title: 【概率论】5-10:二维正态分布(The Bivariate Normal Distributions)
- Mathematic
- Probability
- The Bivariate Normal Distributions
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date: 2018-04-05 22:03:55
Abstract: 本文介绍第一个多变量连续分布——双变量正态分布(本篇内有未证明定理,需要后续要补充 )
Keywords: The Bivariate Normal Distributions
对于某些研究者,可能用正态分布来非常好的描述某个随机变量,那么如果我们有两个随机变量,都可以用正态分布描述,而且他们之间存在关系,这时候我们就可以用一个双变量正态分布来描述了这两个变量之间的关系,并且这个二维分布的边缘分布,还是这两个随机变量单变量的分布。5.6中 我们介绍了某些有正态分布的独立随机变量的线性组合还是正态分布。但是双变量正态分布(联合分布)可以是相关的。
Definition and Derivation of Bivariate Normal Distributions
Theorem Suppose that and are independent random variables,each of which has the standard normal distribution.Let ,and be constants such that , ,and . Define two new random variables and as follows:
The joint p.d.f. of and is
上面这个定理的证明需要定理3.9.5 ,而定理3.9.5是个选证题,也就是说会在我们后面的高级课程中进行证明,所以这个定理也就没法证明了,在证明了3.9.5 以后,我们会对此定理进行证明。
Theorem Suppose that and have the joint distribution whose p.d.f. is given by Eq.(5.10.2) Then there exist independent standard normal random variables and such that Eqs (5.10.1) hold .Also,the mean of is and the variance of is for .Furthermore the correlation between and is .Finally,the marginal distribution of is the normal distribution with mean and variance for
此定理的证明也需要 3.9.5 的结论,所以我们目前只做不严谨的推理,两个联合分布如5.10.2,那么他们中的一个随机变量的分布(也就是联合变量的边缘分布)就是一个正态分布。均值和方差可求。
Definition Bivariate Normal Distributions.When the joint p.d.f. of two random variables and is of the form in Eq(5.10.2),it is said that and have the bivariate normal distribution with mean and variance and ,and correlation
Properties of Bivariate Normal Distributions