_reset is
 243:    begin
 244:       ga_mystats.delete;
 245:       g_start_time := null;
 246:       g_end_time := null;
 247:    end ms_reset;
 249:    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 250:    procedure ms_start is
 251:    begin
 252:       ms_reset;
 253:       ms_snap(c_run1, ga_mystats, g_start_time);
 254:    end ms_start;
 256:    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 257:    procedure ms_stop( p_threshold in integer default 0 ) is
 258:    begin
 259:       if g_start_time is not null then
 260:          ms_snap(c_run2, ga_mystats, g_end_time);
 261:          ms_report(p_threshold);
 262:          ms_reset;
 263:       else
 264:          raise_application_error(
 265:             -20000, 'Error: must call ms_start before ms_stop.'
 266:             );
 267:       end if;
 268:    end ms_stop;
 270:    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 271: end mystats_pkg;
 272: /


这段代码中,我觉得有意思的是下面这个procedure,  主要是用来把最后的结果保存在一个集合中,用来最后打印出来。由于是把值作为索引,因此最后打印出来的时候按照这个索引从小到大输出,就实现了“排序”的效果!

   1: /*
   2:       || Procedure to add a statistic to the sorted mystats array...
   3:       */
   4:       procedure sort ( p_statname in st_statname,
   5:                        p_value    in number ) is
   6:          v_offset pls_integer;
   7:          v_output st_output;
   8:       begin
   9:          /*
  10:          || Workaround the offset limits of a PLS_INTEGER associative array...
  11:          */
  12:          v_offset := least(abs(p_value),2147483647);
  13:          v_output := rpad(p_statname,60) || lpad(to_char(p_value,'999,999,999,999'),18);
  14:          aa_mystats_sorted(v_offset)(p_statname) := v_output;
  15:       end sort;




   1: set serveroutput on size unlimited;
   3: exec MYSTATS_PKG.ms_start;
   5: BEGIN
   7: END;
   9: exec MYSTATS_PKG.ms_stop;



Session statistics report : 21-JAN-2010 22:00:04
Snapshot interval         : 26.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds
Statistic Name                                                           Value
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
LATCH.AQ Propagation Scheduling Proc Table                                   0
LATCH.AQ Propagation Scheduling System Load                                  0
LATCH.ASM Volume SGA latch                                                   0
LATCH.ASM Volume process latch                                               0
LATCH.ASM allocation                                                         0
LATCH.ASM attribute latch                                                    0
LATCH.ASM file allocation latch                                              0
LATCH.ASM file locked extent latch                                           0
LATCH.ASM map headers                                                        0
LATCH.ASM map load waiting list                                              0
LATCH.ASM map operation freelist                                             0
LATCH.ASM network SGA latch                                                  0
LATCH.ASM network background latch                                           0
LATCH.ASM rollback operations                                                0
LATCH.ASM scan context latch                                                 0
LATCH.AW SGA latch                                                           0
LATCH.AWR Alerted Metric Element list                                        0
LATCH.Block new check invariant rollback SCN latch                           0
LATCH.Bloom Filter SGA latch                                                 0
LATCH.Bloom filter list latch                                                0
LATCH.Change Notification Latch                                              0
LATCH.DMON Network Error List Latch                                          0
LATCH.DMON Work Queues Latch                                                 0
LATCH.EMON slave state object latch                                          0
LATCH.FAL request queue                                                      0
LATCH.FAL subheap alocation                                                  0
LATCH.FIB s.o chain latch                                                    0
LATCH.Fast-Start Failover State Latch                                        0
LATCH.File IO Stats segmented array latch                                    0
LATCH.JS broadcast LW Job latch                                              0
LATCH.JS broadcast add buf latch                                             0
LATCH.JS broadcast drop buf latch                                            0
LATCH.JS broadcast kill buf latch                                            0
LATCH.JS broadcast load blnc latch                                           0
LATCH.KFA SGA latch                                                          0
LATCH.KFC LRU latch                                                          0
LATCH.KFC SGA latch                                                          0
LATCH.KFCL BX Freelist                                                       0
LATCH.KFCL Instance Latch                                                    0
LATCH.KFK SGA Libload latch                                                  0
LATCH.KFM allocation                                                         0
LATCH.KFMD SGA                                                               0
LATCH.KJC destination ctx free list                                          0
LATCH.KJC global post event buffer                                           0
LATCH.KJC global resend message queue                                        0
LATCH.KJC receiver ctx free list                                             0
LATCH.KJC receiver queue access list                                         0
LATCH.KJC snd proxy ctx free list                                            0
LATCH.KJC snd proxy queue access list                                        0
LATCH.KJCT receiver queue access                                             0
LATCH.KKCN grp data latch                                                    0
LATCH.KKCN grp reg latch                                                     0
LATCH.KKCN reg stat latch                                                    0
LATCH.KMG resize request state object freelist                               0
LATCH.KPON ksr channel latch                                                 0
LATCH.KQF runtime table column alloc                                         0
LATCH.KSFQ                                                                   0
LATCH.KSXR large replies                                                     0
LATCH.KTF sga latch                                                          0
LATCH.KWQMN job cache list latch                                             0
LATCH.KWQMN to-be-Stopped Buffer list Latch                                  0
LATCH.KWQP Prop Status                                                       0
LATCH.KWQS pqsubs latch                                                      0
LATCH.LGWR NS Write                                                          0
LATCH.MQL Tracking Latch                                                     0
LATCH.Managed Standby Recovery State                                         0
LATCH.Media rcv so alloc latch                                               0
LATCH.Minimum flashback SCN latch                                            0
LATCH.NLS data objects                                                       0
LATCH.NSV command ID generation latch                                        0
LATCH.NSV creation/termination latch                                         0
LATCH.ODM-NFS:Global file structure                                          0
LATCH.OFS SGA Latch                                                          0
LATCH.OLS label cache                                                        0
LATCH.OS file lock latch                                                     0
LATCH.PC and Classifier lists for WLM                                        0
LATCH.Policy Hash Table Latch                                                0
LATCH.Policy Refresh Latch                                                   0
LATCH.QOL Name Generation Latch                                              0
LATCH.RSM process latch                                                      0
LATCH.Real time apply boundary                                               0
LATCH.Real-time plan statistics latch                                        0
LATCH.Request id generation latch                                            0
LATCH.Reserved Space Latch                                                   0
LATCH.Result Cache: Latch                                                    0
LATCH.Result Cache: SO Latch                                                 0
LATCH.Role grants to users                                                   0
LATCH.Role graph                                                             0
LATCH.SGA blob lock                                                          0
LATCH.SGA heap creation lock                                                 0
LATCH.SGA kcrrgap latch                                                      0
LATCH.SGA kcrrlac latch                                                      0
LATCH.SGA kcrrlatmscnl latch                                                 0
LATCH.SGA kcrrpinfo latch                                                    0
LATCH.SGA kcrrssncpl latch                                                   0
LATCH.SGA mapping latch                                                      0
LATCH.SGA pool creation lock                                                 0
LATCH.SGA slab metadata lock                                                 0
LATCH.SGA table lock                                                         0
LATCH.STREAMS LCR                                                            0
LATCH.STREAMS Pool Advisor                                                   0
LATCH.Sage HT Latch                                                          0
LATCH.Security Class Hashtable                                               0
LATCH.TXN SGA                                                                0
