Install Chez scheme 9.5.3 on Windows 10 (32-bit) with MSYS2 and VS2017

Install Chez scheme 9.5.3 on Windows 10 (32-bit)

With MSYS2 and VS-2017

  • Now I am on a 32-bit Windows 10 OS.

  • (If git clone is slow, you may need to modify c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)

  • If it is slow still, use instead

git clone --depth 1

git pull
./configure --help ## Read --help and guess which one to pick: i3nt a6nt a6le ti3nt ta6osx
make distclean ## This is important for a successful make!
./configure -m=ti3nt ## t=thread i3=intel-32bit a6=amd-64bit nt=windows-nt le=linux

make clean
make install ## I encountered an error: "cp: cannot stat 'boot/ti3nt/kernel.o': No such file or directory"
find / -maxdepth 5 -name scheme  
ln -s `which scheme` /usr/bin/chez ## scheme-script .boot ...
ln -s `which scheme-script` /usr/bin/chez-script
cd /usr/lib/csv9.5.3/a6le/
ln -s scheme.boot chez.boot
ln -s scheme-script.boot chez-script.boot
chez --version ## 9.5.3
chez-script --version
chez ## ctrl+D
  • 编译后得到的主要文件如下:

    • csv953.dll
    • ln -s [SRC] [DES]
      • petite.exe scheme.exe->chez.exe
      • petite.boot scheme.boot->chez.boot
      • scheme-script.exe->chez-script.exe
  • Ok and end! 😃

posted @ 2020-03-13 11:30  Faiz-Lisp  阅读(317)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报