Leetcode 之 Valid Triangle Number

611. Valid Triangle Number


Given an array consists of non-negative integers, your task is to count the number of triplets chosen from the array that can make triangles if we take them as side lengths of a triangle.

Example 1:

Input: [2,2,3,4]
Output: 3
Valid combinations are: 
2,3,4 (using the first 2)
2,3,4 (using the second 2)


    1. The length of the given array won't exceed 1000.
    2. The integers in the given array are in the range of [0, 1000].




//先对nums数组进行排序,如从大小三条边为 a,b,c,只需判断 a + b > c 成立与否 =》三条边能否构成三角形
Solution { public int triangleNumber(int[] nums) { Arrays.sort(nums); int l = nums.length; int count = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < l - 2 ; i++ ) { for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < l - 1 ; j++ ) { for ( int k = j + 1 ; k < l ; k++ ) { if ( nums[i] + nums[j] > nums[k]) { count++; } } } } return count; } }


//Solution2 二分查找
//时间复杂度O(N^2 * log(N)),空间复杂度O(log N)
Solution { public int triangleNumber(int[] nums) { Arrays.sort(nums); int l = nums.length; int count = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < l - 2 ; i++ ) { int k = i + 2; for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < l - 1 && nums[i] != 0 ; j++ ) { k = binarySearch(k,l - 1,nums,nums[i] + nums[j]); count += k - j - 1; } } return count; } public int binarySearch( int start , int end , int[] nums , int target ) { while ( start <= end ) { int mid = ( end - start ) / 2 + start; if ( nums[mid] < target ) { start = mid + 1; } else { end = mid - 1; } } return start; } }


//Solution3,时间复杂度O(N^2) ,空间复杂度O(lgN)
  • ime complexity : O(n2)O(n^2)O(n2​​). Loop of kkk and jjj will be executed O(n2)O(n^2)O(n2​​) times in total, because, we do not reinitialize the value of kkk for a new value of jjj chosen(for the same iii). Thus the complexity will be O(n^2+n^2)=O(n^2).

  • Space complexity : O(logn)O(logn)O(logn). Sorting takes O(logn) space.

class Solution {
    public int triangleNumber(int[] nums) {
        int l = nums.length;
        int count = 0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < l - 2 ; i++ ) {
            int k = i + 2;
            for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < l - 1 && nums[i] != 0 ; j++ ) {
                while ( k < l && (nums[i] + nums[j] > nums[k]) ) {
                count += k - j - 1;   
        return count;


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