LATCH.Transportable DB Context Latch                                         0
LATCH.Undo Hint Latch                                                        0
LATCH.WCR: kecu cas mem                                                      0
LATCH.WCR: ticker cache                                                      0
LATCH.X$KSFQP                                                                0
LATCH.XDB Byte Lock SGA Latch                                                0
LATCH.XDB Config-1                                                           0
LATCH.XDB Config-2                                                           0
LATCH.XDB Config-3                                                           0
LATCH.XDB Mcache SGA Latch                                                   0
LATCH.XDB NFS Stateful SGA Latch                                             0
LATCH.XDB PL/SQL Support                                                     0
LATCH.XML DB Events                                                          0
LATCH.address list                                                           0
LATCH.alert log latch                                                        0
LATCH.begin backup scn array                                                 0
LATCH.block corruption recovery state                                        0
LATCH.block media rcv so alloc latch                                         0
LATCH.bq:time manger info latch                                              0
LATCH.buffer pin latch                                                       0
LATCH.bufq statistics                                                        0
LATCH.cache protection latch                                                 0
LATCH.cached attr list                                                       0
LATCH.change tracking consistent SCN                                         0
LATCH.change tracking optimization SCN                                       0
LATCH.change tracking state change latch                                     0
LATCH.channel anchor                                                         0
LATCH.connection pool sga data lock                                          0
LATCH.constraint object allocation                                           0
LATCH.corrupted undo seg lock                                                0
LATCH.cost function                                                          0
LATCH.cp cmon array latch                                                    0
LATCH.cp cso latch                                                           0
LATCH.cp holder latch                                                        0
LATCH.cp pool array latch                                                    0
LATCH.cp server array latch                                                  0
LATCH.datapump attach fixed tables latch                                     0
LATCH.datapump job fixed tables latch                                        0
LATCH.dbkea msgq latch                                                       0
LATCH.device information                                                     0
LATCH.dictionary lookup                                                      0
LATCH.direct msg latch                                                       0
LATCH.dispatcher info                                                        0
LATCH.domain validation update latch                                         0
LATCH.dynamic channels                                                       0
LATCH.end-point list                                                         0
LATCH.enqueue sob latch                                                      0
LATCH.error message lists                                                    0
LATCH.event range base latch                                                 0
LATCH.file cache latch                                                       0
LATCH.file deallocation SCN cache                                            0
LATCH.file number translation table                                          0
LATCH.first spare latch                                                      0
LATCH.fixed table rows for x$hs_session                                      0
LATCH.flashback FBA barrier                                                  0
LATCH.flashback SCN barrier                                                  0
LATCH.flashback hint SCN barrier                                             0
LATCH.flashback marker cache                                                 0
LATCH.flashback sync request                                                 0
LATCH.fourth spare latch                                                     0
LATCH.gc checkpoint                                                          0
LATCH.gcs domain validate latch                                              0
LATCH.gcs opaque info freelist                                               0
LATCH.gcs remaster request queue                                             0
LATCH.gcs remastering latch                                                  0
LATCH.gcs resource validate list                                             0
LATCH.generalized trace enabling latch                                       0
LATCH.ges caches resource lists                                              0
LATCH.ges deadlock list                                                      0
LATCH.ges process table freelist                                             0
LATCH.ges s-lock bitvec freelist                                             0
LATCH.ges statistic table                                                    0
LATCH.ges synchronous data                                                   0
LATCH.ges timeout list                                                       0
LATCH.global KZLD latch for mem in SGA                                       0
LATCH.global ctx hash table latch                                            0
LATCH.global hanganlyze operation                                            0
LATCH.hint flashback FBA barrier                                             0
LATCH.hot latch diags                                                        0
LATCH.i/o slave adaptor                                                      0
LATCH.image handles of buffered messages latch                               0
LATCH.instance enqueue                                                       0
LATCH.instance information                                                   0
LATCH.io pool granule list                                                   0
LATCH.job queue sob latch                                                    0
LATCH.k2q global data latch                                                  0
LATCH.kgb latch                                                              0
LATCH.kkae edition name cache                                                0
LATCH.kmcpvec latch                                                          0
LATCH.kpon job info latch                                                    0
LATCH.kpon sga structure                                                     0
LATCH.kpplsSyncStateListSga: lock                                            0
LATCH.krbmrosl                                                               0
LATCH.ksbxic instance latch                                                  0
LATCH.kse signature                                                          0
LATCH.ksfv subheap                                                           0
LATCH.ksim membership request latch                                          0
LATCH.ksir sga latch                                                         0
LATCH.kspoltest latch                                                        0
LATCH.kssmov protection latch                                                0
LATCH.ksupkttest latch                                                       0
LATCH.ksv instance latch                                                     0
LATCH.ksv remote inst ops                                                    0
LATCH.ksxp shared latch                                                      0
LATCH.ktm global data                                                        0
LATCH.kupp process latch                                                     0
LATCH.kwqbcco:cco                                                            0
LATCH.kwqbsgn:msghdr                                                         0
LATCH.kwqbsn:qsga                                                            0
LATCH.kwqbsn:qxl                                                             0
LATCH.kwqi:kchunk latch                                                      0
LATCH.lock new checkpoint scn during media recovery                          0
LATCH.logical standby view                                                   0
LATCH.managed standby latch                                                  0
LATCH.media recovery process out of buffers                                  0
LATCH.message enqueue sync latch                                             0
LATCH.multiple dbwriter suspend                                              0
LATCH.name-service entry                                                     0
LATCH.name-service memory objects                                            0
LATCH.name-service memory recovery                                           0
LATCH.name-service namespace objects                                         0
LATCH.name-service pending queue                                             0
LATCH.name-service request                                                   0
LATCH.name-service request queue                                             0
LATCH.parallel recoverable recovery                                          0
LATCH.parallel txn reco latch                                                0
LATCH.parameter list                                                         0
LATCH.pass worker exception to master                                        0
LATCH.pebof_rrv                                                              0
LATCH.ping redo on-disk SCN                                                  0
