1 package s1; 2 import java.io.BufferedReader; 3 import java.io.*; 4 import java.util.*; 5 6 //WordSearch class interface:solve word search puzzle 7 // 8 //COnstruction:with no initializer 9 //*****************public operations******************* 10 //int sovePuzzle() --->Print all words found in the puzzle ; 11 // return number of matchers 12 13 public class WordSearch { 14 public WordSearch() throws IOException 15 { 16 /*WordSearch类的构造函数*/ 17 puzzleStream=openFile("Enter puzzle file"); 18 wordStream =openFile("Enter dictionary name"); 19 System.out.println("Reading files....."); 20 readPuzzle(); 21 readWords(); 22 } 23 24 public int solvePuzzlew() 25 { 26 //从所有起点开始,搜索所有方向的solvePuzzle程序 27 /*routine to solve the word serach puzzle 28 * Performs checks in all eight directions 29 * @ return number of matchs */ 30 int matches =0; 31 32 for(int r=0; r<rows;r++) 33 for(int c=0;c<columns;c++) 34 for(int rd =-1;rd<=1;rd++) 35 for(int cd=-1;cd<=1;cd++) 36 if(rd!=0||cd!=0) 37 matches+=solveDirection(r,c,rd,cd); 38 return matches; 39 } 40 private int rows; 41 private int columns; 42 private char theBoard[][]; 43 private String [] theWords; 44 private BufferedReader puzzleStream; 45 private BufferedReader wordStream; 46 private BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 47 private static int prefixSearch(String [] a, String x) 48 { 49 int idx=Arrays.binarySearch(a, x); 50 if(idx<0) 51 return -idx-1; 52 else 53 return idx; 54 } 55 /*用于打开单词列表或者网格的openFile方法*/ 56 private BufferedReader openFile(String message) 57 { 58 String fileName=""; 59 FileReader theFile; 60 BufferedReader fileIn=null; 61 do 62 { 63 System.out.println(message+":"); 64 try 65 { 66 fileName=in.readLine(); 67 if(fileName==null) 68 System.exit(0); 69 theFile=new FileReader(fileName); 70 fileIn=new BufferedReader(theFile); 71 72 } 73 catch(IOException e) 74 { 75 System.err.println("Cannot open " +fileName); 76 } 77 } 78 while(fileIn==null); 79 System.out.println("Opened"+fileName); 80 return fileIn; 81 } 82 83 /* 84 * Routine to read the dictionary 85 * Error message is printed if dictionary is not sorted 86 * */ 87 /*用于读取单词列表的readWords()方法*/ 88 89 private void readWords () throws IOException 90 91 { 92 List<String>words=new ArrayList<String>(); 93 String lastWord=null; 94 String thisWord; 95 while((thisWord=wordStream.readLine())!=null) 96 { 97 if(lastWord!=null&&thisWord.compareTo(lastWord)<0) 98 { 99 System.err.println("Dictionary is not sorted ....skipping"); 100 continue; 101 } 102 words.add(thisWord); 103 lastWord=thisWord; 104 } 105 theWords=new String[words.size()]; 106 theWords=words.toArray(theWords); 107 108 } 109 110 //读取网格的readPuzzle方法 111 /* Routine to read the grids 112 * Check to ensure that the grid is rectangular 113 * Checks to make sure that capacity is not exceeded is omitted 114 * */ 115 private void readPuzzle() throws IOException 116 { 117 String oneLine; 118 List<String> puzzleLines=new ArrayList<String>(); 119 120 if((oneLine=puzzleStream.readLine())==null) 121 { 122 throw new IOException("No lines in puzzle file"); 123 124 columns=oneLine.length(); 125 puzzleLines.add(oneLine); 126 127 while((oneLine=puzzleStream.readLine())!=null) 128 { 129 if(oneLine.length()!=columns) 130 { 131 System.out.println("Puzzle is not rectangular;skipping row"); 132 } 133 else 134 { 135 puzzleLines.add(oneLine); 136 } 137 rows=puzzleLines.size(); 138 theBoard=new char[rows][columns]; 139 140 int r=0; 141 for(String theLine:puzzleLines) 142 { 143 theBoard[r++]=theLine.toCharArray(); 144 145 } 146 } 147 148 } 149 150 } 151 private int solveDirection(int baseRow, int baseCol, int rowDelta ,int colDelta) 152 { 153 /* 一个搜索的实现*/ 154 /* 155 * Search the grid form a starting point and direction 156 * @return number of matches*/ 157 158 String charSequence=""; 159 int numMatches=0; 160 int searchResult; 161 charSequence+=theBoard[baseRow][baseCol]; 162 for(int i=baseRow+rowDelta,j=baseCol+colDelta; 163 i>=0&&j>=0&&i<rows&&j<columns; 164 i+=rowDelta,j+=colDelta 165 ) 166 { 167 charSequence+=theBoard[i][j]; 168 searchResult=prefixSearch(theWords,charSequence); 169 170 if(searchResult==theWords.length) 171 break; 172 if(!theWords[searchResult].startsWith(charSequence)) 173 break; 174 if(theWords[searchResult].equals(charSequence)) 175 { 176 numMatches++; 177 System.out.println("Found"+charSequence+"at"+baseRow+""+baseCol+"to"+i+""+j); 178 } 179 } 180 return numMatches; 181 182 } 183 public static void main(String [] args) 184 { 185 WordSearch p=null; 186 try 187 { 188 p=new WordSearch(); 189 } 190 catch(IOException e) 191 { 192 System.out.println("IO Error"); 193 e.printStackTrace(); //输出标准异常 194 return; 195 } 196 System.out.println("Solving.........."); 197 p.solvePuzzlew(); 198 } 199 }