OGG For Bigdata To Kafka同步问题处理
2018-12-17 16:02:01 ERROR OGG-15051 Java or JNI exception: oracle.goldengate.util.GGException: Error detected handling transaction commit event.
查看dirrpt下info log
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException: The message is 2885830 bytes when serialized which is larger than the maximum request size you have configured with the max.request.size configuration.
ERROR 2018-08-09 17:47:49,295 [main] A failure occurred sending a message to Kafka.
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException: The message is 2885838 bytes when serialized which is larger than the maximum request size you have configured with the max.request.size configuration.
WARN 2018-08-09 17:47:49,805 [main] Error sending event to listener kafkahandler, status: ABEND, event: Commit transaction
WARN 2018-08-09 17:47:49,809 [main] Factory (UserExitDataSourceFactory, instance #1) had not finished initialization before shutdown.
问题处理:在OGG安装目录下 ./dirprm/ 路径
vi custom_kafka_producer.properties
max.request.size = 5024000
send.buffer.bytes = 5024000