LATCH.policy information                                                     0
LATCH.presentation list                                                      0
LATCH.process                                                                0
LATCH.qm_init_sga                                                            0
LATCH.qmn state object latch                                                 0
LATCH.qmn task context latch                                                 0
LATCH.qmn task queue latch                                                   0
LATCH.qmne Export Table Latch                                                0
LATCH.qmtmrcsg_init                                                          0
LATCH.query server freelists                                                 0
LATCH.query server process                                                   0
LATCH.queue sender's info. latch                                             0
LATCH.queued dump request                                                    0
LATCH.readable standby influx scn                                            0
LATCH.readable standby metadata redo cache                                   0
LATCH.readredo stats and histogram                                           0
LATCH.recovery domain freelist                                               0
LATCH.redo on-disk SCN                                                       0
LATCH.reg$ timeout service time                                              0
LATCH.reid allocation latch                                                  0
LATCH.reservation so alloc latch                                             0
LATCH.resmgr:incr/decr stats                                                 0
LATCH.resmgr:vc list latch                                                   0
LATCH.resumable state object                                                 0
LATCH.rules engine aggregate statistics                                      0
LATCH.rules engine evaluation context statistics                             0
LATCH.rules engine rule set statistics                                       0
LATCH.rules engine rule statistics                                           0
LATCH.segmented array pool                                                   0
LATCH.server alert latch                                                     0
LATCH.shared server configuration                                            0
LATCH.shared server info                                                     0
LATCH.shrink stat allocation latch                                           0
LATCH.space background SGA latch                                             0
LATCH.space background state object latch                                    0
LATCH.spilled messages latch                                                 0
LATCH.state object free list                                                 0
LATCH.statistics aggregation                                                 0
LATCH.temp lob duration state obj allocation                                 0
LATCH.test excl. non-parent l0                                               0
LATCH.test excl. non-parent lmax                                             0
LATCH.test shared non-parent l0                                              0
LATCH.threshold alerts latch                                                 0
LATCH.trace latch                                                            0
LATCH.vecio buf des                                                          0
LATCH.virtual circuits                                                       0
LATCH.xscalc freelist                                                        0
LATCH.xssinfo freelist                                                       0
STAT..Batched IO (bound) vector count                                        0
STAT..Batched IO (full) vector count                                         0
STAT..Batched IO (space) vector count                                        0
STAT..Batched IO block miss count                                            0
STAT..Batched IO buffer defrag count                                         0
STAT..Batched IO double miss count                                           0
STAT..Batched IO same unit count                                             0
STAT..Batched IO single block count                                          0
STAT..Batched IO slow jump count                                             0
STAT..Batched IO vector block count                                          0
STAT..Batched IO vector read count                                           0
STAT..Batched IO zero block count                                            0
STAT..Block Cleanout Optim referenced                                        0
STAT..CCursor + sql area evicted                                             0
STAT..CR blocks created                                                      0
STAT..Cached Commit SCN referenced                                           0
STAT..Clusterwide global transactions                                        0
STAT..Clusterwide global transactions spanning RAC nodes                     0
STAT..Commit SCN cached                                                      0
STAT..DBWR checkpoint buffers written                                        0
STAT..DBWR checkpoints                                                       0
STAT..DBWR fusion writes                                                     0
STAT..DBWR lru scans                                                         0
STAT..DBWR object drop buffers written                                       0
STAT..DBWR parallel query checkpoint buffers written                         0
STAT..DBWR revisited being-written buffer                                    0
STAT..DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffers written                             0
STAT..DBWR thread checkpoint buffers written                                 0
STAT..DBWR transaction table writes                                          0
STAT..DBWR undo block writes                                                 0
STAT..DDL statements parallelized                                            0
STAT..DFO trees parallelized                                                 0
STAT..DML statements parallelized                                            0
STAT..DX/BB enqueue lock background get time                                 0
STAT..DX/BB enqueue lock background gets                                     0
STAT..DX/BB enqueue lock foreground requests                                 0
STAT..DX/BB enqueue lock foreground wait time                                0
STAT..Effective IO time                                                      0
STAT..Forwarded 2PC commands across RAC nodes                                0
STAT..GTX processes spawned by autotune                                      0
STAT..GTX processes stopped by autotune                                      0
STAT..HSC Compressed Segment Block Changes                                   0
STAT..HSC IDL Compressed Blocks                                              0
STAT..HSC OLTP Compressed Blocks                                             0
STAT..HSC OLTP Compression skipped rows                                      0
STAT..HSC OLTP Drop Column                                                   0
STAT..HSC OLTP Non Compressible Blocks                                       0
STAT..HSC OLTP Space Saving                                                  0
STAT..HSC OLTP compression block checked                                     0
STAT..HSC OLTP inline compression                                            0
STAT..HSC OLTP negative compression                                          0
STAT..HSC OLTP positive compression                                          0
STAT..HSC OLTP recursive compression                                         0
STAT..Heap Segment Array Updates                                             0
STAT..IMU CR rollbacks                                                       0
STAT..IMU Flushes                                                            0
STAT..IMU Redo allocation size                                               0
STAT..IMU bind flushes                                                       0
STAT..IMU commits                                                            0
STAT..IMU contention                                                         0
STAT..IMU ktichg flush                                                       0
STAT..IMU mbu flush                                                          0
STAT..IMU pool not allocated                                                 0
STAT..IMU recursive-transaction flush                                        0
STAT..IMU undo allocation size                                               0
STAT..IMU undo retention flush                                               0
STAT..IMU- failed to get a private strand                                    0
STAT..IPC CPU used by this session                                           0
STAT..LOB table id lookup cache misses                                       0
STAT..Misses for writing mapping                                             0
STAT..Number of read IOs issued                                              0
STAT..OTC commit optimization attempts                                       0
STAT..OTC commit optimization failure - setup                                0
STAT..OTC commit optimization hits                                           0
STAT..PX local messages recv'd                                               0
STAT..PX local messages sent                                                 0
STAT..PX remote messages recv'd                                              0
STAT..PX remote messages sent                                                0
STAT..Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct                             0
STAT..Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct                            0
STAT..Parallel operations downgraded 50 to 75 pct                            0
STAT..Parallel operations downgraded 75 to 99 pct                            0
