Exact algorithms for electric vehicle-routing problems with time windows(EVRPTW+四种变式,包括PR)



(1) 当前方法




we consider four variants of the electric vehicle-routing problem with time windows:


(i) at most a single recharge per route is allowed, and batteries are fully recharged on visit of a recharging station,

(ii) multiple recharges per route, full recharges only,

(iii) at most a single recharge per route, and partial battery recharges are possible

(iv) multiple, partial recharges.


For each variant, we present exact branch-price-and-cut algorithms that rely on customized mono-directional and bi-directional labeling algorithms for generating feasible vehicle rout




posted @ 2019-09-28 23:10  一叶之秋Kimi  阅读(390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报