python 多进程以及进程间manager通信实际应用场景
hello, 大家好,许久没有更新博客了,今天就工作中运用到一个实际场景给大家分享一下,也算是自己在python多进程方面的一个实际应用,希望能够给大家带来一点帮助同时也希望大佬能指点一下其中一点我的疑惑。
1 import paramiko 2 3 4 class SSHClient: 5 """ 6 ssh连接服务器并且执行命令,检查返回值 7 """ 8 9 def __init__(self, ip, port=22, username="tommy", password="tommy", timeout=3): 10 self.ip = ip 11 self.port = port 12 self.username = username 13 self.password = password 14 self.timeout = timeout 15 self.ssh = None 16 self.invoke_shells = None 17 18 def connect_board(self): 19 # 创建SSH对象 20 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() 21 # 允许连接不在know_hosts文件中的主机 22 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 23 self.ssh = ssh 24 while True: 25 try: 26 self.ssh.connect(hostname=self.ip, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, 27 timeout=self.timeout) 28 break 29 except Exception as e: 30 print(e) 31 continue 32 33 # 该方法可以用来实时接收终端吐出的日志 34 def get_invoke_shell(self): 35 self.invoke_shells = self.ssh.invoke_shell() 36 37 def send_normal_cmd(self, cmd): 38 """ 39 发送执行完可以释放终端的命令并且获取返回值 40 :param cmd: str such as ls -l、touch test 41 :return: command return value 42 """ 43 stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(cmd) 44 # 获取命令结果 45 res, err =, 46 result = res if res else err 47 # print(result.decode()) 48 try: 49 return result.decode() 50 except Exception as e: 51 print(e) 52 return [result] 53 54 def close_connection(self): 55 self.ssh.close()
1 import datetime 2 import os 3 4 5 def init_log_folder(): 6 # 获取到当天的日期用来创建文件 7 time_now = str(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").split(".")[0] 8 full_log = "all_log-" + time_now + ".log" 9 log_folder_name = "log" 10 current_file_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) 11 current_folder_path = os.path.dirname(current_file_path) 12 root_path = os.path.dirname(current_folder_path) 13 # 在该脚本文件所在的文件夹的同级目录创建一个名字为log的文件夹 14 log_folder_path = os.path.join(root_path, log_folder_name) 15 sub_folder = os.path.join(log_folder_path, time_now) 16 full_log_path = os.path.join(sub_folder, full_log) 17 18 # 不存在则创建 19 # 创建 log 文件夹 20 if os.path.exists(log_folder_path): 21 print("log file exist") 22 pass 23 else: 24 os.mkdir(log_folder_path) 25 # 创建子文件夹 26 if os.path.exists(sub_folder): 27 print("file exist") 28 pass 29 else: 30 os.mkdir(sub_folder) 31 with open(full_log_path, "a") as f: 32 f.write(" ") 33 return full_log_path
现在到了需要分别接收数据并且过滤数据进行展示的环节了,首先考虑到的是采用多进程,使用manager进行数据间的通信,考虑到保存的日志文件到一定大小需要重定向,因此使用到了 manager.dict()和manager.list()两种数据结构,进行数据展示的考虑到了字典结构,因为其需要不同服务的相同参数,考虑到实时修改以及存取处理,采用二级字典结构进行存储(这也出现了一点小插曲(可能的解释是深浅拷贝,但是不确定)),就是多进程间直接修改字典中的字典中的值不生效,想要修改只能生成一个临时字典,然后覆盖字典里面key对应的字典,
default_data = { "service1": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, "service2": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, "service3": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, "service4": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, "service5": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, }
比如想要修改default_data["service5"]["cpu_slice"] = 50 在另一个进程中读取的时候就不会生效,想要生效只能这样做 default_data["service5"] = {"cpu_slice": 50, "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}
1 import re 2 import time 3 4 5 def write_log_content(file_path, origin_content): 6 with open(file_path, "a") as f: 7 current_time = time.ctime() 8 f.write(current_time + origin_content) 9 10 11 def demo_single_pic(storage_dict, file_list_info): # 生成一个图标 12 # 常量 13 ssh = SSHClient('ip', username='tommy', password='') 14 ssh.connect_board() 15 ssh.get_invoke_shell() 16 17 ssh.invoke_shells.send( 18 "cmd\n") 19 print("send 1 ok") 20 while 1: 21 # 以提取一种数据格式为例 22 content = ssh.invoke_shells.recv(2048).decode('ascii') 23 if content: 24 write_log_content(file_list_info[-1], content) 25 # first type of log 26 try: 27 p = re.compile( 28 r'service\s+\[(?P<service_num>\d+).*?cpu_slice.*?(?P<cpu_slice>\d+)') 29 m = 30 service_num, cpu_slice = int('service_num')),"cpu_slice") 31 32 if storage_dict.get(service_num): 33 tmp_dict = storage_dict[service_num] 34 tmp_dict["cpu_slice"] = cpu_slice 35 storage_dict[service_num] = tmp_dict 36 continue 37 except Exception: 38 pass 39 # second type of log 40 else: 41 continue
其中 第一个参数正是上面的那个default_data、第二个参数就是用来传入写入日志的文件名的
1 import datetime 2 import os 3 import time 4 5 6 def get_log_content(info_dict, file_list): 7 while 1: 8 print(info_dict) 9 time.sleep(1) 10 if os.path.exists(file_list[-1]): 11 if os.path.getsize(file_list[-1]) / 1024 / 1024 > 200: 12 new_file_name = file_list[-1].split('all_log-')[0] 13 time_now = str(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").split(".")[0] 14 full_log = new_file_name + 'all_log-' + time_now + ".log" 15 file_list.append(full_log) 16 file_list.pop(0) 17 else: 18 continue
1 if __name__ == '__main__': 2 manager = multiprocessing.Manager() 3 dict_info = manager.dict() 4 file_list_info = manager.list() 5 # TSC = 850461282707, BufferLen = 0, numExposures = 2, expTimeValid = 1, gainValid = 1 6 dict_info.update({ 7 "service1": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, 8 "service2": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, 9 "service3": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, 10 "service4": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, 11 "service5": {"cpu_slice": "空", "mem_usage": "空", "proc_req": "空", "response_time": "空"}, 12 }) 13 # 初始化日志文件 14 sub_folder_all_log_path = init_log_folder() 15 file_list_info.append(sub_folder_all_log_path) 16 p = Process(target=demo_single_pic, args=(dict_info, file_list_info,)) 17 p1 = Process(target=get_log_content, args=(dict_info, file_list_info,)) 18 p.daemon = True 19 p1.daemon = True 20 jobs = [p1, p] 21 for job in jobs: 22 job.start() 23 for job in jobs: 24 job.join() 25 ...