STAT..Parallel operations downgraded to serial                               0
STAT..Parallel operations not downgraded                                     0
STAT..RowCR - resume                                                         0
STAT..RowCR - row contention                                                 0
STAT..RowCR attempts                                                         0
STAT..RowCR hits                                                             0
STAT..SMON posted for dropping temp segment                                  0
STAT..SMON posted for instance recovery                                      0
STAT..SMON posted for txn recovery for other instances                       0
STAT..SMON posted for undo segment recovery                                  0
STAT..SMON posted for undo segment shrink                                    0
STAT..SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink                                      0
STAT..TBS Extension: files extended                                          0
STAT..TBS Extension: tasks created                                           0
STAT..TBS Extension: tasks executed                                          0
STAT..Workload Capture: dbtime                                               0
STAT..Workload Capture: errors                                               0
STAT..Workload Capture: size (in bytes) of recording                         0
STAT..Workload Capture: unreplayable user calls                              0
STAT..Workload Capture: unsupported user calls                               0
STAT..Workload Capture: user calls                                           0
STAT..Workload Capture: user calls flushed                                   0
STAT..Workload Capture: user logins                                          0
STAT..Workload Capture: user txns                                            0
STAT..Workload Replay: dbtime                                                0
STAT..Workload Replay: deadlocks resolved                                    0
STAT..Workload Replay: network time                                          0
STAT..Workload Replay: think time                                            0
STAT..Workload Replay: time gain                                             0
STAT..Workload Replay: time loss                                             0
STAT..Workload Replay: user calls                                            0
STAT..application wait time                                                  0
STAT..auto extends on undo tablespace                                        0
STAT..background checkpoints completed                                       0
STAT..background checkpoints started                                         0
STAT..background timeouts                                                    0
STAT..blocks helped by sage commit cache                                     0
STAT..blocks sage cache can process                                          0
STAT..blocks sage data can process                                           0
STAT..blocks sage skipped due to chained rows                                0
STAT..blocks sage txn can process                                            0
STAT..branch node splits                                                     0
STAT..bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink                                 0
STAT..bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink                                       0
STAT..bytes via SQL*Net vector from client                                   0
STAT..bytes via SQL*Net vector from dblink                                   0
STAT..bytes via SQL*Net vector to client                                     0
STAT..bytes via SQL*Net vector to dblink                                     0
STAT..cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets                         0
STAT..cleanouts only - consistent read gets                                  0
STAT..cluster wait time                                                      0
STAT..cold recycle reads                                                     0
STAT..commit batch performed                                                 0
STAT..commit batch requested                                                 0
STAT..commit batch/immediate performed                                       0
STAT..commit batch/immediate requested                                       0
STAT..commit cleanout failures: block lost                                   0
STAT..commit cleanout failures: buffer being written                         0
STAT..commit cleanout failures: callback failure                             0
STAT..commit cleanout failures: cannot pin                                   0
STAT..commit cleanout failures: hot backup in progress                       0
STAT..commit cleanout failures: write disabled                               0
STAT..commit immediate performed                                             0
STAT..commit immediate requested                                             0
STAT..commit nowait performed                                                0
STAT..commit nowait requested                                                0
STAT..commit wait performed                                                  0
STAT..commit wait requested                                                  0
STAT..commit wait/nowait performed                                           0
STAT..commit wait/nowait requested                                           0
STAT..concurrency wait time                                                  0
STAT..consistent gets direct                                                 0
STAT..current blocks converted for CR                                        0
STAT..cursor authentications                                                 0
STAT..data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied                    0
STAT..db block gets direct                                                   0
STAT..db corrupt blocks detected                                             0
STAT..db corrupt blocks recovered                                            0
STAT..deferred CUR cleanouts (index blocks)                                  0
STAT..dirty buffers inspected                                                0
STAT..doubling up with imu segment                                           0
STAT..drop segment calls in space pressure                                   0
STAT..enqueue conversions                                                    0
STAT..enqueue deadlocks                                                      0
STAT..enqueue timeouts                                                       0
STAT..enqueue waits                                                          0
STAT..exchange deadlocks                                                     0
STAT..failed probes on index block reclamation                               0
STAT..flashback log writes                                                   0
STAT..frame signature mismatch                                               0
STAT..free buffer inspected                                                  0
STAT..gc CPU used by this session                                            0
STAT..gc blocks corrupt                                                      0
STAT..gc blocks lost                                                         0
STAT..gc claim blocks lost                                                   0
STAT..gc cr block build time                                                 0
STAT..gc cr block flush time                                                 0
STAT..gc cr block receive time                                               0
STAT..gc cr block send time                                                  0
STAT..gc cr blocks received                                                  0
STAT..gc cr blocks served                                                    0
STAT..gc current block flush time                                            0
STAT..gc current block pin time                                              0
STAT..gc current block receive time                                          0
STAT..gc current block send time                                             0
STAT..gc current blocks received                                             0
STAT..gc current blocks served                                               0
STAT..gc local grants                                                        0
STAT..gc reader bypass grants                                                0
STAT..gc remote grants                                                       0
STAT..gcs messages sent                                                      0
STAT..ges messages sent                                                      0
STAT..global enqueue CPU used by this session                                0
STAT..global enqueue get time                                                0
STAT..global enqueue gets async                                              0
STAT..global enqueue gets sync                                               0
STAT..global enqueue releases                                                0
STAT..global undo segment hints helped                                       0
STAT..global undo segment hints were stale                                   0
STAT..hot buffers moved to head of LRU                                       0
STAT..immediate (CR) block cleanout applications                             0
STAT..immediate CR cleanouts (index blocks)                                  0
STAT..index crx upgrade (found)                                              0
STAT..index crx upgrade (positioned)                                         0
STAT..index crx upgrade (prefetch)                                           0
STAT..index fast full scans (direct read)                                    0
STAT..index fast full scans (full)                                           0
STAT..index fast full scans (rowid ranges)                                   0
STAT..java call heap collected bytes                                         0
STAT..java call heap collected count                                         0
