
1.New Backgound

     贷款(lending,loan)是银行(bank)或其他金融机构按一定利率(interest rate)和必须归还等条件出借货币资金(monetary capital)的一种信用(credit)活动形式。银行通过贷款的方式将集中的货币或货币资金投放出去,在促进经济发展的同时,取得贷款利息收入(interest revenue),增加银行自身的积累。

2.Business Vocabulary

    credit 信贷

    profit 利润

    rate  利率

    enforce 强迫;实施;使某物生效

    commercial banks 商业银行

    deposit 存款;押金

    guarantee 担保;抵押品

3.Difficult Sentence

    People's Bank of China studies admit there is no agreement that who should oversee lending or how it should be supervised.


4.Listening Tips


       person-to-person lending 个人对个人借贷

       online lender 在线债权人

       at a higher rate of interest than banks collect高于银行利率

       seek deposits and offer loan guarantees寻求存款和提供贷款担保等

        saving accounts 储蓄账户

        money order汇款单

         balance 余款


         overdraw 透支

         cash the check  兑换支票

5.Extended Reading

      非法集资(illegal funds raising)是指单位或者个人未依照法定程序经有关部门批准,以特定方式向社会公众筹集资金,并承诺在一定期限内以货币,实物以及其他方式向出资人还本付息或给予回报的行为。非法集资的形式多样,隐蔽性和欺骗性强。

Business Talking


      Don't wait for customers to contact you .Phone them.


       Please have a seat.

       Just send me an email.


      Give us the menu.        Could we see the menu ,please?


        Come and see the new office when  you are in town.


posted @ 2015-10-31 10:38  Yaolina  Views(783)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报