mac os 安装PIP 及异常“”Can't install python module: PyCharm Error: “byte-compiling is disabled, skipping”“”的解决方案

For all who have the same problem, it took me a while to find the solution in a new installation of PyCharm 5.

The problem is you have to change the default interpreter that brings PyCharm 5(2.6 default). It is different from your python version system and the IDE.

Windows or Linux File -> Settings -> Project Interpreter

Mac PyCharm -> Preferences -> Project Interpreter

Select your python --version and then you can install all the modules you need with

pip install ModuleName

I recommend also add all the PATHs

Preferences -> Tools ->Terminal ->Shell path : echo $PATH

posted on 2016-07-26 15:40  范兵  阅读(719)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