STAT..java call heap gc count                                                0
STAT..java call heap live object count                                       0
STAT..java call heap live object count max                                   0
STAT..java call heap live size                                               0
STAT..java call heap live size max                                           0
STAT..java call heap object count                                            0
STAT..java call heap object count max                                        0
STAT..java call heap total size                                              0
STAT..java call heap total size max                                          0
STAT..java call heap used size                                               0
STAT..java call heap used size max                                           0
STAT..java session heap collected bytes                                      0
STAT..java session heap collected count                                      0
STAT..java session heap gc count                                             0
STAT..java session heap live object count                                    0
STAT..java session heap live object count max                                0
STAT..java session heap live size                                            0
STAT..java session heap live size max                                        0
STAT..java session heap object count                                         0
STAT..java session heap object count max                                     0
STAT..java session heap used size                                            0
STAT..java session heap used size max                                        0
STAT..local undo segment hints helped                                        0
STAT..local undo segment hints were stale                                    0
STAT..logons cumulative                                                      0
STAT..logons current                                                         0
STAT..messages received                                                      0
STAT..native hash arithmetic execute                                         0
STAT..native hash arithmetic fail                                            0
STAT..no buffer to keep pinned count                                         0
STAT..number of map misses                                                   0
STAT..number of map operations                                               0
STAT..opened cursors current                                                 0
STAT..parse count (failures)                                                 0
STAT..parse count (hard)                                                     0
STAT..parse time cpu                                                         0
STAT..parse time elapsed                                                     0
STAT..physical read total multi block requests                               0
STAT..physical reads direct                                                  0
STAT..physical reads direct (lob)                                            0
STAT..physical reads direct temporary tablespace                             0
STAT..physical reads retry corrupt                                           0
STAT..physical write IO requests                                             0
STAT..physical write bytes                                                   0
STAT..physical write total IO requests                                       0
STAT..physical write total bytes                                             0
STAT..physical write total multi block requests                              0
STAT..physical writes                                                        0
STAT..physical writes direct                                                 0
STAT..physical writes direct (lob)                                           0
STAT..physical writes direct temporary tablespace                            0
STAT..physical writes from cache                                             0
STAT..physical writes non checkpoint                                         0
STAT..pinned buffers inspected                                               0
STAT..prefetch clients - 16k                                                 0
STAT..prefetch clients - 2k                                                  0
STAT..prefetch clients - 32k                                                 0
STAT..prefetch clients - 4k                                                  0
STAT..prefetch clients - 8k                                                  0
STAT..prefetch clients - default                                             0
STAT..prefetch clients - keep                                                0
STAT..prefetch clients - recycle                                             0
STAT..prefetch warmup blocks aged out before use                             0
STAT..prefetch warmup blocks flushed out before use                          0
STAT..prefetched blocks aged out before use                                  0
STAT..process last non-idle time                                             0
STAT..queries parallelized                                                   0
STAT..queue flush                                                            0
STAT..queue ocp pages                                                        0
STAT..queue position update                                                  0
STAT..queue qno pages                                                        0
STAT..queue single row                                                       0
STAT..queue splits                                                           0
STAT..queue update without cp update                                         0
STAT..recovery array read time                                               0
STAT..recovery array reads                                                   0
STAT..recovery block gets from cache                                         0
STAT..recovery blocks read                                                   0
STAT..recovery blocks read for lost write detection                          0
STAT..recovery blocks skipped lost write checks                              0
STAT..recursive aborts on index block reclamation                            0
STAT..redo blocks checksummed by FG (exclusive)                              0
STAT..redo blocks checksummed by LGWR                                        0
STAT..redo blocks read (memory)                                              0
STAT..redo blocks read (memory) by LNS                                       0
STAT..redo blocks read for recovery                                          0
STAT..redo blocks read total                                                 0
STAT..redo blocks read total by LNS                                          0
STAT..redo blocks written                                                    0
STAT..redo blocks written for direct writes                                  0
STAT..redo buffer allocation retries                                         0
STAT..redo entries for lost write detection                                  0
STAT..redo log space requests                                                0
STAT..redo log space wait time                                               0
STAT..redo size for lost write detection                                     0
STAT..redo synch time                                                        0
STAT..redo wastage                                                           0
STAT..redo write time                                                        0
STAT..redo writer latching time                                              0
STAT..redo writes                                                            0
STAT..rollback changes - undo records applied                                0
STAT..rollbacks only - consistent read gets                                  0
STAT..sage commit cache queries                                              0
STAT..sage scans                                                             0
STAT..securefile add dedupd lob to set                                       0
STAT..securefile allocation bytes                                            0
STAT..securefile allocation chunks                                           0
STAT..securefile bytes cleartext                                             0
STAT..securefile bytes deduplicated                                          0
STAT..securefile bytes encrypted                                             0
STAT..securefile bytes non-transformed                                       0
STAT..securefile compressed bytes                                            0
STAT..securefile create dedup set                                            0
STAT..securefile dedup callback oper final                                   0
STAT..securefile dedup flush too low                                         0
STAT..securefile dedup hash collision                                        0
STAT..securefile dedup prefix hash match                                     0
STAT..securefile destroy dedup set                                           0
STAT..securefile direct read bytes                                           0
STAT..securefile direct read ops                                             0
STAT..securefile direct write bytes                                          0
STAT..securefile direct write ops                                            0
STAT..securefile inode ioreap time                                           0
STAT..securefile inode read time                                             0
STAT..securefile inode write time                                            0
STAT..securefile number of flushes                                           0
STAT..securefile number of non-transformed flushes                           0
STAT..securefile reject deduplication                                        0
STAT..securefile rmv from dedup set                                          0
STAT..securefile uncompressed bytes                                          0
STAT..serializable aborts                                                    0
STAT..session connect time                                                   0
STAT..session cursor cache count                                             0
STAT..session pga memory max                                                 0
STAT..session stored procedure space                                         0
STAT..session uga memory                                                     0
STAT..session uga memory max                                                 0
STAT..shared hash latch upgrades - wait                                      0
STAT..shared io pool buffer get failure                                      0
STAT..shared io pool buffer get success                                      0
STAT..sorts (disk)                                                           0
STAT..space was found by tune down                                           0
STAT..space was not found by tune down                                       0
STAT..sql area evicted                                                       0
STAT..sql area purged                                                        0
STAT..steps of tune down ret. in space pressure                              0
STAT..summed dirty queue length                                              0
STAT..table fetch continued row                                              0
STAT..table lookup prefetch client count                                     0
STAT..table scans (cache partitions)                                         0
STAT..table scans (direct read)                                              0
STAT..table scans (long tables)                                              0
STAT..table scans (rowid ranges)                                             0
STAT..total bytes read and filtered by intelligent storage                   0
STAT..total bytes returned by intelligent storage after filt                 0
STAT..total number of slots                                                  0
STAT..total number of times SMON posted                                      0
STAT..total number of undo segments dropped                                  0
STAT..transaction lock background get time                                   0
STAT..transaction lock background gets                                       0
STAT..transaction lock foreground requests                                   0
STAT..transaction lock foreground wait time                                  0
STAT..transaction rollbacks                                                  0
STAT..transaction tables consistent read rollbacks                           0
STAT..transaction tables consistent reads - undo records app                 0
STAT..transactions found in sage commit cache                                0
STAT..tune down retentions in space pressure                                 0
STAT..undo segment header was pinned                                         0
STAT..user commits                                                           0
STAT..user rollbacks                                                         0
STAT..workarea executions - multipass                                        0
STAT..workarea executions - onepass                                          0
STAT..workarea memory allocated                                              0
STAT..write clones created for recovery                                      0
STAT..write clones created in background                                     0
STAT..write clones created in foreground                                     0
LATCH.ASM map operation hash table                                           1
LATCH.File State Object Pool Parent Latch                                    1
LATCH.IPC stats buffer allocation latch                                      1
LATCH.In memory undo latch                                                   1
LATCH.JOX JIT latch                                                          1
LATCH.JS Sh mem access                                                       1
LATCH.JS broadcast autostart latch                                           1
LATCH.KFC FX Hash Latch                                                      1
LATCH.KFC Hash Latch                                                         1
LATCH.KFCL LE Freelist                                                       1
LATCH.KFR redo allocation latch                                              1
LATCH.KGNFS-NFS:SHM structure                                                1
LATCH.KGNFS-NFS:SVR LIST                                                     1
LATCH.KJC message pool free list                                             1
LATCH.KJCT flow control latch                                                1
LATCH.Locator state objects pool parent latch                                1
LATCH.Memory Management Latch                                                1
LATCH.Memory Queue                                                           1
LATCH.Memory Queue Message Subscriber #1                                     1
LATCH.Memory Queue Message Subscriber #2                                     1
LATCH.Memory Queue Message Subscriber #3                                     1
LATCH.Memory Queue Message Subscriber #4                                     1
LATCH.Memory Queue Subscriber                                                1
LATCH.Mutex                                                                  1
LATCH.Mutex Stats                                                            1
LATCH.QMT                                                                    1
LATCH.SGA blob parent                                                        1
LATCH.SGA bucket locks                                                       1
LATCH.SGA heap locks                                                         1
LATCH.SGA pool locks                                                         1
LATCH.SQL memory manager latch                                               1
LATCH.Streams Generic                                                        1
LATCH.Testing                                                                1
LATCH.Token Manager                                                          1
LATCH.Write State Object Pool Parent Latch                                   1
LATCH.XDB NFS Security Latch                                                 1
LATCH.XDB unused session pool                                                1
LATCH.XDB used session pool                                                  1
LATCH.buffer pool                                                            1
LATCH.business card                                                          1
LATCH.cas latch                                                              1
LATCH.change notification client cache latch                                 1
LATCH.cp cmon/server latch                                                   1
LATCH.cp pool latch                                                          1
LATCH.cp server hash latch                                                   1
LATCH.cp sga latch                                                           1
LATCH.cv apply list lock                                                     1
LATCH.cv free list lock                                                      1
LATCH.deferred cleanup latch                                                 1
LATCH.dml lock allocation                                                    1
LATCH.done queue latch                                                       1
LATCH.fifth spare latch                                                      1
LATCH.flashback archiver latch                                               1
LATCH.flashback copy                                                         1
LATCH.gc element                                                             1
LATCH.gcs commit scn state                                                   1
LATCH.gcs partitioned table hash                                             1
LATCH.gcs pcm hashed value bucket hash                                       1
LATCH.gcs resource freelist                                                  1
LATCH.gcs resource hash                                                      1
LATCH.gcs resource scan list                                                 1
LATCH.gcs shadows freelist                                                   1
LATCH.ges domain table                                                       1
LATCH.ges enqueue table freelist                                             1
LATCH.ges group table                                                        1
LATCH.ges process hash list                                                  1
LATCH.ges process parent latch                                               1
LATCH.ges resource hash list                                                 1
LATCH.ges resource scan list                                                 1
LATCH.ges resource table freelist                                            1
LATCH.ges value block free list                                              1
LATCH.global tx hash mapping                                                 1
LATCH.granule operation                                                      1
LATCH.intra txn parallel recovery                                            1
LATCH.io pool granule metadata list                                          1
LATCH.job workq parent latch                                                 1
LATCH.k2q lock allocation                                                    1
LATCH.kdlx hb parent latch                                                   1
LATCH.kgb parent                                                             1
LATCH.ksfv messages                                                          1
LATCH.ksv msg queue latch                                                    1
LATCH.lob segment dispenser latch                                            1
LATCH.lob segment hash table latch                                           1
LATCH.lob segment query latch                                                1
LATCH.lock DBA buffer during media recovery                                  1
LATCH.logical standby cache                                                  1
LATCH.logminer context allocation                                            1
LATCH.logminer work area                                                     1
LATCH.mapped buffers lru chain                                               1
LATCH.msg queue latch                                                        1
LATCH.name-service namespace bucket                                          1
LATCH.ncodef allocation latch                                                1
LATCH.parallel query stats                                                   1
LATCH.peshm                                                                  1
LATCH.process queue                                                          1
LATCH.process queue reference                                                1
LATCH.recovery domain hash list                                              1
LATCH.redo copy                                                              1
LATCH.resmgr:actses change state                                             1
LATCH.rm cas latch                                                           1
LATCH.second spare latch                                                     1
LATCH.session queue latch                                                    1
LATCH.sim partition latch                                                    1
LATCH.tablespace key chain                                                   1
LATCH.test excl. parent l0                                                   1
LATCH.test excl. parent2 l0                                                  1
LATCH.third spare latch                                                      1
LATCH.virtual circuit buffers                                                1
LATCH.virtual circuit holder                                                 1
LATCH.virtual circuit queues                                                 1
STAT..active txn count during cleanout                                       1
STAT..cleanout - number of ktugct calls                                      1
STAT..commit txn count during cleanout                                       1
STAT..leaf node 90-10 splits                                                 1
STAT..leaf node splits                                                       1
STAT..redo synch writes                                                      1
LATCH.ksuosstats global area                                                 2
LATCH.loader state object freelist                                           2
LATCH.longop free list parent                                                2
LATCH.session switching                                                      2
LATCH.temporary table state object allocation                                2
STAT..SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client                                      2
LATCH.internal temp table object number allocation latch                     3
LATCH.kmcptab latch                                                          3
LATCH.post/wait queue                                                        3
LATCH.resmgr:resource group CPU method                                       3
LATCH.resmgr:schema config                                                   3
STAT..messages sent                                                          3
LATCH.SGA IO buffer pool latch                                               4
LATCH.flashback mapping                                                      4
STAT..Heap Segment Array Inserts                                             4
STAT..user calls                                                             4
LATCH.job_queue_processes parameter latch                                    5
LATCH.kss move lock                                                          5
LATCH.parallel query alloc buffer                                            5
STAT..calls to kcmgcs                                                        5
LATCH.database property service latch                                        6
LATCH.job_queue_processes free list latch                                    6
LATCH.pesom_heap_alloc                                                       6
STAT..change write time                                                      6
STAT..heap block compress                                                    6
LATCH.ksv class latch                                                        7
LATCH.sort extent pool                                                       7
LATCH.Event Group Locks                                                      8
LATCH.KMG MMAN ready and startup request latch                               8
LATCH.OS process: request allocation                                         8
LATCH.archive process latch                                                  8
LATCH.ksv allocation latch                                                   8
LATCH.ksz_so allocation latch                                                8
LATCH.process group creation                                                 8
LATCH.user lock                                                              8
LATCH.Change Notification Hash table latch                                   9
LATCH.compile environment latch                                              9
LATCH.session timer                                                          9
LATCH.shared pool sim alloc                                                  9
LATCH.transaction branch allocation                                          9
STAT..physical reads cache prefetch                                          9
STAT..physical reads prefetch warmup                                         9
LATCH.KWQS pqueue ctx latch                                                 10
STAT..immediate (CURRENT) block cleanout applications                       10
LATCH.Shared B-Tree                                                         11
LATCH.resmgr:free threads list                                              12
LATCH.active checkpoint queue latch                                         13
LATCH.dummy allocation                                                      13
STAT..shared hash latch upgrades - no wait                                  13
STAT..workarea executions - optimal                                         13
LATCH.JS mem alloc latch                                                    14
LATCH.JS slv state obj latch                                                14
LATCH.hash table modification latch                                         14
LATCH.parameter table management                                            14
LATCH.JS queue access latch                                                 15
LATCH.process allocation                                                    15
LATCH.resmgr:actses change group                                            15
STAT..deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applications                        15
STAT..lob reads                                                             15
STAT..switch current to new buffer                                          15
LATCH.message pool operations parent latch                                  16
LATCH.resmgr:method mem alloc latch                                         16
STAT..redo ordering marks                                                   16
LATCH.ASM db client latch                                                   17
STAT..physical reads for flashback new                                      17
STAT..sorts (memory)                                                        17
LATCH.PL/SQL warning settings                                               18
LATCH.channel handle pool latch                                             18
LATCH.list of block allocation                                              18
LATCH.archive control                                                       19
LATCH.space background task latch                                           19
LATCH.resmgr:active threads                                                 20
STAT..enqueue releases                                                      21
STAT..enqueue requests                                                      21
STAT..physical read IO requests                                             22
STAT..physical read total IO requests                                       22
STAT..table scans (short tables)                                            22
LATCH.FOB s.o list latch                                                    25
LATCH.cache table scan latch                                                26
STAT..redo subscn max counts                                                26
STAT..user I/O wait time                                                    26
LATCH.commit callback allocation                                            27
LATCH.session state list latch                                              27
LATCH.resmgr group change latch                                             28
STAT..commit cleanouts                                                      28
STAT..commit cleanouts successfully completed                               28
LATCH.JOX SGA heap latch                                                    30
STAT..physical reads                                                        31
STAT..physical reads cache                                                  31
STAT..calls to kcmgas                                                       36
LATCH.OS process allocation                                                 44
LATCH.OS process                                                            46
LATCH.object queue header heap                                              56
LATCH.session idle bit                                                      57
STAT..parse count (total)                                                   57
LATCH.Consistent RBA                                                        61
LATCH.client/application info                                               62
LATCH.sequence cache                                                        64
LATCH.lgwr LWN SCN                                                          65
LATCH.mostly latch-free SCN                                                 65
LATCH.hash table column usage latch                                         66
STAT..cluster key scans                                                     67
LATCH.kokc descriptor allocation latch                                      75
LATCH.object stats modification                                             77
STAT..cluster key scan block gets                                           79
LATCH.flashback allocation                                                  83
STAT..session cursor cache hits                                             83
LATCH.multiblock read objects                                               84
STAT..bytes sent via SQL*Net to client                                      99
LATCH.active service list                                                  108
STAT..execute count                                                        126
STAT..opened cursors cumulative                                            127
STAT..rows fetched via callback                                            140
LATCH.resmgr:plan CPU method                                               159
LATCH.cache buffer handles                                                 163
STAT..bytes received via SQL*Net from client                               196
LATCH.kks stats                                                            200
LATCH.resmgr:session queuing                                               201
LATCH.checkpoint queue latch                                               215
LATCH.redo writing                                                         218
LATCH.redo allocation                                                      219
LATCH.channel operations parent latch                                      220
LATCH.JS queue state obj latch                                             242
STAT..index scans kdiixs1                                                  274
STAT..table fetch by rowid                                                 286
LATCH.library cache load lock                                              367
LATCH.undo global data                                                     450
LATCH.messages                                                             467
STAT..free buffer requested                                                526
STAT..HSC Heap Segment Block Changes                                       529
STAT..db block gets from cache (fastpath)                                  545
STAT..buffer is pinned count                                               556
STAT..index fetch by key                                                   579
LATCH.pesom_free_list                                                      583
LATCH.pesom_hash_node                                                      583
LATCH.MinActiveScn Latch                                                   598
LATCH.SQL memory manager workarea list latch                               755
STAT..lob writes                                                           820
STAT..lob writes unaligned                                                 820
LATCH.enqueues                                                             885
STAT..redo entries                                                       1,087
STAT..consistent gets - examination                                      1,117
LATCH.cache buffers lru chain                                            1,192
STAT..recursive calls                                                    1,673
LATCH.enqueue hash chains                                                1,730
LATCH.object queue header operation                                      1,799
STAT..recursive cpu usage                                                2,060
STAT..CPU used by this session                                           2,077
STAT..CPU used when call started                                         2,077
STAT..DB time                                                            2,118
STAT..consistent changes                                                 2,251
STAT..buffer is not pinned count                                         2,893
LATCH.simulator lru latch                                                3,062
LATCH.simulator hash latch                                               3,143
STAT..calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss                                  3,282
STAT..calls to kcmgrs                                                    3,376
LATCH.shared pool simulator                                              3,490
STAT..table scan blocks gotten                                           4,418
STAT..db block changes                                                   4,428
STAT..no work - consistent read gets                                     6,807
STAT..consistent gets from cache (fastpath)                              7,914
STAT..db block gets                                                      8,100
STAT..db block gets from cache                                           8,100
STAT..consistent gets                                                    9,050
STAT..consistent gets from cache                                         9,050
LATCH.shared pool                                                       13,877
LATCH.transaction allocation                                            14,353
STAT..session logical reads                                             17,150
LATCH.session allocation                                                35,061
LATCH.row cache objects                                                 45,830
LATCH.cache buffers chains                                              60,213
LATCH.DML lock allocation                                               63,956
STAT..undo change vector size                                          118,384
STAT..physical read bytes                                              253,952
STAT..physical read total bytes                                        253,952
STAT..redo size                                                        314,008
STAT..session pga memory                                               589,824
STAT..table scan rows gotten                                         1,005,827
STAT..sorts (rows)                                                   1,010,979


个人觉得这个package有点不是很如意的就是最后的输出结果是按照statistics 值从小到大输出的(这也没办法,associative array是按照索引从小到大输出的),如果能“倒序“排列就更好了,因为我们肯定是关心哪个数据最大,而不是最小。


其实可以把procedure Sort稍微修改下,


       || Procedure to add a statistic to the sorted mystats array...
      procedure sort ( p_statname in st_statname,
                       p_value    in number ) is
         v_offset pls_integer;
         v_output st_output;
         || Workaround the offset limits of a PLS_INTEGER associative array...
         v_offset := -1 * least(abs(p_value),2147483647);
         v_output := rpad(p_statname,60) || lpad(to_char(p_value,'999,999,999,999'),18);
         aa_mystats_sorted(v_offset)(p_statname) := v_output;
      end sort;



Session statistics report : 21-JAN-2010 23:33:54
Snapshot interval         : 41.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 seconds 
Statistic Name                                                           Value
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
STAT..session pga memory                                             6,921,480
STAT..session pga memory max                                         6,921,480
STAT..session uga memory                                             1,113,068
STAT..session uga memory max                                         1,113,068
STAT..sorts (rows)                                                   1,011,217
STAT..table scan rows gotten                                         1,005,961
STAT..redo size                                                        331,660
STAT..physical read bytes                                              245,760
STAT..physical read total bytes                                        245,760
STAT..undo change vector size                                          126,888
LATCH.cache buffers chains                                              33,446
STAT..session logical reads                                             18,002
STAT..consistent gets                                                    9,874
STAT..consistent gets from cache                                         9,874
STAT..db block gets                                                      8,128
STAT..db block gets from cache                                           8,128
STAT..consistent gets from cache (fastpath)                              8,005
STAT..no work - consistent read gets                                     6,885
LATCH.session allocation                                                 4,471
STAT..db block changes                                                   4,455
STAT..table scan blocks gotten                                           4,411
LATCH.shared pool                                                        3,687
STAT..calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss                                  3,561
STAT..buffer is not pinned count                                         3,467
STAT..calls to kcmgrs                                                    3,364
STAT..recursive calls                                                    2,490
LATCH.row cache objects                                                  2,358
STAT..consistent changes                                                 2,258
STAT..DB time                                                            2,088
STAT..CPU used by this session                                           2,057
STAT..CPU used when call started                                         2,055
STAT..recursive cpu usage                                                2,040
STAT..consistent gets - examination                                      1,848
STAT..bytes received via SQL*Net from client                             1,229
LATCH.object queue header operation                                      1,145
STAT..redo entries                                                       1,097
posted @ 2010-01-21 23:37  FangwenYu  阅读(874)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报